مركز المساعدة

Sportsbook Rules

Last updated: 05/03/2024

1. عام

1.1. تنطبق هذه الشروط والأحكام عند استخدام منصة كتيب الرياضات للرهانات. عند وضع الرهان، يقبل صاحب الحساب تلقائيًا شروط قواعد كتيب الرياضات الحالية ويوافق عليها بالكامل. يؤكد صاحب الحساب أنه في وقت الرهان، قد بلغ سن الرشد، وهو العمر المسموح به للرهانات وفقًا لقوانين الولاية القضائية التي يتواجد فيها. جميع المعلومات التي يقدمها اللاعب خلال عملية التسجيل على موقع كتيب الرياضات محدثة ودقيقة؛ كما أن اللاعب يفهم أن هناك خطر فقدان المال عند القيام بالرهانات وأنه لا يمكن تقديم أي مطالبات إلى كتيب الرياضات بشأن الخسائر.

1.2. يحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق، دون إشعار شخصي مسبق، في إجراء أي تغييرات أو إضافات على القواعد واللوائح وإجراءات الدفع المذكورة هنا، بالإضافة إلى حدود الدفع والرهانات. ومع ذلك، تظل شروط الرهانات التي تم إجراؤها مسبقًا دون تغيير، وتخضع جميع الرهانات اللاحقة للقواعد المعدلة.

1.3. بقبول الشروط والتسجيل على الموقع الإلكتروني، فإنك توافق على أن كتيب الرياضات له الحق في إجراء أي تحقق من الهوية، الائتمان والتحقق الآخر (التحقق بالفيديو) من وقت لآخر حسب الحاجة ووفقًا للقوانين واللوائح المعمول بها أو كما تطلبه الجهات التنظيمية المعنية. توافق على تقديم المعلومات المطلوبة فيما يتعلق بهذه الفحوصات. نحتفظ بالحق في تعليق حسابك أو تقييد الوصول إليه بأي شكل معقول حتى تكتمل الفحوصات المناسبة وفقًا لرضائنا. يتم تحديد شروط هذه الفحوصات بواسطة كتيب الرياضات على أساس فردي، ولكن لا تتجاوز 30 يومًا للتحقق من مستندات اللاعب و180 يومًا للتحقق من رهانات اللاعب.

1.4. نحتفظ بالحق في طلب مصدر أموالك. لهذا الغرض، يجب على اللاعب تقديم معلومات ووثائق إضافية تؤكد أن لديك أموالاً كافية للرهانات (راتب، مؤكد بواسطة بيانات البنك أو مكان العمل الذي يحدد المنصب الذي تشغله).

1.5. في حال وجود علامات على وجود أعمال احتيالية مختلفة تتعلق بالرهانات، استلام الجوائز وسحب الأموال من الحساب الشخصي، تقديم مستندات مزورة، ارتكاب أفعال باسم العميل من قبل طرف ثالث باستخدام تسجيل وبيانات شخصية للاعب المحدد، يحق لكتيب الرياضات إيقاف هذه الأفعال بقواه الخاصة - من خلال التواصل والاتفاق مع اللاعب لإجراء التحقق بالفيديو (حتى يتم إتمام هذه العملية، يتم حظر حساب اللاعب)، وكذلك عن طريق الاتصال بالسلطات المختصة بشأن وقوع الفعل.
في الوقت نفسه، ليس من الضروري على كتيب الرياضات إثبات ذنب اللاعب في الحالات المذكورة من خلال تقديم أدلة للعملاء.

1.6. بعد الاتفاق مع اللاعب على توقيت التحقق بالفيديو، يتم تعيين موعد لمكالمة فيديو مع موظف من كتيب الرياضات (سكايب). يتم التحقق بالفيديو باللغة الإنجليزية (إذا لم يكن اللاعب على دراية بها، يجب عليه توفير مترجم من جانبه). خلال مكالمة الفيديو، يجب أن يكون اللاعب موجودًا في غرفة مغلقة بمفرده (باستثناء وجود مترجم)، ويحظر على اللاعب ارتداء واستخدام مختلف الإكسسوارات والملابس التي قد تعيق تحديد هوية اللاعب.
خلال التحقق بالفيديو، سيتم طرح عدد من الأسئلة على اللاعب لتأكيد صحة المستندات المقدمة سابقًا، بالإضافة إلى أسئلة قد تسمح بتحديد انتهاك لقواعد كتيب الرياضات.
وفقًا لنتائج التحقق بالفيديو، قد يقرر كتيب الرياضات إلغاء جميع رهانات اللاعب، بما في ذلك سحب جميع الودائع المقدمة كتعويض عن تنفيذ الأفعال الاحتيالية، بالإضافة إلى حظر الحساب لاحقًا. أي قرار يتم اتخاذه يكون نهائيًا.

1.7. نحتفظ بالحق في إجراء مكالمة هاتفية إلى الرقم المقدم في حسابك، والذي يمكن حسب تقديرنا أن يكون جزءًا ضروريًا من إجراء KYC. حتى يتم التحقق الكامل من الحساب، لن يتم معالجة أي سحوبات. في حال كان الرقم المقدم غير صحيح أو مفقود أو زائف أو لم يرد اللاعب على المكالمة الهاتفية، نحتفظ بالحق في مصادرة أرباحك و/أو تعطيل حساب المستخدم الخاص بك. سنبذل جهودًا معقولة لمحاولة الاتصال بك بشأن سحب الأموال، ولكن إذا لم نتمكن من الوصول إليك (عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف) خلال أسبوعين (2)، سيتم الاحتفاظ بالأموال من قبل الشركة، حيث أنك لم تقم بتمرير إجراء KYC. بعد هذه الفترة (أسبوعين)، لا يتم قبول أي مطالبات من اللاعب.

1.8. إذا رفض اللاعب الخضوع لإجراء التحقق (التحقق بالفيديو)، يحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في إعلان جميع الرهانات غير صالحة.
يعتبر رفض اللاعب للتحقق بمثابة رفض مكتوب مباشر، وكذلك غياب كامل أو جزئي من إجراءات اللاعب للامتثال لمتطلبات كتيب الرياضات بشأن إجراء التحقق خلال 2 أسبوعًا (بدءًا من أول رسالة أرسلت إلى اللاعب حول الحاجة إلى الخضوع للتحقق / التحقق بالفيديو).

1.9. يُحظر على اللاعب المسجل إعادة التسجيل كلاعب جديد، بما في ذلك باستخدام بيانات تسجيل أخرى. يسمح بإعادة التسجيل فقط بعد الاتفاق مع كتيب الرياضات. يُحظر على اللاعبين تقديم الحساب الشخصي للاعب إلى أطراف ثالثة لاستخدامه، إجراء أي عمليات فيه، استخدام بطاقات البنك أو تفاصيل الدفع الخاصة بشخص آخر لإيداع/سحب الأموال، بالإضافة إلى تحويل الأموال من حسابات الآخرين في أنظمة الدفع الإلكترونية والمحافظ الإلكترونية.

1.10. يحظر كتيب الرياضات على اثنين أو أكثر من اللاعبين وضع رهانات من نفس عنوان IP، نفس الكمبيوتر، أو من نفس الشبكة المحلية، لتجنب الشكوك في التواطؤ (تعدد الحسابات). يحق لكتيب الرياضات حظر حسابات هؤلاء اللاعبين مع إلغاء جميع الرهانات على الحسابات المرتبطة.

1.11. نبذل قصارى جهدنا لضمان أن يكون محتوى الموقع الإلكتروني صحيحًا ولكن جميع المعلومات حول تقدم الأحداث الحالية هي لأغراض معلوماتية فقط. لا يتحمل كتيب الرياضات أي مسؤولية عن الأخطاء. نوصي دائمًا باستخدام مصادر بديلة للمعلومات.

1.12. النسخة الإنجليزية من قواعد كتيب الرياضات لها الأسبقية على جميع النسخ الأخرى، والإصدارات والترجمات. في حالة حدوث نزاع بشأن محتوى أو تفسير قواعد كتيب الرياضات، أو في حالة وجود تناقض أو عدم تطابق بين النسخة الإنجليزية وأي نسخة أخرى من قواعد كتيب الرياضات، تكون النسخة الإنجليزية هي السائدة.

1.13. إذا كان هناك بعض القضايا غير خاضعة لهذه القواعد، يحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في اتخاذ القرار بشكل فردي وبناءً على مبادئ الإنصاف.

1.14. يظهر الفريق المحلي أولاً والفريق الضيف ثانياً، ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك.
في بعض الدوريات الأمريكية، يتم ترتيب الفرق حسب الترتيب المباشر (الفريق المحلي - الفريق الضيف)، وأيضًا حسب الترتيب العكسي. في حالة الترتيب العكسي، لا يتم تقديم استرداد على الرهانات.

1.15. كتيب الرياضات غير مسؤول بأي شكل من الأشكال عن الأخطاء في إدخال، نقل، عرض، نشر، رهانات أو معلومات عن الاحتمالات. إذا تم قبول أي رهان عن طريق الخطأ، يحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في إلغائه - إذا كان هناك أخطاء واضحة تتعلق بالاحتمالات أو النتائج، مثل عرض خاطئ للاحتمالات، الفرق المشاركة، النتائج، صيغة المباراة، إلخ. في حالة الأسواق المحسوبة بشكل غير صحيح، نحتفظ بالحق في تصحيحها في أي وقت.

1.16. الروابط إلى مواقع أخرى مقدمة لأغراض المعلومات فقط، وكتيب الرياضات غير مسؤول عن محتواها ويستخدمها اللاعبون على مسؤوليتهم الخاصة.

1.20 الشروط والتعريفات الأساسية

1.20.1. الخط - قائمة بالأحداث المقترحة مع احتمالات الأرباح المحتملة المقدمة من كتيب الرياضات.

1.20.2. اللاعب (العميل) هو فرد قام بوضع رهان مع كتيب الرياضات.

1.20.3. الرهان هو اتفاق يدخل فيه العميل مع كتيب الرياضات، وفقًا لشروطه يجب على الخاسر الوفاء بالتزاماته. يتكون من قبول الرهانات من المراهنين على الشروط المقدمة من كتيب الرياضات في الخط.

1.20.4. الرهان هو اختيار اللاعب لنتيجة في السوق، مؤكدة بإيداع الأموال التي تشكل شرطًا للرهان.

1.20.5. النتيجة هي موقف فردي في السوق يمكن وضع رهان عليه.

1.20.6. العائد الفائز هو الرقم الذي يتم ضرب مبلغ الرهان به أثناء تسوية الدفع.

1.20.7. النتيجة هي نتيجة الحدث (النتيجة) الذي تم وضع رهان عليه.

1.20.8. سيتم تسوية جميع التذاكر وفقًا للعوائد المعروضة عند وضع الرهان.


2.1. يُعتبر الرهان ساريًا من لحظة تسجيله وفقًا للشروط التي تحددها هذه القواعد. بعد أن ينقر المراهن على "وضع رهان" في قسيمة الرهان وتظهر نافذة بها الرسالة "تم قبول الرهان"، يُعتبر الرهان قد تم. إذا لم تظهر هذه الرسالة، يجب على العميل التحقق من تاريخ الرهانات الخاص به أو الاتصال بالدعم للحصول على توضيح.

2.2. بعد إجراء إيداع في الحساب، من الضروري وضعه 3 (ثلاث) مرات (مراهنة x3)، ما لم يُحدد خلاف ذلك. تُؤخذ فقط الرهانات المقبولة والمحسوبة (فوز أو خسارة) في المراهنة على الإيداع بعين الاعتبار (الرهانات الملغاة وتلك التي تم استردادها لا تُحتسب أيضًا للمراهنة). إذا رفض اللاعب المراهنة على الإيداع، تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في رفض السحب.

2.3. إذا تغيرت العوائد في وقت وضع الرهان، سيتلقى اللاعب إشعارًا في قسيمة الرهان. قد لا يقبل النظام الرهان حتى يوافق اللاعب على العوائد المتغيرة. يمكن للاعب تشغيل خيار "قبول تغيير العوائد" بحيث يتم قبول الرهان على الفور دون تأكيد العوائد المتغيرة.

2.4. قد يتم قبول التذاكر قبل المباراة قبل الوقت المحدد، وقد لا يكون هذا الوقت مرتبطًا ببدء الحدث المعني. تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بحقها في إبطال التذاكر التي تم وضعها بعد الوقت المحدد، بما في ذلك بسبب أخطاء تزامن المحتوى أو أوقات البدء المعدلة. إذا تم قبول تذكرة لأي سبب بعد بدء الحدث، فهذا يعني أن قواعد اللعبة قد تم انتهاكها، وبالتالي تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بحقها في إلغاء مثل هذه التذاكر وحساب العوائد عند 1.

2.5. لا يملك اللاعب خيار إلغاء النتيجة المسجلة بعد وضع الرهان.
اللاعب ملزم بالتأكد من أن النتيجة المختارة تتوافق مع رغبته قبل تأكيد الدفع للمشاركة في الرهان!!!

2.6. يعتمد الحد الأقصى لمبلغ الرهان على معايير مختلفة: الرياضات، الحدث، السوق، إلخ. يتم تحديد هذه العوامل من قبل منصتنا لكل حدث ولكل نوع من الرهانات وقابلة للتغيير دون إشعار مسبق.

2.7. كتيب الرياضات هو السلطة النهائية المسؤولة عن صحة أي تذاكر مقبولة، بغض النظر عن الشروط التي تم فيها عمل تلك التذاكر.

2.8. تقدم كتيب الرياضات لبعض الأسواق وظيفة السحب النقدي (لحساب الرهانات قبل تحديد النتيجة النهائية للسوق). لا يتم تقديم السحب النقدي على الأسواق ذات المصدرين، حيث النتيجة المحتملة غير متاحة للمراهنة وفي حال وجود استرداد للسوق (دفع عند عائدات 1). إذا تم تطبيق وظيفة السحب النقدي على مثل هذه الأسواق لأي سبب، تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في إلغاء مثل هذا الرهان وإعادة حسابه وفقًا للنتيجة الرسمية. تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في إلغاء ميزة السحب النقدي في أي وقت دون إشعار للاعبين. يتم تحديد السحب النقدي تلقائيًا من قبل النظام وإذا تغيرت أي عوامل مؤثرة، فإنه يتغير ويُعرض تلقائيًا أيضًا.

2.9. ليس للعميل الحق في المراهنة على الأحداث التي يكون هو مشاركًا فيها (رياضي، مدرب، حكم، إلخ)، وكذلك التصرف نيابة عن هؤلاء الأشخاص. تحظر كتيب الرياضات قبول الرهانات من موظفي شركات المراهنات وإذا تم اكتشاف ذلك، فإن الرهانات للفترة الكاملة للعبة تكون خاضعة للاسترداد.

2.10. يُحظر استخدام الأدوات التقنية والبرمجيات التي تستخدم الخوارزميات لاتخاذ قرارات تلقائية، وكذلك البرامج والسكريبتات، بما في ذلك "البوتات". في حالة انتهاك هذه القاعدة، سيتم حظر الحساب وسيتم استرداد جميع الرهانات.

2.11. إذا كانت هناك أسباب للاعتقاد بأن الرهان قد وُضع بعد أن كانت نتيجة الحدث معروفة بالفعل، أو بعد أن حصل المنافس على ميزة (على سبيل المثال، ميزة في النتيجة، استبدال أو إيقاف لاعب، إلخ)، تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في إبطال الرهان المعطى (إجراء استرداد)، على كل من النتائج الفائزة والخاسرة.

2.12. يُحظر تضمين أحداث مختلفة من نفس المباراة في "الاكسبريس" و"النظام"، وكذلك الرهانات على نفس اللاعب في نفس البطولة (على سبيل المثال، على الفوز ببطولة وعلى الفوز بمباراة). إذا تم تضمين أي أحداث متعلقة بهذه المباراة في "الاكسبريس" أو "النظام"، فسيتم استرداد هذا الرهان حتى إذا لم تقم منصة المراهنات بحظره.

2.13. تحظر كتيب الرياضات الرهانات الجماعية. قد يتم إلغاء الرهانات المتكررة على نفس النتائج من العملاء نفسهم أو من عملاء مختلفين لاحقًا. بعد معرفة النتيجة الرسمية لمنافسة/حدث، قد تقرر كتيب الرياضات إلغاء مثل هذه الرهانات إذا اشتبهت في أن العملاء يتصرفون بتواطؤ.

2.14. أي تغيير في النتيجة ومعلمات المباراة الأخرى، ناتج عن قرار رسمي للحكم أو اتفاق متبادل بين المشاركين في مباراة مباشرة لا يعتبر سببًا لإلغاء الرهان.

2.15. إذا تم إلغاء أو تغيير نتيجة الحدث لأي سبب لاحقًا، يجب حساب الرهانات بناءً على النتيجة الأصلية (الحالية). النتائج الفعلية هي النتائج المعلن عنها على أساس البروتوكولات الرسمية ومصادر المعلومات الرسمية الأخرى فور انتهاء الحدث. بالنسبة للنتائج على المؤشرات الإحصائية، تُستخدم البروتوكولات الأولية المنشورة على المواقع الرسمية للبطولات المعنية. يمكن إضافة نتائج المؤشرات الإحصائية خلال 48 ساعة بعد انتهاء الأحداث.
في حالة وجود تناقضات في البيانات من مصادر معلومات مختلفة، تقوم كتيب الرياضات بتعليق دفع المكاسب حتى يتم توضيح النتائج بالكامل. إذا اختلفت نتيجة الحدث المكتمل، المعروضة على الموقع الرسمي، عن بيانات البث التلفزيوني، تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في الحساب وفقًا لبيانات البث التلفزيوني. في الحالات المثيرة للجدل التي لا توجد لها سوابق، يتم اتخاذ القرار النهائي من قبل كتيب الرياضات.

2.16. سيتم إيداع جميع استردادات الرهان في حساب المراهن.

2.17. سيتم النظر في مطالبات اللاعبين بشأن نتائج حساب الأحداث فقط مع الحزمة الرسمية من الوثائق الخاصة بالجمعيات الرياضية المعنية. النتائج المعلنة من قبل أي مكاتب مراهنات، وكذلك الموارد المعلوماتية الأخرى، ليست مصادر معلومات رسمية لكتيب الرياضات.

2.18. تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في التحقق من هويتك قبل معالجة المدفوعات واحتجاز أي استرداد أو سحوبات للمدة اللازمة للتحقق من هويتك. في حالة تقديم بيانات شخصية زائفة أو غير مكتملة، يمكن رفض السحب وإنهاء حساب اللاعب، وسيتم إعلامك بذلك عبر البريد الإلكتروني. في حالة تقديم بيانات شخصية زائفة، تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في إلغاء جميع الرهانات والمكاسب بالإضافة إلى إنهاء حساب المستخدم. قد يُطلب من كتيب الرياضات تقديم تقارير حول تصرفات اللاعب إلى الهيئات التنظيمية المعمول بها.

2.19. لن يتم قبول أي مطالبات ونزاعات بشأن الرهانات بعد 3 أيام من تاريخ حساب تلك الرهانات.

2.20. تتعاون كتيب الرياضات مع منظمات رياضية مستقلة مختلفة لضمان نزاهة الأحداث الرياضية وفي حالة وجود/شك في تصرفات غير رياضية في أي مباراة، تحتفظ بالحق في تعليق قبول الرهانات على مثل هذا الحدث مع إجراء تحقيقات لاحقة. لن يتم دفع المدفوعات لمثل هذه الرهانات حتى الرأي النهائي من منظمة دولية أو فريق كتيب الرياضات بشأن إلغاء الرهانات. سيتم استرداد مثل هذه الرهانات. قد لا يتجاوز فترة التحقيق في الشكوك حول التلاعب بالمباراة 180 يومًا، وبعد هذه الفترة تقدم كتيب الرياضات إجابة حول ما إذا كانت المباراة قد تم التعرف عليها كتلاعب بالمباراة، ولكن دون تقديم أي دليل مكتوب للاعب.

2.21. وفقًا لسياسة KYC/AML، بعد التحقق من مستندات اللاعب، تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في فرض قيود مختلفة على نشاط اللاعب في اللعب، بما في ذلك حظر لاحق مع سحب جميع الأموال إذا تم العثور على معلومات اللاعب الشخصية في القوائم التالية:
1) الأشخاص المكشوفين سياسيًا (بما في ذلك الأقارب والزملاء المقربين)؛
2) قوائم العقوبات؛
3) قوائم الأشخاص المشبوهين بغسيل الأموال؛
4) الأشخاص الذين ارتكبوا أفعالًا احتيالية على مشاريع مختلفة لكتيب الرياضات/الكازينو.

2.22. إذا تم الاشتباه في سوء التصرف من قبل اللاعب، تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في حظر الحساب والتحقق من جميع الرهانات التي تم وضعها. لا يمكن أن يتجاوز فترة التحقق من الرهانات 180 يومًا. إذا كان هناك دليل على النشاط الاحتيالي (تعترف كتيب الرياضات بالنشاط الاحتيالي)، تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في إلغاء جميع رهانات اللاعب للفترة الكاملة للعبة مع الحظر اللاحق للحساب. ليست ملزمة كتيب الرياضات بتقديم دليل على النشاط الاحتيالي للاعب.

2.23. تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في إجراء أنشطة ترويجية مختلفة للاعبين، ولكن تحتفظ بالحق في رفض إضافة أنواع مختلفة من المكافآت للاعب دون تفسير.

2.24. الحد الأقصى الذي يمكنك سحبه من اللعب باستخدام الأموال المرتبطة برهان مجاني بدون إيداع يساوي مقدار المكاسب التي تم الحصول عليها بعد استخدام الرهان المجاني.

مثال: حصل لاعب على رهان مجاني بدون إيداع بقيمة 10$. وضع رهانًا بعوائد 2، فاز وحصل على 10$ في حسابه. هذا المبلغ متاح للسحب دون أي قيود.

يمكن عمل استثناء للاعبين المخلصين، وفي حالة الفوز، يمكن زيادة الحد الأقصى للسحب. لطلب سحب، يجب عليك التحقق من حسابك بالكامل وإجراء إيداع أدنى.

2.25. إذا أخطأت كتيب الرياضات في إضافة مكافأة أو مكاسب إلى حساب اللاعب لا تخصه، سواء بسبب مشكلة تقنية أو خطأ في جداول الدفع أو خطأ بشري أو غير ذلك، فإن المبلغ و/أو المكاسب من تلك المكافأة ستظل ملكًا لكتيب الرياضات وسيتم خصمها من حساب اللاعب. إذا قمت بسحب أموال لا تخصك قبل أن ندرك الخطأ، فإن المبلغ المدفوع بالخطأ سيشكل (دون المساس بالحلول والإجراءات الأخرى التي قد تكون متاحة قانونيًا) دينا لك علينا. في حالة الإيداع الخاطئ، يتعين عليك إبلاغنا على الفور عبر البريد الإلكتروني.

2.26. إذا اكتشفت كتيب الرياضات استغلال المكافآت من قبل اللاعب، لها الحق في إلغاء تلك المكافآت، وكذلك المكاسب الناتجة عنها، وكذلك رفض اللاعب المشاركة في أي عروض ترويجية في المستقبل.

2.27. تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في رفض قبول رهانات من أي نوع من المشارك في المراهنات دون إشعار مسبق أو تعويض أو تفسير أو سبب مذكور.

2.28. يمكن استخدام الموقع لأغراض شخصية فقط ولا يجب استخدامه لأي نوع من الربح التجاري.

2.28. إذا كانت قسيمة الرهان الأصلية تتضمن منافسًا خاطئًا أو اختيارًا غير صالح، سيتم حساب التذكرة بناءً على الخيارات المتبقية. ستكون العوائد لاختيار الرهان غير الصالح 1.

2.30. إذا أصبح المستخدم على علم بالأخطاء أو النواقص المحتملة في البرنامج، يوافق على الامتناع عن الاستفادة منها. علاوة على ذلك، يوافق المستخدم على الإبلاغ عن أي خطأ أو نقص على الفور إلى كتيب الرياضات. إذا فشل المستخدم في الوفاء بالالتزامات المنصوص عليها في هذه الفقرة، فإن كتيب الرياضات له الحق في تعويض كامل عن جميع التكاليف المتعلقة بالخطأ أو النقص، بما في ذلك أي تكاليف تتكبدها بسبب الخطأ/النقص وإخفاق الإبلاغ من قبل المستخدم.

2.31. لمنع أي أنشطة احتيالية تتعلق بمعاملات البيتكوين، نضع القاعدة التالية: في حالة اعتبار المعاملة قابلة للاستبدال - Opt-in Replace-by-Fee (RBF)، تحتفظ كتيب الرياضات بالحق في إغلاق مثل هذه الحسابات على الفور وحجز أي مكاسب.

2.32. كتيب الرياضات ليست مسؤولة عن التغيرات في مقدار المدفوعات المرتبطة بتقلبات أسعار الصرف سواء للفيات أو العملات المشفرة.

2.33. اللاعب هو المسؤول الوحيد عن الإبلاغ وحساب أي ضرائب تنطبق عليه بموجب القوانين ذات الصلة لمشاركته في المقامرة بما في ذلك أي مكاسب يتلقاها من كتيب الرياضات.

2.34. كتيب الرياضات ليست مسؤولة عن أي عيوب في الأجهزة أو البرمجيات، أو ضعف اتصال الإنترنت والمشكلات التقنية الأخرى التي تحدث من جانب اللاعب.

2.35. الحد الأقصى للعوائد للرهان المتعدد - أقصى عائد ممكن للرهان المتعدد. يتم تعيينه عند 1,000، وبغض النظر عن عدد الأحداث والعوائد في الرهان، لا يمكن أن يكون إجمالي العائد أعلى من القيمة.

2.36. أقصى عدد ممكن من التركيبات للأحداث في الرهانات المتعددة هو 50، ولن يكون بإمكان اللاعب دمج 51 أو أكثر من الأحداث في رهان واحد.

3. قواعد الرياضة

3.1. كرة القدم الأمريكية

3.1.1. تشمل NFL، NCAA كرة القدم الجامعية، WLAF، UFL، CFL و Arena Football. إذا تم تغيير مكان المباراة، فستظل الرهانات الموضوعة قائمة بشرط أن تظل الفريق المضيف محددًا كما هو. إذا تم عكس الفريق المضيف والفريق الضيف لمباراة مدرجة، فإن الرهانات الموضوعة بناءً على الإدراج الأصلي ستكون ملغاة. في أسواق 2-Way، تنطبق قواعد التعادل ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك أدناه. يتم إرجاع المبالغ المستثمرة في الرهانات الفردية، وفي الرهانات المركبة/التراكمية يتم اعتبار الاختيار كغير متاح.

3.1.2. الرهانات قبل المباراة (أسواق المباراة بما في ذلك رهانات الشوط الثاني/الربع الرابع) تشمل الوقت الإضافي ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك. يجب أن يتبقى 5 دقائق أو أقل من الوقت المحدد للمباراة لتفعيل الرهانات، ما لم يكن نتيجة السوق المحددة قد تم تحديدها بالفعل، ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك. ستتم تسوية جميع أسواق المباريات NFL والرهانات قبل المباراة وفقًا لإحصائيات المباراة على www.nfl.com المنشورة في يوم المباراة. التعديلات اللاحقة لا تؤثر على التسوية. بالنسبة لجميع رهانات الفروق والإجماليات، تنطبق قواعد التعادل. نتيجة الشوط الأول/الوقت الكامل أو النتيجة المزدوجة

تنبأ بالنتيجة عند نهاية الشوط الأول ونهاية الوقت الأصلي. يجب أن تكتمل المباراة لتفعيل الرهانات. تستثني هذه السوق الوقت الإضافي للتسوية. بالنسبة للرهانات قبل المباراة، يجب أن تكتمل المباراة لتفعيل الرهانات، ما لم يتم تحديد تسوية الرهانات بالفعل. إجمالي النقاط للفريق، فردي أو زوجي

ستحسب النتيجة الصفرية للفريق كزوجي لأغراض التسوية. أول لعبة هجومية في المباراة

تحدد هذه السوق من خلال أول لعبة هجومية من اللعب (باستثناء الأخطاء). في حالة عودة الركلة الافتتاحية لتسجيل هدف، فإن الرهانات ستظل قائمة للركلة الافتتاحية التالية. تمريرات غير مكتملة أو متداخلة وQB Sack أو Fumble ستعتبر كتمريرات. الفشل في تبادل الكرة مع RB سيعتبر كلعبة جري. إجمالي الأمتار الهجومية

تتم التسوية بناءً على الأمتار الصافية لكلا الفريقين (تشمل الأمتار المفقودة بسبب الساك). الفريق الذي يحقق أكبر عدد من أمتار التمرير

تتم التسوية بناءً على أكبر عدد من الأمتار الإجمالية الممررة. الفريق الذي يحقق أكبر عدد من أمتار الجري

تتم التسوية بناءً على أكبر عدد من أمتار الجري الكلي المكتسب (تشمل الأمتار السلبية). الأخطاء

تستند جميع أسواق الأخطاء إلى الأخطاء المقبولة. الأخطاء المرفوضة لا تُحتسب. رهانات/أداء اللاعبين

تظل الرهانات قائمة أو "تكون فعالة" إذا كان اللاعب يشارك في واحدة من النزالات. تظل رهانات اللاعبين قائمة أو "تكون فعالة" إذا كان كلا اللاعبين يشاركان في واحدة من النزالات. تنطبق قواعد التعادل. بالنسبة للأسواق التالية، يجب أن يكون اللاعب ملابس/نشط لتظل الرهانات قائمة (وفقًا لدليل NFL الرسمي): أول/آخر ومتى يسجل اللمس

توقع اسم اللاعب الذي سيسجل أول/آخر/أثناء اللمس في المباراة، أو ما إذا لم يتم تسجيل أي لمسة. يجب أن يشارك اللاعب في لعبة واحدة أو نزال لتظل الرهانات قائمة. رهانات قبل المباراة التي تستثني الوقت الإضافي

للمتابعة في الأسواق التالية، يجب أن تكتمل المباراة لتظل الرهانات قائمة/تكون فعالة: نتيجة الشوط الأول/الوقت الكامل أو النتيجة المزدوجة

تنبأ بالنتيجة عند نهاية الشوط الأول ونهاية الوقت الأصلي.

3.1.3. الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على المباراة/الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على الشوط/الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على الربع

تشمل الوقت الإضافي ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك. يجب أن تكتمل المباراة أو الربع/الشوط المعني لتفعيل الرهانات، ما لم يتم تحديد تسوية الرهانات بالفعل.

لأغراض التسوية:

رهانات الشوط - (سيشمل الشوط الثاني أي نقاط سجلت في الوقت الإضافي إذا تم لعبه ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك)

رهانات الربع - (سيشمل الربع الرابع أي نقاط سجلت في الوقت الإضافي إذا تم لعبه ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك) نتيجة الشوط الأول/الوقت الكامل أو النتيجة المزدوجة

تستثني الوقت الإضافي (إذا تم لعبه). رهانات الموسم

جميع رهانات الموسم تعتمد على المباريات خلال الموسم المنتظم فقط. إحصائيات اللاعبين تظل قائمة بغض النظر عن أي تبادل خلال الموسم المنتظم، ولكن يجب على اللاعبين أن يلعبوا واحدة من النزالات خلال الموسم المنتظم لتظل الرهانات قائمة.

3.1.4. رهانات المستقبل/الموسم

رهانات الفائز في السوبر بول، والفائز في المؤتمر وفائز القسم ستظل قائمة بغض النظر عن طول الموسم. الانتصارات والمواجهات خلال الموسم المنتظم في NFL تعتمد على الفرق التي تكمل جميع المباريات المجدولة خلال الموسم المنتظم، وفي CFL على جميع المباريات المجدولة خلال الموسم المنتظم، ما لم تؤثر المباريات المتبقية خلال الموسم على النتيجة. يتم تحديد الفائزين في مؤتمرات AFC/NFC بواسطة الفرق التي تتقدم إلى السوبر بول. يتم تحديد الفائزين في أقسام NFL بواسطة المباريات التي تم الفوز بها خلال الموسم المنتظم (تنطبق قواعد كسر التعادل في NFL). الفائزون في المؤتمر بالبطاقة البرية هم الفرق التي تتأهل للمرحلة التالية عبر اختيار البطاقة البرية من NFL. الفائز في التصنيف الأول للمؤتمر هو الفريق الذي تحدده NFL كالفريق الذي سيحظى بميزة الملعب المنزلي طوال فترة التصفيات. الانتصارات والمواجهات في الموسم المنتظم في NFL/NCAAF تعتمد على الفرق التي تكمل الحد الأدنى من المباريات المحددة. CFL للوصول إلى كأس جراي - الفريق الذي يتقدم إلى نهائي كأس جراي سيعتبر الفائز في القسم المعني. الرهانات على المؤتمر/القسم

تشارك الفرق في البطولة العامة ضمن مؤتمرات وأقسام. على سبيل المثال، NFL مقسمة إلى مؤتمرين (المؤتمر الأمريكي لكرة القدم والمؤتمر الوطني لكرة القدم) يحتوي كل منهما على 4 أقسام (الشمال، الشرق، الغرب والجنوب). يتم تقديم الأسعار لكل فريق مشارك للفوز بقسمه ومؤتمره المعني وغيرها من العروض الخاصة بناءً على هذه الأقسام أو المؤتمرات.

3.2. قواعد أسترالية

3.2.1. سيتم تسوية جميع أسواق المباريات بما في ذلك الوقت الإضافي إذا لُعب، ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك. يجب إكمال الوقت النظامي لتصبح الرهانات سارية ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك. إذا تم تغيير مدة المباراة من قِبل الهيئة المشرفة قبل بدء اللعب، فسيُعتبر طول اللعبة المعدل هو الوقت النظامي الرسمي لهذه المباراة، وستظل جميع الرهانات سارية طالما تم إكمال هذا الوقت النظامي الجديد.

3.2.2. الرهانات على المباراة

إذا انتهت أي مباراة بالتعادل/التعادل، بما في ذلك الوقت الإضافي إذا لُعب، فسيتم رد الرهانات ما لم يتم عرض سعر للتعادل/التعادل. ستتم تسوية الرهانات بناءً على نتيجة AFL الرسمية فقط.

3.2.3. المباريات التي لم تُلعب كما هو مدرج

إذا تم تغيير مكان المباراة، فستظل الرهانات التي تم وضعها قائمة بشرط أن يظل الفريق المضيف مُعيناً على هذا النحو. إذا تم عكس الفريقين المضيف والزائر لمباراة مدرجة، فإن الرهانات التي تم وضعها بناءً على القائمة الأصلية ستكون لاغية.

3.2.4. الرهانات على الربع (مباشر وقبل المباراة)

لكل الرهانات على الربع، في حال عدم إكمال ربع معين، ستكون الرهانات لاغية، ما لم يكن نتيجة السوق المحددة قد تم تحديدها بالفعل. إذا ذهبت اللعبة إلى الوقت الإضافي، فسيتم تضمين ذلك لأغراض التسوية (يُعتبر استمراراً للربع الرابع).

3.2.5. الرهانات على النصف (مباشر وقبل المباراة)

لكل الرهانات على النصف، في حال عدم إكمال النصف المحدد ستكون الرهانات لاغية، ما لم يكن نتيجة السوق المحددة قد تم تحديدها بالفعل. إذا ذهبت اللعبة إلى الوقت الإضافي، فسيتم تضمين ذلك لأغراض التسوية (يُعتبر استمراراً للنصف الثاني).

3.2.6. النتيجة في النصف/الوقت الكامل أو النتيجة المزدوجة

توقع نتيجة المباراة المحددة في نصف الوقت وفي الوقت الكامل بما في ذلك الوقت الإضافي إذا لُعب.

3.2.7. الفريق الذي يسجل أولاً

يشمل السوق أي تسجيل، مثل الهدف/الضربة الخلفية لأغراض التسوية.

3.2.8. الفريق الذي يسجل أول هدف

يشمل السوق الهدف فقط لأغراض التسوية.

3.2.9. الرهانات على الموسم

باستثناء الفائز بالبطولة، ستكون أسواق AFL الموسمية المعروضة فقط لموسم الدوري المنتظم، وبناءً على جدول AFL الرسمي. إذا كانت هناك فرق متساوية في أي سوق، فسيُعتبر الفائز هو الفريق الذي لديه أفضل نسبة. (أسوأ نسبة للملعقة الخشبية).

أكثر الخسائر (موسم الدوري المنتظم) - يتم تسويته على الفريق الذي يسجل أكبر عدد من الخسائر خلال الموسم المنتظم. في حال تسجيل فريقين أو أكثر نفس العدد من الخسائر، فسيتم تحديد الفائز كالفريق الذي لديه أسوأ فرق فارق النقاط. يجب إكمال موسم الدوري المنتظم لتكون الرهانات سارية.

3.3. الريشة الطائرة

3.3.1. الرهانات على الفائز هي كافة الرهانات على المنافسة أو عدمها.

حيثما ينطبق، ستحدد مراسم التتويج تسوية الرهانات. لن تؤثر الإيقافات اللاحقة و/أو الاستئنافات على الرهانات. للفوز بالمباراة - في حال تغيير أي من اللاعبين المسميين في مباراة قبل بدء المباراة، فإن جميع الرهانات ستكون لاغية.

3.3.2. في حال بدء المباراة ولكن عدم إكمالها، ستكون جميع الرهانات لاغية، ما لم يتم تحديد نتيجة السوق المحددة بالفعل، أو ما لم يكن هناك طريقة معقولة لتكملة اللعبة و/أو المباراة إلى نهايتها الطبيعية دون تحديد غير مشروط لنتيجة سوق محددة.

على سبيل المثال، إذا تم إلغاء اللعبة عند 20-17: فإن الرهانات على أكثر/أقل من 37.5 نقاط في اللعبة سيتم تسويتها كفائزين/خاسرين على التوالي، حيث أن أي نهاية طبيعية للعبة كانت ستنتج على الأقل 38 نقطة.

3.3.3. الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على النقاط تُعرض للفوز بالنقطة المحددة. في حال عدم لعب النقطة، بسبب انتهاء اللعبة أو المباراة، فإن جميع الرهانات على تلك النقطة ستكون لاغية. إذا تم منح النقطة المحددة كعقوبة، فإن جميع الرهانات على تلك النقطة ستكون لاغية.

3.3.4. القائد الحالي/التالي بعد: إذا لم يتم الوصول إلى عدد النقاط المقتبس في اللعبة المحددة، فسيتم تسوية الفريق/اللاعب الذي يفوز باللعبة كالفائز.

3.4. باندي

3.4.1. الرهانات على المباراة

إذا تم تغيير مكان المباراة، فستظل الرهانات التي تم وضعها قائمة بشرط أن يظل الفريق المضيف مُعيناً على هذا النحو. إذا تم عكس الفريقين المضيف والزائر لمباراة مدرجة، فإن الرهانات التي تم وضعها بناءً على القائمة الأصلية ستكون لاغية.

3.4.2. يجب إكمال المباراة بالكامل لتكون الرهانات سارية، ما لم يتم تحديد تسوية الرهانات بالفعل.

3.4.3. في الأسواق ذات الاتجاهين، تطبق قواعد التعادل أو الدفع ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك أدناه. يتم رد المبالغ المدفوعة على الرهانات الفردية، وفي الرهانات المجمعة/التركيبية، يتم اعتبار الاختيار غير فعال.

3.4.4. الرهانات قبل المباراة - جميع الرهانات قبل المباراة تستثني الوقت الإضافي، إذا لُعب، ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك.

3.4.5. الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على المباراة تستثني الوقت الإضافي ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك للفوز بعد الوقت الإضافي/الفائز في ركلات الترجيح - تشمل الوقت الإضافي/ركلات الترجيح. إذا تم تغيير اللعبة من 2 × 45 دقيقة إلى 3 × 30 دقيقة، فإن الرهانات على اللعبة ستظل قائمة، ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك.

3.4.6. للفوز بالكأس/للتأهل - تشمل الوقت الإضافي/ركلات الترجيح. الركلة التالية - تشمل ركلات الترجيح.

3.4.7. الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على النصف تستثني الوقت الإضافي. يجب إكمال النصف المحدد لتكون الرهانات على النصف سارية، ما لم يتم تحديد تسوية الرهانات بالفعل.

3.4.8. للرهانات على النصف، إذا تم تغيير اللعبة من 2 × 45 دقيقة إلى 3 × 30 دقيقة، فإن الرهانات ستكون لاغية.

3.4.9. الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على 10 دقائق تستثني الوقت الإضافي. يجب إكمال مدة المباراة المحددة البالغة 10 دقائق لتكون الرهانات سارية، ما لم يتم تحديد نتيجة السوق المحددة بالفعل. لأغراض التسوية، سيتم استخدام المواقع التالية وتفاصيل مربع النقاط لتحديد أوقات التسوية: - بطولة العالم للباندي www.worldbandy.com.

3.5. البيسبول

3.5.1. إذا تم تأجيل أو إلغاء مباراة قبل وقت بدايتها المحدد، فإن جميع الرهانات تُعتبر "لا عمل" وتُعاد/تُلغى.

3.5.2. البيسبول غير MLB (بما في ذلك دوري البيسبول الصغير) - لا يتم ذكر الرماة وتظل جميع الرهانات سارية/مقبولة بصرف النظر عن من يرمي لكل فريق. تُطبق قاعدة "8½ إنينغ (شوط / أشواط)" على الرغم من أنه في حال تطبيق قاعدة الرحمة، فإن جميع الرهانات ستظل قائمة على النتيجة في الوقت المحدد. بالنسبة لمباريات الـ 7 إنينغ التي تُلعب كجزء من مباراتين في نفس اليوم، تُطبق قاعدة 6½ إنينغ.

3.5.3. في الأسواق الثنائية، تُطبق قواعد التعادل أو الدفع إلا إذا تم ذكر خلاف ذلك أدناه. تُعاد الرهانات الفردية، وفي الرهانات المتعددة/التراكمية تُعامل الاختيارات على أنها غير فائزة.

3.5.4. المباريات التي لم تُلعب كما هو مدرج

إذا تم تغيير مكان المباراة، فإن الرهانات التي تم وضعها مسبقاً ستظل قائمة بشرط أن يظل الفريق المضيف كما هو محدد. إذا تم عكس الفريق المضيف والضيف لمباراة مدرجة، فإن الرهانات التي وُضعت بناءً على الإدراج الأصلي ستكون لاغية.

3.5.5. الرهانات/الخطوط قبل المباراة جميع الرهانات قبل المباراة تشمل الإضافات، ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك. حيثما يتم تطبيق قاعدة الرحمة، ستظل جميع الرهانات قائمة على النتيجة في الوقت المحدد. إجمالي الإنينغ 3/5/7 - سيتم تسوية الرهانات بناءً على النتيجة بعد 3/5/7 إنينغ كاملة، ما لم يكن الإجمالي المذكور قد تجاوز الإجمالي المذكور. في حال حدوث ذلك، ستُسوى جميع الرهانات كما يلي - الرهانات على تجاوز الإجمالي المذكور ستُسوى كفائزة، بينما الرهانات على عدم تجاوز الإجمالي ستُسوى كخاسرة. خط الإنينغ 3/5/7 - سيتم تسوية الرهانات بناءً على النتيجة بعد إكمال أول 3/5/7 إنينغ من المباراة، ما لم يكن الفريق الذي يضرب ثانيًا قد تقدم بالفعل (مع تطبيق أي خط نقاط) في منتصف الإنينغ المعني، أو يسجل للتقدم (مع تطبيق أي خط نقاط) في ذلك الإنينغ، وفي هذه الحالة سيتم تسوية الفريق الذي يضرب ثانيًا كفائز. الرهانات قبل المباراة بما في ذلك رهانات اللاعبين حيثما يتم تطبيق قاعدة الرحمة، ستظل جميع الرهانات قائمة على النتيجة في الوقت المحدد. الإضافات تُحتسب ما لم يُحدد خلاف ذلك. جميع رهانات الإنينغ الأول - يجب إكمال الإنينغ الأول لتكون الرهانات سارية، ما لم يكن تسوية الرهانات قد تم تحديده بالفعل. إجمالي المباراة فردي/زوجي - إذا كانت النتيجة الإجمالية صفر، فسيتم حساب الرهانات كزوجي. إجمالي الفريق فردي/زوجي - إذا كانت نتيجة الفريق صفر، فسيتم حساب الرهانات كزوجي. هوامش الفوز - تخضع لقاعدة 8½ إنينغ. تشمل التسوية الإضافات لـ MLB؛ لغير MLB، حيث يمكن أن تنتهي المباراة بالتعادل، فإن هذا الخيار متاح. إذا انتهت مباراة MLB بالتعادل عندما تُلغى أو تُوقف المباراة، فإن الرهانات ستكون لاغية. التقدم بعد x إنينغ - سيتم تسوية الرهانات بناءً على النتيجة بعد إكمال أول x إنينغ، ما لم يكن الفريق الذي يضرب ثانيًا قد تقدم في منتصف الإنينغ المعني، أو يسجل للتقدم في ذلك الإنينغ، وفي هذه الحالة سيتم تسوية الفريق الذي يضرب ثانيًا كفائز. المباراة المزدوجة

إذا تم لعب مباراتين في يوم واحد بين نفس الفريقين، وعُرضت احتمالات لمباراة واحدة فقط، فسيتم احتساب النتيجة على المباراة الأولى وفقاً لوقت بدايتها. خط المال

تخضع لقاعدة 4½ إنينغ. خط النقاط/الهانديكاب البديل

تخضع لقاعدة 4½ إنينغ. إجمالي قبل المباراة/الإجماليات البديلة

تخضع لقاعدة 4½ إنينغ ما عدا في الحالات التي يتجاوز فيها الإجمالي المذكور بالفعل، (إذا كان الإجمالي قد تجاوز الإجمالي المذكور، فإن الرهانات على التجاوز ستُسوى كفائزة، بينما الرهانات على عدم التجاوز ستُسوى كخاسرة). إجماليات الفريق

تخضع لقاعدة 4½ إنينغ ما عدا في الحالات التي يتجاوز فيها الإجمالي المذكور بالفعل، (إذا كان الإجمالي قد تجاوز الإجمالي المذكور، فإن الرهانات على التجاوز ستُسوى كفائزة، بينما الرهانات على عدم التجاوز ستُسوى كخاسرة). الذهاب إلى الإضافات

يجب إكمال نهاية الإنينغ التاسع لتكون الرهانات سارية. إذا كانت النتيجة متساوية بعد 9 إنينغ، فإن هذا السوق سيتم تسويته كـ "نعم" حتى إذا لم تُلعب الإضافات بسبب إلغاء المباراة أو تعليقها. الفوز في إنينغ (الحالي/التالي)

يجب إكمال أعلى وأسفل الإنينغ المحدد، ما لم يكن الفريق الذي يضرب ثانيًا في الإنينغ المحدد متقدماً عندما يتم إلغاء المباراة أو تعليقها. خط إنينغ (بما في ذلك البدائل)

يجب إكمال أعلى وأسفل الإنينغ المحدد لتكون الرهانات سارية، ما لم يكن الفريق الذي يضرب ثانيًا في الإنينغ المحدد قد غطى بالفعل خط النقاط ولا يمكن تعويضه. إجمالي الإنينغ (بما في ذلك البدائل)

يجب إكمال أعلى وأسفل الإنينغ المحدد لتكون الرهانات سارية، ما لم يكن الإجمالي المذكور قد تجاوز في الوقت الذي يتم فيه إلغاء المباراة أو تعليقها. تسجيل في الإنينغ (الحالي/التالي)

يجب إكمال أعلى وأسفل الإنينغ المحدد، ما لم يتم تحديد تسوية الرهانات بالفعل. المتصدر بعد 'X' إنينغ

يجب إكمال أعلى وأسفل الإنينغ المحدد لتكون الرهانات سارية، ما لم يكن الفريق الذي يضرب ثانيًا متقدماً ولا يمكن تعويضه في الوقت الذي يتم فيه إلغاء المباراة أو تعليقها. في حالة تطبيق قاعدة الرحمة، ستُعتبر أسواق المتصدرين في أي إنينغ غير مكتملة فائزًا من قبل الفائز بالمباراة. أسواق السباق/إجماليات الفريق/إجمالي الضربات

تُطبق قاعدة 8½ إنينغ ما لم يتم تحديد تسوية الرهانات بالفعل، أو إذا كانت النتيجة الطبيعية للمباراة قد تعني تحديد نتيجة الرهانات. تحديدًا لمباريات تدريب MLB، ستُعتمد التسوية على 9 إنينغ فقط، في الحالات التي يمكن أن تُطبق فيها قاعدة النتيجة الطبيعية. إذا تم إلغاء أو تعليق مباراة متعادل وكان النتيجة الطبيعية تتطلب فائزًا، فإن الرهانات على السباق المعني ستكون لاغية. على سبيل المثال، إذا تم إلغاء أو تعليق مباراة MLB عند 3-3 بعد 10 إنينغ، فإن جميع الرهانات على السباق إلى 4 ستكون لاغية. الرهانات على السباق إلى 5/6/7 ستُسوى كـ "لا شيء". هامش الفوز

تخضع لقاعدة 8½ إنينغ. تشمل التسوية الإضافات لمباريات MLB؛ بالنسبة لغير MLB حيث يمكن أن تنتهي المباراة بالتعادل، فإن هذا الخيار متاح. إذا انتهت مباراة MLB بالتعادل عندما تُلغى أو تُعلق المباراة، فإن الرهانات ستكون لاغية.

3.5.6. الرهانات المباشرة/اللايف في حال تطبيق قاعدة الرحمة، ستظل جميع الرهانات قائمة على النتيجة في الوقت المحدد. إجمالي النقاط - تنطبق قاعدة 8.5 أشواط جميع الرهانات قائمة/نشطة بغض النظر عن تغييرات الرماة. يحتسب الأشواط الإضافية، ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك. قواعد "8.5/6.5/4.5" إنينغ قواعد "8.5 إنينغ" لرهانات خط النقاط

يجب أن تستمر المباراة لمدة 9 أشواط كاملة على الأقل (أو 8½ أشواط إذا كان الفريق المضيف متقدماً) لكي تكون الرهانات فعالة. ومع ذلك، في حالة تطبيق قاعدة الرحمة، ستظل جميع الرهانات قائمة على النتيجة في الوقت المحدد. يرجى ملاحظة أن المباريات المعلقة لا تُستأنف (باستثناء مباريات MLB في التصفيات - راجع القاعدة المحددة). قواعد "6.5 إنينغ" لرهانات خط النقاط (لمباريات 7 أشواط)

يجب أن تستمر المباراة لمدة 7 أشواط كاملة على الأقل (أو 6½ أشواط إذا كان الفريق المضيف متقدماً) لكي تكون الرهانات فعالة. ومع ذلك، في حالة تطبيق قاعدة الرحمة، ستظل جميع الرهانات قائمة على النتيجة في الوقت المحدد. يرجى ملاحظة أن المباريات المعلقة لا تُستأنف. قواعد "4.5 إنينغ" لرهانات المال والإجمالي

يجب أن يكون هناك ما لا يقل عن 5 أشواط كاملة من اللعب، ما لم يكن الفريق المضيف متقدماً بعد 4½ إنينغ لكي تكون الرهانات قائمة. إذا تم إلغاء المباراة أو تعليقها بعد وصول اللعبة إلى هذه النقطة، يتم تحديد الفائز بناءً على النتيجة بعد آخر شوط كامل (ما لم يسجل الفريق المضيف التعادل أو يتقدم في النصف السفلي من الشوط، وفي هذه الحالة يتم تحديد الفائز بناءً على النتيجة في الوقت الذي يتم فيه إلغاء المباراة). يرجى ملاحظة أن المباريات المعلقة لا تُستأنف (باستثناء مباريات MLB في التصفيات - راجع القاعدة المحددة). ومع ذلك، في حالة تطبيق قاعدة الرحمة، ستظل جميع الرهانات قائمة على النتيجة في الوقت المحدد.

3.5.7. رهانات المستقبل - القواعد العامة الرهانات على البطولة، الكأس، والأقسام

تظل جميع الرهانات قائمة بغض النظر عن نقل الفريق، تغيير اسم الفريق، طول الموسم أو تنسيق التصفيات بناءً على النتائج الرسمية من الهيئة الحاكمة المعنية. انتصارات الموسم العادي/المباريات

يجب على الفريق إكمال ما لا يقل عن 160 مباراة في الموسم العادي لكي تكون الرهانات فعالة، ما لم تؤثر المباريات المتبقية خلال الموسم على النتيجة. عروض الموسم العادي

تشير جميع الأسواق إلى إحصائيات الموسم المكتسبة في MLB وقابلة للتحويل بين الدوري الأمريكي والدوري الوطني. الإحصائيات المكتسبة في أي دوري آخر لا تُحتسب. أسواق "عدد انتصارات الرامي"

تشير إلى عدد الانتصارات التي يعتمدها الحكام الرسميون في MLB. للفوز بالكأس

الفريق الذي يتقدم إلى سلسلة العالم سيتم اعتباره الفائز بالكأس. رهانات السلسلة

تُعتبر الرهانات ملغاة إذا لم تكتمل أو تم تغيير عدد المباريات القانوني (وفقاً للمنظمات المعنية). رهانات البطاقات الجامحة

تُعتبر الفرق التي تتقدم إلى تصفيات MLB عبر بطاقة الجامحة هي الفائزة.

3.6. كرة السلة

3.6.1. المراهنات على المباريات والرهانات الخاصة يجب أن تبدأ جميع المباريات في التاريخ المحدد (بتوقيت الاستاد المحلي) لكي تكون الرهانات سارية/مفعلة. إذا تم تغيير مكان المباراة، فستظل الرهانات التي تم وضعها قائمة شريطة أن تظل الفريق المضيف معتمداً كما هو. إذا لعب الفريقان، الفريق المضيف والفريق الضيف، المباراة في مكان الفريق الضيف، فإن الرهانات ستظل قائمة شريطة أن يظل الفريق المضيف معتمداً رسمياً كما هو، خلاف ذلك ستصبح الرهانات لاغية. يجب أن يتبقى 5 دقائق أو أقل من الوقت المجدول للمباراة لكي تكون الرهانات سارية/مفعلة، ما لم يكن نتيجة السوق المحددة قد تم تحديدها بالفعل. وبشكل خاص، بالنسبة لنسخة "3x3 أو Streetball" من الرياضة، سيتم تحديد التسوية بناءً على القواعد الرسمية للمسابقة (يتم اعتبار الفريق الفائز هو الفريق الذي يسجل أولاً 21 نقطة أو الفريق الذي يحقق أعلى نتيجة في نهاية فترة الـ10 دقائق المحددة). يؤدي التعادل في الوقت الأصلي إلى فترة إضافية غير محددة، يتم الفوز فيها من قبل الفريق الذي يسجل نقطتين أولاً في الوقت الإضافي. في الأسواق ذات الاتجاهين، تنطبق قواعد التعادل ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك أدناه. يتم إرجاع/إلغاء الرهانات الفردية، وفي الرهانات المتعددة/البارلي، يتم اعتبار الاختيار غير قائم (مُرجع/ملغي). إذا كانت هناك أسواق مقدمة للوقت الأصلي بما في ذلك خيار "تعادل"، فلن يتم احتساب الوقت الإضافي. الرهانات قبل المباراة، بما في ذلك رهانات المباراة الخاصة

جميع الرهانات قبل المباراة تشمل الوقت الإضافي ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك. إحصائيات اللاعب/المواجهات/الأداء يمكن المراهنة على أداء لاعب معين في مجموعة متنوعة من الإنجازات مثل النقاط، والارتدادات، والتمريرات، والكتل، والأخطاء، والرصاصات الحرة، وما إلى ذلك. قد تنطبق قواعد التعادل. يجب أن يكون اللاعبون المعنيون جاهزين ويمضون وقتاً على أرض الملعب لكي تكون الرهانات سارية/مفعلة، أو إذا لم يشارك اللاعب المحدد في المباراة، فإن جميع الرهانات تكون لاغية/مُرجعة. الوقت الإضافي يُحتسب لأي رهانات على اللاعبين ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك. يتم مطابقة أداء اللاعبين الفرديين لأغراض الرهان في مواجهة اللاعبين. يمكن استخدام العوائق ويتم تطبيقها على نتيجة كل لاعب لتحديد النتيجة. قد تنطبق قواعد التعادل. "مضاعف المزدوج/التريبل" - يجب على اللاعب تسجيل 10 نقاط أو أكثر في اثنين من الفئات الإحصائية الخمس التالية للحصول على "مضاعف مزدوج". للحصول على "مضاعف ثلاثي"، يجب على اللاعب تسجيل 10 نقاط أو أكثر في ثلاث من الفئات الإحصائية الخمس التالية: النقاط، والارتدادات، والتمريرات، والكتل، والسرقات. من البداية إلى النهاية

تراهن هذه السوق على ما إذا كان فريق ما سيكون متقدماً في نهاية كل من الأرباع. ستُفقد الرهانات على الفريق المسمى إذا لم يكن متقدماً بشكل كامل في نهاية جميع الأرباع. حيثما يتم عرضه، سيكون "أي نتيجة أخرى" هو الاختيار الفائز في هذه السوق إذا كانت النقاط متساوية أو كانت الفرق المختلفة تتقدم في نهاية أي ربع. الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على المباراة تشمل الوقت الإضافي

إذا تم تأجيل المباراة أو إلغاؤها بعد البداية، يجب أن يتبقى 5 دقائق أو أقل من الوقت المجدول لكي تكون الرهانات سارية/مفعلة. الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على النصف تشمل الوقت الإضافي

يجب إكمال النصف الأول لكي تكون الرهانات على النصف الأول سارية/مفعلة. إذا تم تأجيل المباراة أو إلغاؤها بعد البداية، بالنسبة للرهانات على المباراة والنصف الثاني يجب أن يتبقى 5 دقائق أو أقل لكي تكون الرهانات سارية/مفعلة، ما لم يتم تحديد تسوية الرهانات بالفعل. الرهانات المباشرة/الحيّة على الربع (الرابع) تشمل الوقت الإضافي

يجب إكمال الربع لكي تكون الرهانات سارية/مفعلة، ما لم يتم تحديد تسوية الرهانات بالفعل. رهانات NBA المستقبلية/رهانات البطولة انتصارات الموسم العادي/المواجهات - يجب على الفريق إكمال جميع المباريات المجدولة في الموسم العادي لكي تكون الرهانات سارية، ما لم تؤثر المباريات المتبقية خلال الموسم على النتيجة. للفوز بالقسم - تنطبق قواعد كسر التعادل في NBA. للفوز بالمؤتمر - الفريق الذي يتقدم إلى بطولة NBA سيتم اعتباره الفائز بالمؤتمر. سيتم تحديد تسوية جميع الأسواق بناءً على التصنيفات والإحصاءات الرسمية المقدمة من الهيئات المنظمة للبطولة، مثل NBA وFIBA. الرهانات العامة، القسم، المؤتمر والرهانات الإقليمية جميع الرهانات سارية بغض النظر عن نقل الفريق، تغيير اسم الفريق، أو طول الموسم. رهانات السلسلة. يتم تسوية الرهانات وفقاً للنتيجة الرسمية.

3.7. كرة قدم الشاطئ

3.7.1. يتم احتساب جميع الرهانات بناءً على وقت اللعب البالغ 36 دقيقة، مقسمة إلى 3 فترات، كل منها 12 دقيقة، ما لم يُذكر خلاف ذلك.

3.7.2. يُؤخذ الوقت الإضافي وضربات الترجيح في الاعتبار فقط للرهانات التي لا تحتوي على خيار التعادل خلال وقت اللعب الأصلي، مثل الرهان على الفريق المتقدم، أو الفائز في البطولة، وما إلى ذلك. ستُعتبر المباراة قائمة إذا كانت فترة اللعب قد بلغت 24 دقيقة على الأقل. تُحتسب جميع الرهانات بناءً على النتائج عند هذه النقطة.

3.8. كرة الطائرة الشاطئية

3.8.1. الرهان على النتيجة النهائية يعتمد على المنافسة بالكامل أو عدمها. حيثما ينطبق ذلك، سيحدد العرض على منصة التتويج تسوية الرهانات. لن تؤثر أي إقصاءات لاحقة و/أو استئنافات على الرهانات.

3.8.2. إذا تغير مكان المباراة (أرضية الرياضة)، فإن جميع الرهانات تبقى سارية. إذا تم استبدال أحد المشاركين المعلَنين في الزوج قبل بدء المباراة، سيتم استرداد جميع الرهانات على هذه المباراة.

3.8.3. في حال بدء المباراة ولكن عدم اكتمالها، فإن جميع الرهانات ستكون لاغية، ما لم يكن نتيجة السوق المحددة قد تم تحديدها بالفعل، أو ما لم يكن هناك أي احتمال أن يتم لعب المجموعة و/أو المباراة حتى نهايتها الطبيعية دون تحديد النتيجة المحددة للسوق بشكل غير مشروط.

على سبيل المثال، إذا تم إلغاء مجموعة عند 18-17: تُحل الرهانات على Over/Under 35.5 Set - Total Points كفائزين/خاسرين على التوالي، حيث أن أي نهاية طبيعية للمجموعة كانت ستؤدي إلى الحصول على 36 نقطة على الأقل.

3.8.4. قائد المجموعة الحالية/القادمة بعد: إذا لم يتم الوصول إلى عدد النقاط المحدد في المجموعة المذكورة، فسيتم تسوية الفريق الذي يفوز بالمجموعة كالفائز.

3.9. البولينج

3.9.1. إذا لم يُشارك أحد اللاعبين، فلا رهان. يجب أن يبدأ الحدث خلال سبعة أيام من الموعد المحدد لكي تكون الرهانات سارية. قد تخضع أسواق النتيجة النهائية لخصم وفقًا لقاعدة 4.

3.9.2. رهان المباراة

يجب أن تُقام المباراة خلال 24 ساعة من وقت البدء الأصلي لكي تكون الرهانات سارية. إذا لم تُقام المباراة لأي سبب (مثل انسحاب لاعب بسبب الإصابة)، ستكون جميع الرهانات التي تمت قبل المباراة لاغية، وستُعاد المبالغ المدفوعة. في حال بدء المباراة ولكن عدم اكتمالها، يُعتبر اللاعب المتقدم إلى الجولة التالية هو الفائز.

3.10. الملاكمة/MMA/UFC

3.10.1. ستظل الرهانات على المباريات المؤجلة سارية لمدة 30 يومًا. إذا تم استبدال أي من المقاتلين بآخر، ستكون جميع الرهانات لاغية وسيتم رد المبالغ المدفوعة. لأغراض الرهان، يُعتبر القتال قد بدأ عندما يُدق الجرس لبدء الجولة الأولى.

3.10.2. إذا فشل أي من المقاتلين في الرد على الجرس للجولة التالية، فسيُعتبر خصمه فائزًا في الجولة السابقة.

3.10.3. في حالة إعلان القتال كـ "لا نتيجة"، ستكون جميع الرهانات لاغية وسيتم رد المبالغ المدفوعة، باستثناء الأسواق التي تم تحديد نتيجتها بالفعل.

3.10.4. خط المال/ للفوز بالقتال (2-way)

في حالة التعادل، ستكون جميع الرهانات لاغية وسيتم رد المبالغ المدفوعة، بما في ذلك القتال الذي ينتهي بتعادل أغلبية. ستتم تسوية الرهانات بناءً على النتيجة الرسمية المعلنة في الحلبة. لا تؤثر الطعون/التعديلات اللاحقة على التسوية (ما لم يكن التعديل بسبب خطأ بشري عند إعلان النتيجة). ستظل جميع الرهانات سارية مهما كانت التغييرات في عدد الجولات التي سيتم خوضها.

3.10.5. رهان القتال (3-way)

يتم تقديم سعر للتعادل. ستتم تسوية الرهانات بناءً على النتيجة الرسمية المعلنة في الحلبة. لا تؤثر الطعون/التعديلات اللاحقة على التسوية (ما لم يكن التعديل بسبب خطأ بشري عند إعلان النتيجة). ستظل جميع الرهانات سارية مهما كانت التغييرات في عدد الجولات التي سيتم خوضها.

3.10.6. محصلة القتال 5-Way / طريقة الفوز بالضبط

ستتم التسوية بناءً على النتيجة الرسمية المعلنة.

3.10.7. التعادل أو التعادل الفني

التعادل هو تعادل في بطاقات النقاط. التعادل الفني هو إذا أوقف الحكم القتال قبل بدء الجولة الخامسة، لأي سبب غير الضربة القاضية أو التوقف الفني أو الإقصاء.

3.10.8. مقاتل فردي A أو B بالضربة القاضية أو التوقف الفني

الضربة القاضية (KO) هي عندما لا يقف الملاكم بعد العد حتى 10. التوقف الفني (TKO) هو قاعدة الـ 3 ضربات أو إذا تدخل الحكم. أي اعتزال من الزاوية سيتم اعتباره توقفًا فنيًا (TKO)، ما لم يُقرر القتال لاحقًا بناءً على بطاقات النقاط أو يُعلن كـ "لا نتيجة".

3.10.9. مقاتل فردي A أو B بالقرار

يتم حسابه بناءً على أي من القرارات التالية: الفني، الأغلبية، المنقسم أو بالإجماع. يشمل أيضًا الإقصاء. ستظل جميع الرهانات سارية مهما كانت التغييرات في عدد الجولات التي سيتم خوضها.

3.10.10. إجمالي الجولات

بالنسبة للملاكمة (جولات 3 دقائق، لأغراض التسوية) حيث يتم ذكر نصف الجولة، فإن 1 دقيقة و30 ثانية من الجولة المعنية ستحدد النصف لتحديد أقل أو أكثر.

بالنسبة لـ UFC (جولات 5 دقائق)، حيث يتم ذكر نصف الجولة، فإن 2 دقيقة و30 ثانية من الجولة المعنية ستحدد النصف لتحديد أقل أو أكثر. إذا تم تغيير عدد الجولات في القتال لأي سبب، فإن الرهانات على رهان الجولات التي تم وضعها بالفعل ستكون لاغية وسيتم رد المبالغ المدفوعة.

3.10.11. رهان الجولات أو مجموعة من الجولات إذا تم تغيير عدد الجولات في القتال لأي سبب، فإن الرهانات على رهان الجولات التي تم وضعها بالفعل ستكون لاغية وسيتم رد المبالغ المدفوعة. لأغراض الرهان، فإن الرهان على الجولات أو مجموعة من الجولات يكون ليفوز مقاتل بالضربة القاضية، التوقف الفني، أو الإقصاء خلال تلك الجولة أو مجموعة الجولات. في حالة القرار الفني (باستخدام بطاقات النقاط) قبل نهاية القتال، سيتم تسوية جميع الرهانات كفوز بالقرار.

3.10.12. الرهان المباشر/الحي الملاكمة الفائز بالقتال (3-way)

يتضمن السعر للتعادل. خط المال/الفائز بالقتال (2-way)

الرهانات تُرد/تكون لاغية في حالة التعادل. مجموع الجولات (2-way)

يتم استخدام الأسعار الكاملة للجولات. الجولة التي ينتهي فيها القتال ستستخدم لأغراض التسوية. في حالة اعتزال مقاتل على مقعده بين الجولات، مثل الجولة 6 والجولة 7، سيتم احتسابها كجولة 6 لأغراض التسوية، أي آخر جولة مكتملة بالكامل. القتال للوصول إلى النهاية

لأغراض التسوية، يجب أن يتم إكمال العدد الرسمي المخصص من الجولات بالكامل لتسوية الرهانات على أنها "نعم". أسواق الإطاحة (الـknockdown) (ليسجل نقطة/مجموع الخ)

لأغراض التسوية، يتم تعريف الضربة القاضية على أنها مقاتل يتم قضاء عليه أو يتلقى عدًا إلزاميًا قدره 8 (أي شيء يعتبر زلة أو غيره من قبل الحكم لن يُحتسب). MMA الفائز بالقتال (3-way)

يتضمن السعر للتعادل. خط المال/الفائز بالقتال (2-way)

الرهانات تُرد/تكون لاغية في حالة التعادل. مجموع الجولات (2-way)

يتم استخدام الأسعار الكاملة للجولات. الجولة التي ينتهي فيها القتال ستستخدم لأغراض التسوية. في حالة اعتزال مقاتل على مقعده بين الجولات، مثل الجولة 2 والجولة 3، سيتم احتسابها كجولة 2 لأغراض التسوية، أي آخر جولة مكتملة بالكامل. القتال للوصول إلى النهاية

لأغراض التسوية، يجب أن يتم إكمال العدد الرسمي المخصص من الجولات بالكامل لتسوية الرهانات على أنها "نعم". طريقة أو أسلوب الفوز

ستتم تسوية الرهانات بناءً على النتيجة الرسمية مباشرة بعد القتال عبر www.ufc.com. أسواق الإطاحة (ليسجل نقطة/مجموع الخ)

لأغراض التسوية، يتم تعريف الضربة القاضية على أنها مقاتل يتم القضاء عليه أو يتلقى عدًا إلزاميًا قدره 8 (أي شيء يعتبر زلة أو غيره من قبل الحكم لن يُحتسب).

3.11. Cricket

3.11.1. All Matches Matches not Played as Listed

If a match venue is changed then bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match are reversed, then bets placed based on the original listing will be void. 1st Over Total Runs

Prices will be offered for the total runs scored during the 1st over of the match. Extras and penalty runs will be included. The over must be completed for bets to stand unless settlement is already determined. 1st Over- A 4 Scored

The over must be completed for bets to stand unless settlement is already determined. This market relates to the batting team and includes any delivery for which a batter is credited with EXACTLY four runs (includes All-Run/overthrows. Extras do not count) 1st Over- A 6 Scored

The over must be completed for bets to stand unless settlement is already determined. This market relates to the batting team and includes any delivery for which a batter is credited with EXACTLY six runs (includes All-Run/overthrows. Extras do not count) 1st Over- A Boundary Scored

The over must be completed for bets to stand unless settlement is already determined. This market relates to the batting team and only includes runs scored by reaching the boudnary for four or six runs (excludes All-Run/overthrows. Extras do not count) Team/Batter to Score a Fifty/Hundred in the Match (Pre-Match) The following minimum number of overs must be scheduled, and there must be an official result (Duckworth - Lewis counts) otherwise all bets are void, unless settlement is already determined. For settlement purposes any batter’s score of 50 or above will count. Twenty20 Matches - The full 20 overs for each team. One Day Matches - At least 40 overs for each team. Test and First Class Matches - The whole match counts. In drawn matches there must be a minimum of 200 overs bowled. The Hundred – all 100 balls must be bowled. (Team) Top Batter/Bowler

Bets are for the whole match. Bets placed on any player not in the team starting XI in the match are void. Players appearing as a substitute fielder are void. Bets on players who are selected but do not bat or bowl will be calculated/settled as losers. Dead-heat rules apply. Top Batter/Bowler

Bets are for the whole match from both teams. Bets placed on any player not in either starting XI in the match are void. Players appearing as a substitute fielder are void. Bets on players who are selected but do not bat or bowl will be calculated/settled as losers. Dead-heat rules apply. Batter Match Runs (Pre-Match) The following minimum number of overs must be scheduled, and there must be an official result (Duckworth-Lewis counts) otherwise all bets are void, unless settlement of bets is already determined. Twenty20 Matches - The full 20 overs for each team. The Hundred – all 100 balls must be bowled. One Day Matches - At least 40 overs for each team. Test and County Championship Matches - The whole match counts. In drawn matches there must be a minimum of 200 overs bowled. Most Run Outs 3-Way (Pre-Match)

Prices will be offered on which team creates the most run-outs whilst fielding. If a match is abandoned due to outside interference, then all bets will be void unless settlement is already determined. If a match is reduced in overs and a match result is reached, then the team who effected most run-outs whilst fielding regardless of the amount of overs bowled will be the winners. In matches determined by a Super-Over any run out during the Super-Over will not count for settlement purposes. In Test and First Class Matches all innings of the match will count. 1st Innings Score (Pre-Match) Prices will be offered for the number of runs scored during the 1st innings of the match, regardless of which team bats first. The following minimum number of overs must be scheduled otherwise all bets are void, unless settlement is already determined. Twenty20 Matches - The full 20 overs for each team. The Hundred – all 100 balls must be bowled. One Day Matches - At least 40 overs for each team. Test and First Class Matches - Declarations will be considered the end of an innings for settlement purposes. In the event of the 1st innings being forfeited all bets will be void. In the event of an innings not being completed due to outside interference or inclement weather all bets will be void unless settlement is already determined. Total Match Runs, Most Match Sixes or Fours/Total Match Sixes or Fours (Pre- Match) If a match is abandoned due to outside interference, then all bets will be void, unless settlement is already determined. Test and County Championship matches, the whole match counts. In drawn games a minimum of 200 overs must be bowled, otherwise bets void, unless settlement of bets is already determined. Twenty20 matches the match must be scheduled for the full 20 overs and there must be an official result unless settlement of bets is already determined. The Hundred - the match must be scheduled for the full 100 balls and there must be an official result unless settlement of bets is already determined One-Day matches where the number of overs has been reduced and the outcome has not already been determined then bets will be void. For settlement purposes this is all deliveries from which a batsman is credited with exactly six runs (including All- run/Overthrows). In matches decided by a Super-Over, runs, fours or sixes hit during the Super-Over will not count for settlement purposes. Outside interference does not include weather events. Team to make Highest 1st 6/10/15 Overs Score (Pre-Match)

If both teams do not complete the stated number of overs due to external factors or adverse weather then bets will be void, unless settlement is already determined. In the event of a tie, bets will be void. Current/Next Innings Runs Odd/Even

Extras and Penalty runs will be included for settlement purposes. Next/X Over Total Runs or Odd/Even Market

Extras and penalty runs will be included. If an innings ends during an over then that over will be deemed to be complete unless the innings is ended due to inclement weather in which case all bets will be void. A maiden, or zero runs, will be calculated as Even. 1st Scoring Shot of the match

This is determined by the first runs scored which are credited to a batsman and may include over-throws. Extras do not count (Byes-b, Leg Byes-lb, Wides-w, or No Ball = nb) In-Play/Live Runs in First 'X' Overs (Including alternative quotes) If the selected number of overs is not complete due to external factors then bets will be void, unless settlement of bet is already determined. If the natural length of the innings is less than the selected number of overs (e.g. a team is all out in less than the selected overs or reaches their target) then bets will stand. Series Correct Score

Bets void if the designated number of matches are not completed. Top Series Batter/Bowler

Any quoted player, who takes no part in the specified series, will be void (market may be subject to a Rule 4 (Deduction). In the event of two or more players ending on an equal number of wickets, Dead-heat rules apply. Most Sixes (Series)

In the event of two or more players ending on an equal number of sixes then bets void.

3.11.2. One Day/Twenty20 Matches Match Betting In matches affected by adverse weather bets will be governed by the official competition rules with the following exception: if a match is decided on either a bowl out or the toss of a coin then all bets will be void. Where no price is quoted for the tie and the official competition rules determine a winner/progressing side, bets will be settled on the official result. Where no price is quoted for the tie and the official competition rules do not determine a winner then Dead-Heat rules will apply, in competitions where a bowl out or super over determines a winner then bets will be settled on the official result. The result of a match is a tie when the scores are equal at the conclusion of play, but only if the side batting last has completed its innings (i.e. all innings are completed, or, in limited-overs cricket, the set number of overs has been played or play is terminally stopped by weather or bad light). If a match is abandoned due to outside interference, then bets will be void unless a winner is declared based on the official competition rules. In the event of a change of opponent from the one advertised then all bets for that match are void. Outside interference does not include weather events. If a match is cancelled, then all bets will be void if it is not replayed within 24 hours of its advertised start time. Live / In-Play Team Innings and Batter Innings Runs; (Including Alternative Quotes)/Innings Sixes In One Day matches Over/Under Innings and Batsman Innings Runs and Innings Sixes bets will be void if the intervention of rain or any other delay results in the number of overs being reduced by 5 or more from that scheduled when the bets were struck unless settlement of bets is already determined. Twenty20 Cup matches bets will be void if the number of overs is reduced by 3 or more from that scheduled when the bets were struck unless settlement of bets is already determined. In matches of 10 overs or less, bets will be void if the entire innings is not completed, unless settlement of bets is already determined. Hundred Matches, bets will be void if the number of balls is reduced by 11 or more. A Batter ‘retired hurt’ will be calculated with their score at that time. Any bets placed after the final delivery faced by the retired batsman will be void. Fall of Next/X Wicket; if the batting team reached the end of their allotted overs, declares or reaches their target before the fall of the specified wicket, the result will be the score/total at that time. Method of Dismissal Method 2-way; options are Caught and Not Caught. If no further wicket, then all bets are returned/void. Method of Dismissal Method 6-way; options are Caught, Bowled, LBW, Run Out, Stumped or Others. If no further wicket, then all bets are returned/void. A Fifty to Be scored in the Match The following minimum number of overs must be scheduled, and there must be an official result (Duckworth - Lewis counts) otherwise all bets are void, unless settlement is already determined. For settlement purposes any batter’s score of 50 or above will count. Twenty20 Matches - The full 20 overs for each team. One Day Matches - At least 40 overs for each team. The Hundred – all 100 balls must be bowled. Series Betting

Bets void if the designated number of matches changes, unless settlement of bets is already determined. If a series is drawn and no draw option is offered, bets will be void. Top Batter/Bowler

Bets placed on any player not in any starting 11 in the series are void. Bets on players who are selected but do not bat or field will be settled as losers. Dead-heat rules apply. Innings Runs (Including Alternative Quotes)/Innings Sixes In One Day matches Over/Under Innings Runs and Innings Sixes bets will be void if the intervention of rain or any other delay results in the number of overs being reduced by 5 or more from that scheduled when the bets were struck unless settlement of bets is already determined. Twenty20 Cup matches bets will be void if the number of overs is reduced by 3 or more from that scheduled when the bets were struck unless settlement of bets is already determined. In matches of 10 overs or less, bets will be void if the entire innings is not completed, unless settlement of bets is already determined. For Innings Sixes specifically, for settlement purposes the outcome is based on all deliveries from which a batsman is credited with exactly six runs (including All-run/Overthrows).

For this market only please note that any penalty runs added to a team total because of a slow over rate by the bowling team will not count for settlement purposes.

3.11.3. Test Matches Match Betting/Draw-No-Bet/Double Chance

Bets will stand on the official result provided at least one ball has been bowled. In the event of a tie then dead-heat rules will apply and bets on the draw will be losers. The result of a match is a tie when the scores are equal at the conclusion of play, but only if the side batting last has completed its innings (i.e. all innings are completed). If a match is abandoned due to outside interference, then bets will be made void. Outside interference does not include weather events. Top Batter/Bowler (Pre-Match) Only the first inning counts. Bets placed on any player not in the starting 11 are void. Bets on players who are selected but do not bat or do not bowl will be settled as losers. A minimum of 50 overs must be bowled unless All Out. Otherwise, bets are void. In the event of two or more players ending on an equal number of wickets then the bowler with the least number of runs conceded will be deemed the winner. A Fifty/Hundred to Be Scored in the 1st Innings

Bets are struck on the 1st innings of the match the settlement of which is determined by the team batting 1st (as opposed to both teams). The innings must be completed (declarations count) otherwise bets are void unless settlement is already determined. For settlement purposes any batter’s score of 50/100 or above will count. Team Batter to Score a Fifty/Hundred in the 1st Innings

Declarations will be considered the end of an innings for settlement purposes. In the event of the 1st innings being forfeited all bets will be void. In the event of an innings not being completed due to outside interference or inclement weather all bets will be void unless settlement is already determined. For settlement purposes any batsman’s score of 50/100 or above will count. Innings Runs; In-Play/Live (Including Alternative Quotes)/Innings Sixes A minimum of 50 overs must be bowled unless All Out or team declares. Otherwise bets void, unless settlement of bets is already determined. For Innings Sixes specifically, for settlement purposes the outcome is based on all deliveries from which a batter is credited with exactly six runs (including All-run/Overthrows). In-Play/Live Runs in First 'X' Overs (including alternative quotes) If the selected number of overs is not complete due to external factors then bets will be void, unless settlement of bet is already determined. If the natural length of the innings is less than the selected number of overs (e.g. a team is all out in less than the selected overs or reaches their target) then bets will stand. First Innings Lead

Both teams must complete their first innings for bets to stand (including declarations). Dead-heat rules apply. Series Betting

Bets void if the designated number of matches are not completed. For series batter total runs and player matches runs scored in both innings of all the matches in the series will count. For player performance the runs scored, wickets, catches and stumpings taken in both innings of all matches in the series will count. Runs in 1st Over (2-Way)

Extras and penalty runs will be included. The over must be completed for bets to stand unless result already determined. Top Batter / Bowler (Both Teams)

Top batter / bowler (both teams) bets are for the whole match. Bets placed on any player not in either starting 11 are void. Bets on players who are selected but do not bat / bowl will be settled as losers. Dead-heat rules apply. Test Match Team Totals (2-Way)

For Test matches totals are settled on the1st Innings only. A minimum of 50 overs must be bowled unless All Out or team declares. Otherwise bets void, unless settlement of bets is already determined. Opening Partnership Over/Under Innings Runs

Bets stand once 1 ball has been bowled in each team's 1st innings. Bets are void if the innings is forfeited. To Make a Fifty Yes/No in Either Innings

The whole match counts. Bets will stand after batter has faced one ball or is given out before first ball is faced. Score counts if batter is Not-Out including if innings is declared. All bets stand irrespective of delays caused by rain or for any other reason.

3.11.4. County Championship Matches Match Betting Unless a price is quoted for a draw, in the event of a drawn match, bets will be void. If a match is abandoned due to outside interference, then bets will be made void. In the event of a tie Dead-Heat rules will apply. Outside interference does not include weather events. The result of a match is a tie when the scores are equal at the conclusion of play, but only if the side batting last has completed its innings (i.e. all innings are completed, or, in limited-overs cricket, the set number of overs has been played or play is terminally stopped by weather or bad light). Innings Runs

A minimum of 50 overs must be bowled unless All Out or team declares. Otherwise bets void, unless settlement of bets is already determined. Top Team Batter/ Team Bowler Only the first innings count. Bets placed on any player not in the starting 11 are void. Bets on players who are selected but do not bat or do not bowl will be settled as losers. A minimum of 50 overs must be bowled unless All Out. Otherwise, bets are void. In the event of two or more players ending on an equal number of wickets then the bowler with the least number of runs conceded will be deemed the winner. First Innings Lead

Both teams must complete their first innings for bets to stand (including declarations). Dead-Heat rules apply. In-Play/Live Runs in First 'X' Overs (including alternative quotes) If the selected number of overs is not complete due to external factors then bets will be void, unless settlement of bet is already determined. If the natural length of the innings is less than the selected number of overs (e.g. a team is all out in less than the selected overs or reaches their target) then bets will stand.

3.11.5. Cricket World Cup/Tournament Betting Total Tournament Runs / Total Tournament Wickets

For any game which is abandoned or reduced via Duckworth Lewis, only the total number of runs and wickets actually registered count. Total Tournament Run Outs / Total Tournament Stumpings

For settlement purposes the official total will stand regardless of any matches being abandoned or reduced in overs. Team to Score Most Sixes /Player to Hit Most Sixes / Total Tournament Sixes For settlement purposes this is all deliveries from which a batter is credited with exactly six runs (including All-run/Overthrows). For settlement purposes the official total will stand regardless of any matches being abandoned or reduced in overs. Dead-heat rules apply. For the Player market specifically, batter must face at least one delivery, otherwise bets are void. Team with Highest Innings Score / Team with Lowest Innings Score

Dead-heat rules apply. Team with Highest Opening Partnership/ Team with Highest 1st 10 Overs Score

Dead-heat rules apply. Tournament Hat Trick

Bets settled as ‘Yes’, if a ‘hat-trick’ (deemed as when a bowler dismisses three batsmen with consecutive deliveries in the same match) is officially recorded during the tournament. Player of the Tournament

Bets will be settled on the officially declared Player of the Tournament. Dead-heat rules apply.

3.12. Cycling

3.12.1. Individual Stage/Outright Betting/Rider Finishing Position Participants must pass the starting line of the respective event/stage for bets to stand. Otherwise, bets will be void and stakes returned. All bets are settled on the official classification(s) listings, published by the respective race governing bodies, at the time of the podium presentation. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. For Team Classification markets, settlement is based on final standings in time based classifications (should there be more than one Team Competition in a specified event). Outright markets may be subject to a Rule 4 (Deduction).

3.12.2. Match-Ups Match-ups will be settled upon the cyclist achieving the highest placing in the specified event/race or stage. In the event of one or both cyclists not passing the starting line then bets will be deemed void. If both cyclists start but fail to finish a specific event/race or stage, then bets will be deemed void. If both cyclists start a specific event/race or stage and only one fails to finish, then the cyclist who completes the specific event/race or stage will be deemed the winner.

3.12.3. Event Specials

All-in compete or not. The specified event must be completed in full (statutory number of stages), otherwise bets will be void unless the result is already determined. For some specials, the statutory number of teams must start the specified event for bets to stand.

3.13. Darts

3.13.1. Outright Betting

Non-runner no-bet. Outright markets may be subject to a Rule 4 (Deduction).

3.13.2. Pre-Game Match Betting In the event of a match starting but not being completed, the player progressing to the next round or being awarded the victory will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes. For Premier League darts events, match betting may be offered in the form of 3- Way, and 2-Way markets. For settlement purposes the 3-Way market includes the Tie option. Bets will be void in the 2-Way market if the match result is a tie.

3.13.3. Handicap 2-Way and 3-Way Leg Betting/Set Betting

In the event of the statutory number of legs/set not being completed, changed, or differing from those offered for betting purposes then all bets are void. All bets will be void if match is not completed.

3.13.4. Individual Player Checkouts

If match is not completed, then all bets are void unless the quote has been exceeded.

3.13.5. First Leg/Set Markets

All bets void if the first leg/set is not completed, unless the outcome has already been determined.

3.13.6. Leader After 4/6 Legs

The first 4/6 legs must be completed for bets to stand.

3.13.7. Race to 3 Legs

Either player must win 3 legs for bets to stand.

3.13.8. Highest Checkout 3-Way

If match is not completed, then all bets are void unless the quote has been exceeded.

3.13.9. Highest Checkout 2-Way

If match is not completed, then all bets are void unless the quote has been exceeded. If players Tie, then bets are void.

3.13.10. Checkout Total Markets

All bets void if the match, or relevant leg/set is not completed, unless the outcome has already been determined. For 2-Way markets if players Tie then bets are void.

3.13.11. Next Leg Checkout

The Bull counts as red. The leg must be completed for bets to stand.

3.13.12. Total Legs/Sets

If match is not completed, then all bets are void unless the quote has been exceeded.

3.13.13. Checkout Markets

The Bull counts as red. The leg must be completed for bets to stand.

3.13.14. Most 180s

All bets void if match is not completed.

3.13.15. 180s Totals Markets

All bets void if the match, or relevant leg/set is not completed, unless the outcome has already been determined.

3.13.16. First 180

All bets void if match is not completed, unless the outcome is already determined. If no 180 is scored bets will be void.

3.13.17. 170 Finish in Match

All bets void if match is not completed, unless the outcome has already been determined.

3.13.18. Double Result (Legs/Sets)

Predict the result after the specified number of legs/sets and the overall winner of the match. All bets void if match is not completed.

3.13.19. First Dart Markets

Settlement is on the first dart or set of darts thrown in a specified leg/set. A Bounce Out is deemed as Other for settlement purposes. In a match format where Double In is used, the market will be void if offered in error.

3.13.20. 9 Dart Finish

All bets void if match is not completed, unless the outcome has already been determined.

3.13.21. Premier League Specials To Reach/Not to Reach the Final/Semi Final - The player must take part in one league match for bets to stand. To Be Relegated - Following the appropriate week of fixtures, the bottom two players in the league table (who are subsequently eliminated from the competition), will be deemed winners for settlement purposes. Regular Season Winner - For settlement purposes this refers to the player who tops the league table following the group fixtures before the play offs.

3.13.22. 9-Dart Specials Will Selected Player Record a 9 Dart Finish in a Match - All bets void if match is not completed unless a 9 dart finish already achieved. Will Selected Player Record a 9 Dart Finish in the Tournament - Player must throw 1 dart in the tournament for bets to stand. Will There Be a 9 Dart Finish in the Tournament - Tournament must be completed unless a 9 dart finish already achieved. Bets stand regardless of player withdrawals.

3.13.23. In-Play/Live Betting

Bets on any match market abandoned before the full completion of the statutory number of legs/sets will be void, except for those bets the outcome of which has already been determined at the time of abandonment. For example, Total Legs or Total 180’s quote has been exceeded at the time of abandonment.

3.14. Floorball

3.14.1. All games must start on the scheduled date for bets to stand/have action. A game is considered completed for settlement/calculation purposes if 50 minutes have been played.

3.14.2. All match markets will be settled on the score at the end of regulation time and will exclude overtime if played, unless stated otherwise.

3.14.3. Match Totals Odd or Even - If there is no score all bets will be settled as Even.

3.14.4. Overtime markets – only scores/action within overtime count for betting purposes.

3.14.5. If a match venue is changed then bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match are reversed, then bets placed based on the original listing will be void.

3.15. Football/Soccer

3.15.1. 90 Minutes Play All match markets are based on the result at the end of a scheduled 90 minutes play unless otherwise stated. This includes any added injury or stoppage time but does not include extra-time, time allocated for a penalty shootout or golden goal. The exceptions to this rule are in relation to friendly matches, where all match markets will be settled based on the actual result when the game finishes (excluding any extra-time), irrespective of whether the full 90 minutes is played, and Beach Football where markets are specifically settled on 36 minutes play only.

3.15.2. Extra-Time In-Play/Live Markets

Bets are settled on the official statistics for the extra-time period. Any goals or corners that were taken or scored during regulation time do not count.

3.15.3. Matches Postponed, Brought Forward or Abandoned Unless otherwise stated all bets on Abandoned, Postponed or Cancelled matches are Void if not replayed or scheduled within 24 hours of the original start time. Any match abandoned before the completion of 90 minutes play will be void except for those bets the outcome of which has already been determined at the time of abandonment. The market must be fully determined for bets to stand. For example, first player to score or time of the first goal bets will stand provided a goal has been scored at the time of abandonment or over 2.5 goals if 3 or more goals already in the game.

3.15.4. Matches not Played as Listed If a match venue is changed (other than to the away team's ground) then bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match are reversed (e.g. match is played at the original away team's ground) then bets placed based on the original listing will be void. We will endeavour to identify on our Website all matches played at a neutral venue. For matches played at a neutral venue (whether indicated on our site or not), bets will stand regardless of which team is listed as the home team. If an official fixture, lists different team details to those listed on our Website then bets will be void e.g. official fixture specifies in the team name, Reserves/Age Group e.g. Under 21's/Gender e.g. Women. In all other cases bets stand, including instances where we list a team name without specifying the term 'XI' in the name.

3.15.5. First/Last Player to Score (Pre-Match and Live) Bets are accepted on 90 minutes play only. Every effort will be made to quote first/last player to score odds for all possible participants . However, players not originally quoted will count as winners should they score the first/last goal. Bets on players not taking part in the match will be void as will bets on first player to score where the selection comes on after the first goal is scored. All players that take part in a match will be considered runners for last player to score betting. Subsequent enquiries by official bodies will not be considered for settlement purposes. Please note that own goals do not count in the settlement of bets.

3.15.6. Anytime Goalscorer (Pre Match) and Goalscorer (Live)

Any bets on a player taking part for any part of the given match stand.

3.15.7. Multi Scorers / To Score 2 or More / To Score a Hat Trick

Bets are accepted on 90 minutes play only. Bets on players that do not take part in the match will be void. All players that take part in the match will be considered runners for settlement purposes.

3.15.8. Correct Scores

Predict the score at the end of normal time. Own goals count.

3.15.9. Anytime Correct Score

Predict if the correct score, and to which team, occurs at anytime during the match. In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined.

3.15.10. Team to Win By X or Y goals

This market allows you to bet on a particular team to win by a specific goal margin (by X or Y goals). For example, you have backed Chelsea to win by two or three goals at home against Manchester City. Your bet wins if the game ends with the score of 2:0, 4:2, 3:0, etc. Bets will lose if Chelsea wins with 1 or 4 goal margin (2:1, 5:0, 1:0, etc). If the game ends in a Man City win or is drawn, the bet will also lose. This market is based on the full-time result of the match unless stated otherwise.

3.15.11. Team First/Last Goalscorer

Bets on players not taking part in the match will be void. Bets where the selection comes on after the first goal is scored for that team will be void regardless of whether the selected player scores in the game. Own goals do not count.

3.15.12. Player to Score at Any Time All players who take part in a match will be considered 'runners'. Any selection on a match that is not completed will be void/returned unless they have scored already. Оwn goals do not count in the settlement of bets.

3.15.13. Time of the First Goal

If a match is abandoned after the first goal is scored, then all bets stand. If a match is abandoned before the first goal is scored, then all bets accepted for time bands that have been completed will be considered losing bets and any other time band which included the time band of the abandonment will be void and treated as non-runners.

3.15.14. Injury Time

Bets on the amount of injury time are settled on the time indicated by the fourth official’s board, rather than the actual time played.

3.15.15. 10 Minute Bands/X Minutes Bands for Events

Events must happen between 0:00 and 09:59 to be classed in the first 10 minutes. Intervals are expressed as the minute of the match. For example 1-15 minutes will constitute 00:00-14:59, 16-30 will be 15:00-29:59, 31-45 will be 30:00 until Half Time; 46-60 will be 45:00-59:59 (after the second half begins) etc

1-5 minutes will be 00:00-04:59, 1-60 minutes will be 00:00-59:59 etc

3.15.16. Time of First Corner

Bets are settled on what time the corner is actually taken (not the time it is awarded).

3.15.17. Handicap Betting, Including In-Play/Live (3-Way)

Settlement will be at the odds displayed using the actual score in the match adjusted for the handicap.

3.15.18. Half-Time Result, Including In-Play/Live

Bets will be void if the match is abandoned before half-time.

3.15.19. Half-Time Correct Score

Bets will be void if the match is abandoned before half-time.

3.15.20. Half with Most Goals

Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

3.15.21. 1st Half Goals

Bets will be void if the match is abandoned before half time unless settlement of bets is already determined.

3.15.22. Rest of the Match Markets

Bets are based on the result of the rest of the game only between the placement of the bet and the end of the match/regular time. For example, if the score at the time of bet placement was 2-1 and the final score is 3-2 then match result for Rest Of The Match is ‘Draw’

3.15.23. Team Highest Scoring Half

Predict which half of a match that more goals will be scored in, by a specified team. Bets will be void If the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined.

3.15.24. All Corner Markets

Corners awarded but not taken do not count. In the event of a corner having to be re-taken then only one corner will be counted.

3.15.25. First/Last Corner Kick Of The Match

If there are no corner kicks in the match then all bets are void/returned.

3.15.26. 1st Half Corners, Including In-Play/Live

Bets will be void if the match is abandoned before half-time unless settlement of bets is already determined. Corners awarded but not taken do not count.

3.15.27. 2-Way Corners In-Play/Live

Settled on total number of corners in the match, in the event of an abandonment before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement is already determined. Corners awarded but not taken do not count.

3.15.28. Most Corners In-Play/Live

Settled on the team who receives the most corners in the match, in the event of an abandonment then all bets are void. Corners awarded but not taken do not count.

3.15.29. Race to X Corners In-Play/Live

Settled on the team who reach the quoted number of corners first, in the event of an abandonment before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement is already determined. Corners awarded but not taken do not count.

3.15.30. Result After 10/20/30/40 Etc Minutes In-Play/Live

Settled on the result at the specified time in the match. E.g., 10 minutes result is settled on the result in the match after 10:00 minutes of play. In the event of an abandonment before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement is already determined.

3.15.31. Half-Time - Full-Time Double Result

Bets will be void if the match is abandoned. Extra-time and penalty shootouts do not count.

3.15.32. Mixed/Mythical Football Is played between two different teams taking part in real matches in their respective league/competition but are not playing each other. Bets are calculated/settled on the sum of goals scored by the respective teams. If the start of either match is delayed by more than 24 hours then all bets on that game are void/returned.

For example Mixed/Mythical Match; Manchester United vs Real Madrid

Premier League Result Manchester United 2:1 Everton

La Liga Result Real Madrid 3:1 Sevilla

Mixed/Mythical Football Match Results Manchester United 2:3 Real Madrid

In this Manchester United vs Real Madrid Example; Real Madrid win that match and total goals would be 5, Double Chance three outcomes 1X lost, 12 won, X2 won etc. Match Specials Unless otherwise stated player specials are void if the player takes no part in the game. Bets are settled on the result at the end of 90 minutes play. Extra-time, golden goals or penalty shootouts do not count unless otherwise stated. Where one or more participant(s) quoted in a special do not participate, the bet will stand on the remaining participant(s) at regular prices if available. To Win Both Halves

The team must score more goals than the opposition in both halves of the match. Double Chance

The following options are available:

1 or X - If the result is either a home or draw then bets on this option are winners.

X or 2 - If the result is either a draw or away then bets on this option are winners.

1 or 2 - If the result is either a home or away then bets on this option are winners.

If a match is played at a neutral venue the team listed first is deemed the home team for betting purposes. ASIAN HANDICAPS

Please refer to the following examples regarding settlement of bets: Handicap Line 0 Ball

If either team wins by any margin they (the winning team) are to be settled as the winning selection. In the event of a draw all bets are void and stakes are refunded. Handicap Line 0.25 Ball

Team giving a 0.25 ball start:

- Win by any score - All bets on this selection are winners.

- Draw - Half the stakes are refunded on this selection. The other half of the stake is classed as a loser.

- Lose by any score - All bets on the selection are losers.

Team receiving 0.25 ball start:

- Win by any score - All bets on this selection are winners.

- Draw - Half the stake is settled at the price of the chosen selection. The other half is refunded to the customer.

- Lose by any score - All bets on the selection are losers. Handicap Line 0.75 Ball

Team giving a 0.75 ball start:

- Win by 2 or more - All bets on this selection are winners.

- Win by exactly 1 - Half the stake is settled at the price of the chosen selection. The other half is refunded to the customer.

- Draw or lose - All bets on this selection are losers.

Team receiving a 0.75 ball start:

- Draw or win by any score - All bets on this selection are winners.

- Lose by exactly 1 - Half the stake is refunded to the customer. The other half is classed as a loser.

- Lose by 2 or more - All bets on this selection are losers. Handicap Line 1 Ball

Team giving a full ball start:

- Win by 2 or more - All bets on this selection are winners.

- Win by exactly 1 - All bets on this selection are void and refunded to the customer.

- Draw or lose - All bets on this selection are losers.

Team receiving a full ball start:

- Win by any score or draw - All bets on this selection are winners.

- Lose by exactly 1 - All bets on this selection are void and refunded to the customer.

- Lose by 2 or more - All bets on this selection are losers. Asian Handicap In-Play/Live (Including 1st/2nd Half Bets)

All bets on the Asian Handicap In-Play/Live market are settled according to the score-line for the entire game. This includes goals scored before and after the bet is placed. Asian Corner Handicaps Whole corner or half corner handicaps - at the end of the match the handicap is applied to the final corner count and the team with the most corners after adjusting for the handicap is deemed the winner for settlement purposes. If the number of corners for each team is equal after the handicap is applied, all bets will be void, and stakes returned. Quarter corner handicaps - as an example “0.5, 1” is a 0.75 corner handicap has your stake equally divided between half corner and whole corner. In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. In the event of a corner having to be re-taken then only one corner will be counted. Corners awarded but not taken do not count. 1st/2nd Half Asian Handicap

Bets settled on the relevant half result only. Extra-Time Asian Handicap In-Play/Live

Normal In-Play/Live Asian Handicap rules apply but only goals in extra-time count. The score at the start of extra-time is deemed to be 0-0. Asian Total Corners

Predict the total number of corners in a match. The corner line will be either a quarter-corner, half-corner or whole-corner with bet settlement as follows. Corner line of 8.5

If you bet over 8.5, your bet wins if there are more than 8 corners in the match. Otherwise your stake is lost. If you bet under 8.5, your bets wins if there are less than 9 corners in the match. Otherwise your stake is lost. With a corner line of a whole number, if the total number of corners is the same as the corner line, your stake is returned. Corner line of 8.25 If you bet over, your stake is equally divided between over 8 corners and over 8.5 corners. Your bet wins if there are more than 8 corners in the match. If there are 8 corners exactly, half your stake is lost, and the other half is returned. Otherwise your entire stake is lost. If you bet under, your stake is equally divided between under 8 corners and under 8.5 corners. Your bet wins if there are less than 8 corners in the match. If there are 8 corners exactly, half your stake wins and the other half is returned. Otherwise your entire stake is lost. In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. In the event of a corner having to be re-taken then only one corner will be counted. Corners awarded but not taken do not count. Asian Corners In-Play/Live

Settled as pre-game Asian corners, in the event of an abandonment before 90 minutes have been played, then all bets will be void unless settlement is already determined. 1st Half Asian Corners In-Play/Live

Settled as pre-game Asian corners except result is settled on total at half-time, in the event of an abandonment before half time then all bets will be void unless settlement is already determined. GOAL LINE

In the event of a game being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played all bets are void unless settlement of bets is already determined. Please refer to the following examples regarding settlement of bets. Extra-Time Goals In-Play/Live

Only goals in extra time count. In the event of a match being abandoned before extra-time has finished then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. Goal Line 2

Goal line under 2

- Bets win if there is either 0 or 1 goal scored in the match. If there are two goals exactly then the stake is returned. Bets lose if there are three or more goals scored in the match.

Goal line over 2

- Bets win if there are three or more goals scored in the match. If there are two goals exactly the stake is returned. Bets lose if there is 0 or 1 goal scored in the match. Total Goals Asian (2.25)

Total Goals Asian under 2.25

- Bets win if there is either 0 or 1 goal scored in the match. If there are two goals exactly half the stake will win, and half will be returned. Bets lose if there are three or more goals scored in the match.

Total Goals Asian over 2.25

- Bets win if there are three or more goals scored in the match. If there are two goals exactly half the stake will be returned, and half will be lost. Bets lose if there is 0 or 1 goal scored in the match. Goal Line 2.5

Goal line under 2.5

- Bets win if there are 0, 1 or 2 goals scored in the match. Bets lose if there are three or more goals scored in the match.

Goal line over 2.5

- Bets win if there are three or more goals scored in the match. Bets lose if there are 0, 1 or 2 goals scored in the match. Total Goals Asian (2.75)

Total Goals Asian under 2.75

- Bets win if there are 0, 1 or 2 goals scored in the match. If there are three goals exactly half the stake will be returned, and half will be lost. Bets lose if there are four or more goals scored in the match.

Total Goals Asian over 2.75

- Bets win if there are four or more goals scored in the match. If there are three goals exactly half the stake will win, and half will be returned. Bets lose if there are 0, 1 or 2 goals scored in the match. Goal Line 3

Goal line under 3

- Bets win if there are 0, 1 or 2 goals scored in the match. If there are three goals exactly then the stake is returned. Bets lose if there are four or more goals scored in the match.

Goal line over 3

- Bets win if there are four or more goals scored in the match. If there are three goals exactly, the stake is returned. Bets lose if there are 0, 1 or 2 goals scored in the match. Total Goal Asian In-Play/Live

For In-Play/Live bets all goals are considered regardless of whether they are scored before or after the bet is placed.

3.15.33. TOURNAMENT BETTING Top Team Goalscorer

Goals scored in 90 minutes and extra-time count. Penalty shootout goals do not count. Dead-heat rules apply. Team quoted is for reference purposes only. Top Club Goalscorer

Goals in 90 minutes and extra-time count. Goals scored in penalty shootouts do not count. Dead-heat rules apply. If no club goalscorer then all stakes are returned. Top Goalscorer

Goals scored in 90 minutes and extra-time count. Penalty shootout goals do not count. Dead-heat rules apply (rather than the player receiving the Golden Boot etc). Team quoted is for reference purposes only. For the FA Cup, and other cup tournaments with preliminary round, goals count from the 1st round proper onwards. Tournament Totals/Specials Total Tournament Cards

The maximum number of cards per player per match is one yellow and one red (e.g. a second yellow card leading to a red card does not count). Cards awarded in extra-time do not count. Only players on the pitch count (e.g., if a manager or a substitute on the bench is shown a card, it will not count for these markets). Tournament Total Goals, Team Total Goals, Highest Scoring Team For markets applying to the whole tournament, goals scored in 90 minutes or in extra-time will count. For markets referring to a particular set of fixtures on a given date(s), only goals scored in 90 minutes count. Goals scored in penalty shootouts do not count. If a game is postponed, Total Goals (for a group of games on given date(s)) will be made void. Highest Scoring Team needs 50% of games to be played for bets to stand, and Rule 4 (Deductions) may apply in cases of postponed matches. Tournament Penalties Missed/Converted

Penalties taken in 90 minutes, extra-time and penalty shootouts all count. If a penalty has to be re-taken the previous disallowed penalty(ies) do not count. Tournament Corners

Only corners taken in 90 minutes count. Team To Go Unbeaten

Team must complete the tournament without losing any game or any two-legged tie. A loss via away goals, extra-time or penalty shootout will mean the market is settled as No. Tournament and Top Goalscorer Doubles

A special price will apply to predict the Tournament Winner and the Tournament Top Goalscorer. Dead-heat rules apply. Golden Ball

This market is settled on the winner of the Golden Ball (the best player of the tournament as declared by FIFA/UEFA etc). Golden Glove

This market is settled on the winner of the Golden Glove (the best goalkeeper of the tournament as declared by FIFA/UEFA etc). Golden Boot

This market is settled on the official winner of the top scorer taking into account tie-breakers from the relevant governing body (FIFA/UEFA etc). For example, assists, minutes and will supersede regular Top Goalscorer rules. UEFA Player of the Tournament

This market is settled on the winner of Player of the Tournament (the best player of the tournament as declared by UEFA). Club Goalscorer Match Bet

Both players must take some part in the tournament for bets to stand. In the event of a tie then all stakes are refunded. Goals scored in extra-time count. Goals scored in penalty shootouts do not count. Furthest Progressing Team

Based on the round a team exits a competition - regardless of extra-time, replays etc. A team winning the final would be deemed furthest progressing. If two teams are eliminated at the same stage (e.g Quarter Finals or in Group Stage) bets are void. Qualification Match-Ups

Should a team be disqualified from the tournament prior to the match, and a bye is awarded, then all qualification bets will be made void for that tie. ANTEPOST/FUTURES Season Specials

Bets settled on final league position/points total. Playoff points do not count except where specifically mentioned in the individual special. Player Scorer Specials - Bets are settled on the number of relevant goals scored for the club(s) and in league(s) indicated in the market title. To Reach Playoffs

The teams which finish in the playoff positions and proceed into the playoff competition will be settled as winners for this market. E.g. those teams gaining automatic promotion, plus all other teams outside of the playoff positions will be deemed losers. To Finish in the Top/Bottom Half

Bets are settled based on the official finishing positions at the end of the season. Relegation Betting

If a team is removed from the league before the season has started, then all bets on that market will be made void, and a new relegation book will be opened. Season Handicap Winner

Settlement is determined after handicap points have been added to all teams’ final league points total. Dead-heat rules apply (goal difference is disregarded). Divisional Betting

For settlement purposes, in divisional betting the finishing position of teams at the end of the scheduled programme of matches will determine placing (dead-heat rules apply in the event of two or more teams tying in the standings (according to official competition rules)), and there will be no allowance for playoffs or subsequent enquiries by the respective leagues. Bets will stand on any team which does not complete all of its fixtures. Top Goalscorer

Only goals scored within the quoted division are counted for this market irrespective of the team (within that division) for which they are scored. The team quoted alongside the player is for reference only. Only league goals count - excluding playoff matches. Own goals do not count. Dead-heat rules apply. Season Match Bets/Team Points Totals

If any team does not complete all its fixtures, then all match bets and team points total bets involving that team will be made void - win or lose.


Number of goals scored by named team. 90 minutes play only, extra-time and penalties do not count. Player Total Goals

Player must take some part in the tournament for bets to stand. Goals in 90 minutes and extra-time count. Goals scored in penalty shootouts do not count. Total Corners, Corners in Second Half

Corners awarded but not taken do not count. Please note that this applies to all corner markets. In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. In the event of a corner having to be re-taken (e.g. for a foul in the box) then only one corner will be counted. Extra-Time Corners In-Play/Live

Only corners in extra-time count. In the event of a match being abandoned before extra-time has finished then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. Corner Handicap

Corners awarded but not taken do not count. Handicap is applied to final corner count for each team to determine handicap winner. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned. Alternative Corners

Settlement of Alternative Corners market is based on the total corner count at the end of the match. Multicorners

This market is first half corners multiplied by second half corners (for example First Half 6 x Second Half 6 = 36, First Half 12 x Second Half 0 = 0 etc). In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. Total Goals/Number of Goals in Match/Alternative Total Goals In-Play/Live

In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. Extra-Time Goal Line In-Play/Live

Normal In-Play/Live Goal line rules apply but only goals in extra-time count. The score at the start of extra-time is deemed to be 0-0. Ten Minute Events In-Play/Live

Bets are settled on the number of events occurring in the specified ten-minute time period. Time periods 41-50 and 81-90 include any added time. Events only count within the period they are taken - not awarded. In case of abandonment any bets on uncompleted time periods will be made void unless settlement of bets is already determined. Note that for the 10 minute free-kicks market a penalty does not count as a free-kick. Corners, throw-ins, goal-kicks and free-kicks that have to be re-taken only count as 1. Foul throw-ins do not count. Goals Odd/Even

Any match resulting in 0-0 will be settled on an even number of goals. For Team Odd/Even markets, if the specified team does not score then we will settle on an even number of goals. In the event of an abandoned match then bets for that match will be void. Both Teams to Score

In the event of a match being abandoned after both teams have scored then ‘Yes’ bets will be settled as winners and ‘No’ bets as a loser. Otherwise, if the match is postponed or abandoned without both teams scoring, all bets will be void. Both Teams to Score in 1st and/or 2nd Half

Predict if both teams will score in the 1st half and if both teams will score in the 2nd half of the match. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. Home/Away Team to Score in 1st/2nd Half

Predict if a team will score in the 1st Half or 2nd Half of a match. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. If a match is played at a neutral venue the team listed first is deemed the home team for betting purposes. Half Time Result/Both Teams To Score

Predict the result of the 1st half of the match and if both teams will score in the 1st half. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. Half Time Result/Total Goals

Predict the result of the 1st half of the match and the number of 1st half goals. Bets will be void if the match is abandoned unless settlement of bets is already determined. Goals Over/Under

Predict whether there will be under or over 2.5 goals in a match. In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. Total Goal Minutes Predict the aggregate time of all goals scored in the match, e.g. goals in the 24th, 51st and 59th minutes make up at 134 minutes. Any goals scored in first half added time count as 45. Any goals scored in second half added time count as 90. Should a dispute arise as to the time of any goal then the time provided by the PA will be deemed the time for settlement purposes. If a match is abandoned then all bets will be made void apart from those that have already made up (e.g. goals in minutes 40, 45 and 60 and abandonment in 65th minute - bets predicting over 140 total goal minutes will be paid out as winners whilst under and bracket bets will be losers). Yellow Card Markets Only yellow cards count. If a player receives a Red Card for two yellow card offences this counts as one yellow and one red. Second yellows are ignored for settlement purposes. Settlement will be made with reference to all available evidence to cards shown during the scheduled 90 minutes play. Any card shown after the full-time whistle has been blown will be disregarded. Cards shown to non-players (e.g. managers, substitutes or substituted players who play no subsequent part in the game) do not count towards the total. In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. Number of Cards in Match Yellow card counts as 1, red card counts as 2. Second yellows are ignored for settlement purposes (e.g. maximum card count per player is 3). Settlement will be made with reference to all available evidence to cards shown during the scheduled 90 minutes play. Any card shown after the full-time whistle has been blown will be disregarded. Cards shown to non-players (e.g. managers, substitutes or substituted players who play no subsequent part in the game) do not count towards the total. In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. 1st Player Booked/Next Player Carded (Player Market)

In the event of two or more players receiving a card for the same incident then the player who is first shown a card by the referee will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes. Both yellow and red cards count for these markets. If TV Coverage or match information is inconclusive over who received the first card, dead heat rules will apply. Time of First Card

Both yellow and red cards count for this market. First Team Card/Next Card Betting (Team Markets)

Only players on the pitch count. In the event of two or more players being booked for the same incident the player who is first shown a card by the referee will be deemed as the winner for settlement purposes.

For betting purposes, a red card is counted as 2 cards. For example, following 2 yellow cards and 1 red card, the next card is deemed to be the 5th card. If TV Coverage or match information is inconclusive over who receive the first card, bets will be void/returned. Shots on/off target statistics

Only shots registered from attacking team count, e.g., an Own Goal is not a shot on target. First/Next Goal Method

Free-kick - Goal must be scored directly from the free kick. Deflected shots count provided the free-kick taker is awarded the goal. Also includes goals scored directly from a corner kick.

Penalty - Goal must be scored directly from the penalty, with penalty taker as named scorer.

Own Goal - If goal is declared as an own goal.

Header - Last touch of the scorer must be with the head.

Other Method - All other goal-types not included above such as shot from open play.

No Goal Supremacy

Where a goal supremacy market is offered on a group of matches (e.g. a home goals versus away goals market) if one or more matches are abandoned then all bets on that market will be void. Team to Score First/Second/Next Goal

Own goals count to the side credited with the goal. Team to Score Last

Bets will be void if the match is abandoned. Last Penalty Score/Miss

Predict whether the last penalty awarded in the shootout be scored or missed - if match does not go to penalty shootout all bets will be void. Team Next Penalty

Predict whether the next team penalty will be scored or missed - if match does not go to penalty. shootout or team does not take designated penalty all bets will be void. Team Penalties Converted

Predict the total number of penalties a team scores in a penalty shootout - if match does not go to penalty shootout all bets will be void. Team to Take Last Penalty

Predict which team will be awarded the last penalty in the shootout - if match does not go to penalty shootout all bets will be void. Ball to hit woodwork

The ball will need to rebound back into play to count towards positive calculation/settlement for this market. Any deflection out of play does not count for woodwork hit. Substitution Markets

Which team will make first substitution? - If there are no substitutions ‘there will be none’ will win if offered or all bets are void/returned. If both teams make the first change at the same time or during half time, ‘Both teams at the same time’ will win. Substitutions made in the same break in play, irrespective of order onto the pitch, are considered to be at the same time. Other Statistical markets (Fouls, Throw Ins, Offsides, Tackles etc)

Statistics provided by the official score(s) provider or the official website of the relevant competition or fixture will be used to settle wagers. Where statistics from an official score(s) provider or official website are not available or there is significant evidence that the official score(s) provider or official website is incorrect, we will use independent evidence to support bet settlement. In the absence of consistent, independent evidence or in the presence of significant conflicting evidence, bets will be settled based on our own statistics.

3.15.35. Transfer and Manager Specials Transfer Specials

Loan deals do count unless stated otherwise. If a specific date is quoted for a transfer to be completed by, the player must be registered to that club before the specified time frame ends. If a player moves to a club and then is immediately loaned out, we will settle/calculate on the club that signs the player on permanent deal, not where the player is loaned to. Next Manager Should a Manager not be quoted, all bets will stand. Other managers may be quoted on request. A caretaker or interim manager will not count unless they complete at least 10 consecutive competitive games and will then be deemed the permanent manager for settlement/calculation purposes. A director of football does not count and if structure of the management team changes to have no manager, the person responsible for picking the 1st team (from reasonable sources and using reasonable discretion) will be deemed the winner.

3.16. Futsal

3.16.1. All match markets will be settled on regulation time (specific to competition governing body), unless stated otherwise, including Match Odd/Even, which in the event of no score will be settled as Even. Regulation time must be completed for bets to stand unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.16.2. The following In-Play/Live markets will be settled at the end of overtime/shootouts: To Qualify/Lift Trophy/Win Shoot-out.

3.16.3. Half markets will be settled at the end of the specified half (exclude any extra-time played). In the event of a specific half not being completed bets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.17. Irish/GAA Sports (Gaelic Football/Hurling)

3.17.1. Outright Betting

All bets stand regardless of season length, provincial or qualifier format.

3.17.2. Match Betting Unless otherwise stated all Gaelic Sports bets are settled on regulation time (80 minutes) only (including injury-time); Extra-time does not count unless specified. Where a market specifically includes overtime and the game finishes level after overtime then bets will be void. Bets will be settled on official GAA (Gaelic Athletics Association) result only. If either team does not play then bets will be void. If a match venue is changed, bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match are reversed, then bets placed based on the original listing will be void. Bets on postponed matches are void unless the matches are re-arranged and played in the same 'Gaelic Week' (Monday - Sunday inclusive UK time). Bets on abandoned matches are void apart from markets where the outcome is already determined.

3.17.3. Double Result

Predict the result (home/draw/away) at both half-time and the end of regulation time.

3.17.4. Total game score is used to settle bets (goal = 3, point = 1)

Scoring Explanation; a goal (below the crossbar) counts as 3 points. A single point (over the cross bar) counts as 1point/ Match result and overall score/point-based markets are settled on the total combined goals from all Goals and Single Points.

3.17.5. Half Betting

Half markets, the relevant half must be completed for bets to have action/be calculated, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.17.6. Team to Score 1st/Last Goal

Own goals count.

3.18. Golf

3.18.1. Outright Betting/Top Nationality Etc Non-runner no-bet. Outright markets may be subject to a Rule 4 (Deduction). All outright bets are settled on the player awarded the trophy. The result of playoffs is taken into account. Dead-heat rules will apply to the Place part of any Each-way bets where required. Official tour site results at the time of trophy presentation are used for settlement purposes (subsequent disqualification after this time does not count). Some tours or events may not declare a winner via a play off if lowest score is tied. Dead heat rules will apply if no sole winner declared. Where a tournament is reduced from the scheduled number of holes for any reason (e.g. adverse weather conditions) outright bets placed prior to the final completed round will be settled on the player awarded the trophy if 36 holes of the tournament have been completed. If less than 36 holes have been completed or outright bets were placed after the final completed round, then bets will be void.

3.18.2. Withdraws or doubtful participation

If your selected player does not take part in the tournament, bets will be made void. If he or she has teed off, bets will stand, and they are deemed to have played. In the event of a player withdrawing after having teed off then stakes will be lost on outright, group, match or 18-hole betting etc.

3.18.3. Betting Without a Nominated Player(s)

Dead-heat rules apply to win bets unless the excluded player(s) does not win the tournament. Dead-heat rules also apply to the Place part of Each-way bets.

3.18.4. Group Betting The winner will be the player achieving the highest placing at the end of the tournament. Any player missing the cut will be considered a loser. If all players miss the cut then the lowest score after the cut has been made will determine settlement. Non-runner no-bet deductions in line with Rule 4 (Deductions) will apply. Dead-heat rules apply except where the winner is determined by a playoff. If a tournament is affected by adverse weather bets will be settled providing that there is a deemed tournament winner and a minimum of 36 holes are completed. The winner will be the player in the lead at the end of the last completed round.

3.18.5. Tournament Top 4/Top 5/top 6/Top 10/Top 20 Finish

Dead-heat rules apply.

3.18.6. Finishing Position of a Named Player

In the event of a tie for a finishing position the tied position will count. For example, a tie with 5 other players for 8th place will count as a finishing position of 8th.

3.18.7. Match Betting (3 way) - (54,72 or 90-hole etc) If a tournament is affected by adverse weather then bets will be settled providing that there is a deemed tournament winner and a minimum of 36 holes are completed. The winner will be the player in the lead at the end of the last completed round. Official tour site results at the time of trophy presentation are used for settlement purposes (subsequent disqualification after this time does not count). If one player misses the cut then the other player is deemed the winner. If both players miss the cut then the lowest score after the cut has been made will determine settlement. If a player is disqualified or withdraws after starting, either prior to the completion of two rounds or after both players have made the cut, then the other player is deemed the winner. If a player is disqualified during either the 3rd or 4th rounds, when the other player in the match bet has already missed the cut, then the disqualified player is deemed the winner. When a price is offered for the tie and in the event of a tie, bets on either player to win will be lost.

3.18.8. Tournament Match-Ups (2 way)

As above but bets void in the event of a tie.

3.18.9. 18 Hole Betting

The winner will be the player with the lowest score over 18 holes. Players are paired, they may or may not be playing together.

3.18.10. 18 Hole - 2 and 3-Ball Betting Bets stand once all nominated players tee-off the first hole. If a round is abandoned, then bets on that round are void. Official tour site scores recorded on the day will count for settlement (subsequent disqualification after this time does not count) Bets on 2 or 3-balls will stand irrespective of whether the actual pairings/group may differ. For tournaments using the Stableford scoring system the highest points scorer during the round is deemed the winner. Non-runners; 2 and 3-ball bets void. In 2-ball betting where a price is not offered for the tie then bets will be void in the event of a tie. If a price is offered for a tie, this will govern settlement. In 3-ball betting dead-heat rules apply. For all other bets involving groups of more than 3 players together over 18 holes (e.g. 7-ball, 9-ball, etc) Dead-heat rules apply. Non-runner no-bet. Deductions in line with Rule 4 (Deductions) will apply.

3.18.11. Wire-to-Wire Winner

The named player must lead after Rounds 1, 2 and 3 (incluing joint leading) and go on to win the tournament. All rounds must be completed in full as scheduled pre event (normally 72 holes/4 rounds).

3.18.12. Straight/Dual Forecast

For Straight Forecast, players must come 1st and 2nd in the specified order. For Dual Forecast, players must come 1st and 2nd in either order. Both players must tee off (start the tournament) for bets to stand, or bets will be made void/returned on that selection. Dead Heat rules may apply.

3.18.13. Fourballs

Bets stand once both pairings have teed-off the first hole. For all other bets involving groups of more than 3 players together over 18 holes (e.g. 4-ball, 5-ball, etc) Dead-heat rules apply. Non-runner - no-bet. Deductions in line with Rule 4 (Deductions) will apply.

3.18.14. Handicap Betting

Deduct handicap from final total to determine the winner. Tournament must be completed otherwise bets void. Any player who misses the cut will be deemed a loser. Any non-runner Rule 4 (Deductions) and SP Place terms will apply. Dead-heat rules apply.

3.18.15. Mythical Match-Ups

The winner will be the player with the lowest score over 18 holes. If scores are level after 18 holes, then bets will be made void.

3.18.16. Match Play Markets If a match does not start (e.g. player injured or disqualified before the start of a match) then all bets on that match will be void. Bets on markets that can be settled by using the official tournament and match results (including final match correct score and individual match betting) will be settled using those results. This includes where a match finishes early either by agreement of the players or through injury. Match Winner (2-Way) is settled on the winner including any extra holes played. In the event of a tie, bets on the Match Winner (2-Way) will be void. Match Result (3-Way) and Winning Margin do not include extra holes if played. Specifically, for Winning Margin and Last Hole Played markets, if a match finishes before the completion of the stated number of holes, bets will be settled on the official result. Bets will be void if a player withdraws at a point in the match where the result is still to be determined. E.g. The number of holes remaining is greater than or equal to the score at the time of withdrawal. For the Last Hole Played market, if a player withdraws after the 16th hole when the match is tied or after the 17th when a player leads by 1, then the Last Hole played is settled as Hole 18, since any natural conclusion to the match would require the 18th hole to be played. Uncompleted single hole bets will be void.

3.18.17. 36 Hole Match Betting

Settlement will be on the player achieving the highest placing at the end of 36 holes. If the number of rounds played is reduced, e.g. for bad weather, bets will be settled providing that a player has won the trophy (bets will stand as long as there is a deemed winner and a minimum of 18 holes are completed).

If a player is disqualified or withdraws after starting prior to the completion of two rounds, then the other player is deemed the winner. A price will be offered for the tie and in the event of a tie bets on either player to win will be lost.

3.18.18. Ryder/Solheim/Walker/Warburg/Presidents Cup and Any Other International Matches

All markets, including Outright, Draw-No-Bet, Handicap(s), Top Points Scorer and Correct Score, Format Correct Score, Total Point Markets, will be settled on official result unless otherwise stated. In the Presidents Cup, To Lift Trophy (without the Tie option), dead-heat rules will apply. Singles Matches - If an individual match-up ends in a tie, then bets will be void.

3.18.19. Golf Specials Winning Score - Settlement will be upon the completion of 72 holes (or 90 for tournaments where applicable) otherwise bets are void. Winning Margin - Based on the number of strokes between the winning player and the individual(s) who finishes second (includes a price for tournament to go to a playoff). In the event of adverse weather affecting the tournament then settlement will stand as long as a minimum of 36 holes of a tournament are played. Hole in One - Relates to a hole in one being recorded in the designated Rounds of a specified tournament. In the event of adverse weather affecting the tournament then bets will stand as long as a minimum of 36 holes of a tournament are played. In the event of a hole in one being recorded, but 36 holes not being played then the Yes option - To Make a Hole in One - will be deemed the winner. To Make/Miss Cut - A tournament cut must be applied for bets to stand. In the case of a Tournament where a multiple cut system is in place, settlement will be defined by a player playing or not playing in the next Round following the 1st official cut. To Win/Not to Win a Major - The 4 majors are US Open, US Masters, USPGA and the British Open. Enhanced Win - Refers to tournament outright betting.

3.19. Greyhound Racing

3.19.1. All our general rules apply to both horse and greyhound racing, exceptions being when they are superseded by the rules below, which are specifically applicable to greyhound racing.

3.19.2. Bets on named greyhounds which do not run will be made void. If only the trap number is selected, then the reserve will be substituted. Bets are accepted win or each way at starting price, show price or early price where available.

3.19.3. Place only bets are not accepted and if taken in error will be void. If a greyhound is withdrawn from a race, bets placed prior to the withdrawal at Early or Show prices will be settled at Starting Price (SP).

3.19.4. Reserve Greyhounds

Customers have two options when placing bets on greyhound races. You can either place the bet by trap number or by dog name. If placing a bet by trap number, then your bet will be settled on the trap regardless of whether or not a reserve is running. If you place a bet by dog name and the dog is a non-runner, your bet will be void.

3.19.5. Acceptance of bets

Bets placed after the official "off" time will be voided irrespective of whether the bet wins or loses.

3.19.6. Tote Bets

We do not accept tote bets on greyhound racing. Any such bets accepted in error will be settled at the starting price equivalent.

3.19.7. Place terms

In races of 5-7 runners we pay 1/4 odds 1st and 2nd places.

In races of 8 runners, we pay 1/5 odds 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

Where races have 4 runners or less, each way bets go all on to win.

3.19.8. Tricast Betting Winning bets are paid according to the computer tricast dividend and is declared to a £1 unit stake If a tricast is accepted on a race in which no tricast is declared then the bet will be settled as a forecast on the first two nominated selections.

3.19.9. Re-Scheduled Greyhound Races

Bets placed on a void race, which is re-scheduled to be run later on the same day, will be settled as follows:

• Single Bets (Including Single Forecasts and Tricasts) - All bets stand, unless a refund is requested prior to the off of the re-scheduled race.

• Show Prices and Early Prices - Bets taken at prices on a Void Race will revert to S.P. for the re-scheduled race.

• Multiple Bets - All selections in Void Races within multiple bets will stand for the re-scheduled race. In the event that the race is not re-scheduled, all selections in that race will be treated as non-runners within multiple bets.

3.19.10. Greyhound Specials

In the event of any non-runner, match and special bets will be void.

3.19.11. Favourites Wagers will be accepted win only at starting price for the favourite. The Place part of any wager inadvertently accepted for unnamed favourites will be settled as a Win stake. In the event of two selections starting joint favourites then stakes are divided equally. Where three or more selections start co-favourites, stakes will be divided proportionately. However, if such joint favourites or co-favourites are returned at a price whereby, irrespective of result, no profit could be accrued by the backer of the favourite, the unnamed favourite will be treated as a non-runner, in both single and accumulative bets.

3.19.12. Dead Heat

If two or more selections tie then dead heat rules may be used to settle bets. This is calculated by dividing the total stake by the number of selections in the dead heat then multiplying by the odds at which the best was placed/calculated. Effectively when you have a dead heat, one part of your bet is treated as a winner, and one part as a loser.

For example, a stake of £10 at 5/1 in a two-way dead heat becomes £10 / 2 = 5 * 5/1 giving a return of £30.

3.19.13. Greyhound Specials or Derivative/additional race markets

In the event of any non-runner in the race, then bets placed prior to the non-runner on these markets are void/returned; Cover Bet, Winner without Favourite, Finish 1st/2nd, Favourites v Outsiders, Inside v Outside and Odds v Evens.

3.19.14. Winner Without Favourite

This is a bet without one specific greyhound and is not necessarily the favourite at the time of bet placement or the official returned favourite at the off. The finishing position of that greyhound is ignored for settling/calculation purposes.

3.19.15. Cover Bet

Is a bet where if your selection wins you are paid at ‘Cover Bet’ offered price if your selection finishes placed, normally 2 places or else determined in display. Favourites v Outsiders A price is offered for a number of named dogs grouped as the favourites vs the remaining dogs grouped as the outsiders.

3.19.16. Inside v Outside

Is a bet on the winner of the race being from the inside numbered traps (1,2,3) or the outside numbered traps (4,5,6).

3.19.17. Match Bets

Match Bets will stand as long as both named selections run. If either selection is a non-runner, bets will be void/returned. Dead Heat Rules Apply.

3.19.18. Odds v Evens

Is a bet on the winner of the race being from the even numbered traps (2,4,6) or odd numbered traps (1,3,5)

3.20. Handball

3.20.1. Outright Betting

Outright Betting is all-in compete or not.

3.20.2. Match Betting Unless otherwise stated all bets will be settled based on the score at the end of regulation time and excluding overtime if played. All match betting markets are based on the result at the end of a scheduled 60 minutes play unless otherwise stated. If the scheduled 60 minutes is not played then bets will be void, with the exception of game props where the result has already been determined. The following markets include overtime/shootouts for settlement purposes: To Qualify, To Lift Trophy Any overtime will not be taken into account for any markets concerning “2nd half”. Specifically, for any competition that uses a Mercy Rule, in the event of such a Rule being called in a match, all bets will stand on the score at the time. If a match venue is changed then bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match play the fixture at the away team venue then bets will stand providing the home team is still officially designated as such, . otherwise bets will be void.

3.20.3. Matches Postponed or Cancelled

Any postponed or cancelled matches will be treated as a non-runner for settling purposes unless it is played within 24 hours of the original start time.

3.20.4. Half Betting

The designated half must be completed for bets to stand, unless the outcome of the specific market is already determined. This excludes overtime, if played.

3.20.5. Game Props

All game props, including the following markets, will be settled on regulation time only and exclude overtime if played: Team with Highest Scoring Half/Highest Scoring Half/Game Total Odd-Even/Team Total Odd-Even/Winning Margin (incl. Alternative)/Double Result (incl. Alternative)/Race to Markets/Team to score X Goals/Both Teams to score X Goals/Either Team to score X Goals.

3.20.6. In-Play/Live Betting

A game must be completed in full for bets to stand (unless the outcome of the specific market is already determined). All In-Play/Live game markets exclude overtime if played, except the following:

To Qualify

To Lift Trophy

To Win Match (Inc OT/SO) – if the match is determined in regulation time this market will be settled on the outcome at that time.

For In-Play/Live half betting, including the following markets, the designated half must be completed for bets to stand (unless the outcome of the specific market is already determined). All In-Play/live half bets exclude overtime if played. Handicap(s)/Total Goal(s)/Result(s)/Team Total(s)/Total Odd-Even/Margin of Victory/First Goal of Half/Draw-No-Bet/Double Chance/Race to Markets For In-Play/Live 10 minute betting, including the following markets, the designated 10 minute period must be completed for bets to stand (unless the outcome of the specific market is already determined): Handicap(s)/Total Goal(s)/Result(s)/Team Total(s)/Total Odd-Even/Last Goal/Margin of Victory/Race to Markets.

3.21. Hockey (Non-Ice, including ’Field’, ‘Rink’ or ‘Inline’ Hockey)

3.21.1. Outright Betting is all-in compete or not. Where applicable the podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.21.2. If an event is suspended or postponed, then bets remain valid provided that the event is completed at the same venue within 36 hours. If the event takes place at a different venue, then bets will be made void and stakes returned. If a match venue is changed, bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match are reversed, then bets placed based on the original listing will be void. A game must be completed in full for bets to stand, unless settlement of bets is already determined.

3.21.3. In 2-Way markets Push rules apply unless otherwise stated below. Stakes on single bets are returned, and in multiples/parlays the selection is treated as a non-runner. Pre-Game Bets All pre-game bets exclude overtime, if played, unless stated otherwise. In-Play/Live Game Bets EXCLUDE Overtime Unless Stated Otherwise To Win Match (2-Way)/To Qualify/To Lift Trophy/Method of Victory/Shootout Winner/Team Next Penalty In Shootout - Include overtime/shootout. To Win In OT - Includes overtime only and excludes shootout if played. In-Play/Live Quarter Bets EXCLUDE Overtime.

3.21.4. The designated quarter must be completed for bets to stand, unless settlement of bets is already determined. In-Play/Live Half Bets EXCLUDE Overtime The designated half must be completed for half bets to stand, unless settlement of bets is already determined. In-Play/Live 10 Minute Bets EXCLUDE Overtime The designated 10-minute match duration must be completed for bets to have action, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.


3.22.1. UK and Ireland Horse Racing

Horseracing data licensed from the British Horseracing Board Limited. If no official SP is returned, if no price is taken, then all bets will be settled at the last Industry show passed. If no Industry show is given, then bets will be settled at Tote odds. If on the day of a race the surface is altered (e.g. Turf to All Weather or vice versa), then bets will stand.

3.22.2. AntePost/Future Horse Racing AntePost wagers are accepted on the basis all-in run or not, entered or not. Except where specifically stated otherwise, stakes are lost on an AntePost bet if a selection does not take part and no Rule 4 (Deductions) is made from winning AntePost bets. When the same horse is taken to win two or more races in AntePost doubles, trebles and accumulators special reduced odds will be offered. On days when classic or other trials occur, AntePost betting may be suspended and new prices issued. Jockey Club Rule 121 decrees that Stewards are empowered to reduce the numbers in a race if, at the overnight declaration stage, too many have been left in for the safety of horses and jockeys. AntePost bets on horses compulsorily withdrawn will be void and stakes returned. Bookmakers in these circumstances are authorised to make appropriate deductions from winning bets on the race, depending on the last Price(s) of the withdrawn horse(s) at the time of withdrawal in accordance with Rule 4 (Deductions). On the 'Day of the Race Prices' Rule 4 (Deductions) will also apply. AntePost bets are settled at the Price and Place terms applicable at the time of acceptance. Should a wrong Price or Place terms be given in error we reserve the right to settle the bet at the correct Price/Place terms that were available at the time the bet was struck. Should a wager struck at a Price on the day of an event couple selection(s) in that event with selection(s) in future event(s) then if the first selection(s) does not run the wager will be executed on the remaining selection(s) on the basis of all-in, run or not.

3.22.3. Non Runner Money Back (NRMB)

Some ante post/future horse racing races may be offered with NRMB terms and will be indicated as such in race name and will appear in open bets with NRMB listed. This means if the horse you backed does not run your stake will be returned.

3.22.4. Postponed Races

If a race is postponed to another day and final declarations stand then bets stand. However, single bets on horse racing will be made void and any selection involved in accumulative bets will be treated as a non-runner if:

The race is abandoned.

The race is officially declared void.

The conditions of the race are altered after bets are made (as defined under Tattersalls rules).

The venue is altered.

3.22.5. Each-Way Betting Bets are settled to win unless Each-way is selected. An Each-way bet is a bet of twice the selected unit stake. It contains one bet of unit stake on the selection to Win and one bet of unit stake on the selection to be Placed according to the terms advertised for the event. In general, for UK horse racing the Place part of Each-way bets will be settled as per the following Place terms: Handicaps 16 or more runners one quarter the odds first four Places Handicaps 12 15 runners one quarter the odds first three Places All other races of 8 or more runners one fifth the odds first three Places Races of 5, 6 or 7 runners one quarter the odds first two Places Less than 5 runners the Place money is invested to Win. In all races the number of runners shall be the number of runners coming under starters orders. Bets will not be accepted where the Place stake exceeds the Win stake. Each-way doubles, trebles and accumulators will be settled Win to Win and Place to Place in accordance with the above.

3.22.6. Non-standard (extra) place terms

Some races may be offered with non-standard place terms with additional places. These terms will be stated at the time of bet placement but will be determined by the number of horses that run in the race at the off (not at bet placement). In the event of non-runners and/or withdrawals we reserve the right to change these enhanced place terms to the standard place terms listed above.

3.22.7. Dead-Heats

Where two selections dead-heat half the stake money is lost, and the full odds are paid to the other half. If more than two dead-heat the stake is proportioned accordingly.

3.22.8. Favourites/2nd Favourites Wagers will be accepted win only at starting price for 1st and 2nd favourites. The Place part of any wager inadvertently accepted for unnamed favourites will be settled as a Win stake. In the event of two selections starting joint favourites then stakes are divided equally. Where three or more selections start co-favourites, stakes will be divided proportionately. However, if such joint favourites or co-favourites are returned at a price whereby, irrespective of result, no profit could be accrued by the backer of the favourite, the unnamed favourite will be treated as a non-runner, in both single and accumulative bets. Should the favourite be withdrawn before coming under starter's orders but too late for a new market to be formed then bets on the favourite in that particular race are void. In the event a joint or co-favourite being withdrawn then the proportion of stakes on that selection will be void and the remaining proportion of stakes will be divided equally on the selections that do run.

3.22.9. Forecast Betting Forecasts are accepted for all races of 3 or more actual runners and will be settled as a straight forecast (selections to finish 1st and 2nd in correct order) in accordance with the computer straight forecast dividend. If there are less than 3 actually running in a race, then all forecasts for that race will be void. In the event of no straight forecast dividend being declared then forecasts will be settled in accordance with the NSL straight forecast chart provided that 3 or more actually run in that race. You may take early prices or show prices in straight forecasts when available, in a fixed price forecast. If any withdrawals result in a total Rule 4 (Deductions) of £0.10 in the £ or greater than a fixed price forecast will be settled at the computer forecast dividend. Where a client selects combination forecasts A B C and stakes for 6 bets this will be settled as 6 straight forecasts as follows:



BC CB Forecast bets are not accepted containing unnamed favourites. Should any forecast contain a non-runner then the total stake will be placed to Win on the other selection. In fixed price forecasts the remaining selection will be settled at SP. In races where a horse finishes alone and no forecast dividend is returned then all forecast bets nominating that horse to finish first will be settled as a Win single at SP on the winning horse. All other forecast bets in the race are lost. In the event of two or more horse’s dead-heating for first or second place then separate dividends will be declared and paid to each qualifying forecast. In fixed price forecasts the full odds will be paid with the stake split according to the number of horses which dead-heat.

3.22.10. Tricast Betting You may take early prices or show prices in straight Tricasts when available, in a fixed price Tricast. This is available on all horse races of 8 or more runners. If any withdrawals result in a total Rule 4 (Deductions) of £0.10 in the £ or greater than a fixed price Tricast will be settled at the computer Tricast dividend. However, if no computer Tricast dividend is declared (e.g. in non-handicaps) then a fixed price Tricast will be settled as a computer straight forecast on the first two named selections irrespective of where the third named selection finishes. The following applies to both Tricasts and fixed price Tricasts: if one selection is a non-runner then the bet will be settled as a straight forecast at the computer forecast dividend. If there are two non-runners, then the bet will be settled as an SP single on the remaining selection. Tricasts are not accepted including unnamed favourites. In the event of two or more horse’s dead-heating for first, second or third place then separate dividends will be declared and paid to each qualifying Tricast. In fixed price Tricasts the full odds will be paid with the stake split according to the number of horses which dead-heat. Tricasts are accepted for singles only.

3.22.11. Show/Board Prices

Should a horse be withdrawn no show/board price will be laid after the time of withdrawal unless the market is reformed.

3.22.12. Early Morning Prices/Day of Event Prices

After the final declarations stage, non-runner no bet. Rule 4 (Deductions) will apply.

3.22.13. Reserves

In races with reserves, any bets taken prior to a reserve horse being declared to run and if the reserve was not priced up at the time the bet was placed, then any such bets will be settled on the result 'without the reserve runner(s)'. Each way bets settled on the result "without the reserve runner(s)" will be based on the number of runners, excluding reserves, that start the race. In races where reserves are priced but do not run, no Rule 4 (Deductions) will be applicable. The exception when non- runners occur so that a reserve is due to take part then is a subsequent non-runner where Rule 4 (Deduction) will apply.

3.22.14. Withdrawals Other Than AntePost/Future Horse Racing Where a horse is withdrawn before coming under starter's orders, or is officially deemed by the starter to have taken no part in the race, then stakes will be returned on the withdrawn horse and winning bets will be subject to deductions in accordance with Rule 4 (Deductions). The rate of deduction will be based on the price of the withdrawn horse at the time of its withdrawal on the following scale: Rule 4 (Deductions) Table Deduction table for withdrawals other than AntePost

1/9 or shorter - 90%

2/11 to 2/17- 85%

1/4 to 1/5 - 80%

3/10 to 2/7 - 75%

2/5 to 1/3 - 70%

8/15 to 4/9 - 65%

8/13 to 4/7 - 60%

4/5 to 4/6 - 55%

20/21 to 5/6 - 50%

EVS to 6/5 - 45%

5/4 to 6/4 - 40%

8/5 to 7/4 - 35%

9/5 to 9/4 - 30%

12/5 to 3/1 - 25%

16/5 to 4/1 - 20%

9/2 to 11/2 - 15%

6/1 to 9/1 - 10%

10/1 to 14/1 - 5%

over 14/1 - no deduction In the event of two or more horses being withdrawn before coming under starter's orders then the total deductions shall not exceed £0.90 in the £. Should a horse be withdrawn, and a new market formed then any bets laid at show prices prior to the new show will be subject to the above deductions. In the event of a further withdrawal after the market has been reformed then bets placed at show prices in the original market will be subject to a further deduction based on the price of the withdrawn horse in the original market. Bets placed in the new market will be subject to a deduction based on the current price. The above scale will also apply in the case of non-runners in early price races and will be used for other events where we specifically advertise that deductions in line with Rule 4 (Deductions) will apply.

3.22.15. ReRuns In the event of a false start, etc. resulting in a race being rerun, 'under starter's orders' is negated and stakes will be refunded on horses taking no part in the rerun. Returns on the remaining runners subject to Rule 4 (Deductions). The number of runners taking part in the rerun governs Place terms. Walkovers and Void Horse Races Walkovers and void races count as races, but any horse so involved will be treated as a non-runner for settlement purposes.

3.22.16. Best Odds Guaranteed (BOG) Rules If you take the price and the starting price (SP) is bigger, we will pay you out at the bigger price. If you take a price of 4/1 and the selection wins with a SP of 5/1, we pay you 5/1. If the horse wins at odds of 3/1, we pay you 4/1. This applies to UK and Ireland horse racing only. This applies to early prices, board prices and for singles and multiples. This offer applies to new and existing customers. This offer does not include Ante-Post/Future Horse Racing, Tote/PMU Pool Bets, any packaged multiple, boosted odds or any other ‘special’ bets. In the event of a Rule 4, we will pay out at the bigger odds if applicable, after the Rule 4 deduction has been applied.

3.22.17. First Past The Post (FPTP) rules First Past The Post (FPTP) or ‘double result’ concession means we will pay out on the horse that crosses the line first, even if they are later disqualified or downgraded in the race.\. FPTP is offered for all UK and Irish Racing only to all single and multiple bets. This applies to day of race win and each way markets only Staking restrictions do not apply.

3.22.18. Circumstances where FPTP does not apply Horses that are disqualified because they failed to weigh in correctly (including wrong weight or jockey failing to weigh in). Horses that are disqualified for taking the ‘wrong course’. Any subsequent appeal or amendment not on day of the race. Races which are declared void. Any ‘ante post’ or ‘future horse racing’ bet. Bets that are placed on or settled using PMU or Tote odds. A correction to a result given in error by the judge prior to the weigh in. Any other markets offered including, but no limited to, forecast and tricasts, match bets, distance betting or special bets.

3.22.19. Non UK and Ireland

For some of the major overseas horse races an industry SP and Forecast/Tricast may be declared. In these cases, if no price is taken and Tote (Pari-mutuel) is not requested, then bets will be settled based on the industry declared SP and Forecast/Tricast dividends. Normal place terms will apply for Each-way betting. If on the day of a race the surface is altered (e.g. Turf to All Weather or vice versa), then bets will stand.

3.23. Ice Hockey

3.23.1. All games must start on the scheduled date (local stadium time) for bets to have action. If a match venue is changed, bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such.

3.23.2. If the home and away team for a listed match play the fixture at the away team venue then bets will stand providing the home team is still officially designated as such, otherwise bets will be void.

3.23.3. All Competitions/Matches (unless otherwise stated) - All Markets Pre-Game and In-Play/Live All bets include overtime/shootouts unless otherwise stated. In the event of a game being decided by a penalty shootout, then one goal will be added to the winning team's score and the game total for settlement purposes.

This does not apply to markets that exclude overtime/shootouts if played. In 2-Way markets Push rules apply. Stakes on single bets are returned, and in multiples/parlays the selection is treated as a non-runner. 3-Way markets are settled on the score at the end of regulation time, with the exception of When Will Game End which is a 3-Way market that includes overtime/shootouts. Team Totals Odd or Even - If your team doesn't score bets will be settled as Even. Will there be overtime in the match – Overtime (where applicable) must start for bets to stand. The following markets exclude overtime/shootouts for settlement purposes:

Asian Handicap

Asian Goal Line

Draw No Bet

Puck Line (3-Way)

Game Total (3-Way)

Double Chance (3-Way)

Money Line (3-Way)

Team Totals (3-Way)

Race to Markets

Total/Team Goals Exactly

Team To Score First/Last

To Score Last in Regulation

Next Goal Scored

Who Will Win Most Periods

Total/Home and Away Goals Scored

Period Betting

10 Minute Markets In-Play/Live

Highest Scoring Period

Highest Scoring Period - If 2 or more periods have the same score, Tie will be settled as the winner.

Period Betting - The relevant period must be completed for bets to have action, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

10 Minute Markets In-Play/Live - The designated 10 minute match duration e.g. 31-40 minutes must be completed for bets to have action, unless the specific market outcome is already determined. For settlement purposes the 51-60 minute duration will not include overtime if played.

3.23.4. Matches Listed as Club Friendlies (Regulation Only) and International Friendlies (Regulation Only) - All Markets Pre-Game and In-Play/Live All bets will be settled based on the score at the end of regulation time and excluding overtime if played, unless otherwise stated below. Game Totals Odd or Even - If there is no score all bets will be settled as Even. Team Totals Odd or Even - If your team doesn't score bets will be settled as Even. The following markets include overtime/shootouts for settlement purposes:

To Win Match (including overtime/shootout)

To Lift Trophy

To Qualify

When Will Game End

Penalty Shootout Winnerv

Penalty Shootout Correct Score

IIHF World Championships and Olympic Games

Settlement of match-up bets will be determined by positions in the Official Final Ranking at the conclusion of the specified Tournament. If teams are still ranked level, bets will be void.

Top Tournament/Team Goalscorer - Player who scores most goals during the competition will be deemed the winner. All-in, play or not. Dead-heat rules apply. To Qualify From Group - Team to progress to Qualifying Round from Preliminary Round will be deemed winner.

3.23.5. Player Statistics

Markets may be offered Regardless of the country and the tournament all bets on Player Statistics are calculated based on the results in regular time, excluding the result of the overtime and penalty shootout. If a player has not participated in the match bets on that player are void/returned.

3.23.6. In Game Number of Suspension markets For the calculation of how many 2-minute suspensions will there be in the given period or match? each 2 minute suspension counts as 1. Double Minor Penalty (double minor) (2 +2 minutes) counts as 2 suspensions each lasting 2 minutes. All penalties occurring before the start of the period refer to the previous period. Penalties assigned at the end of the game, also belong to the previous period (the 3rd period or the overtime). Delayed suspensions which have not come into force due to the fact that the goal was scored are not counted, regardless of whether or not they were included in the official record of the match.

3.23.7. Goalscorer Markets (First/Last/Any)

Forecast the name of the scorer of the first/last goal or to score anytime in the game. Bets on a player taking any part in the given match stand.

3.23.8. Futures/Ante Post\. NHL Regular Season Points/Match-Ups/Wins - Team must complete at least 80 regular season games for bets to have action/stand unless the specific market outcome is already determined. NHL To Win Conference - The team that progresses to the Stanley Cup Final will be deemed the winner.

3.23.9. Outright/Conference/Divisional Betting

All bets stand regardless of team relocation, team name change or season length.

3.23.10. Series Betting

Bets are void if the statutory number of games (according to the respective governing organisations) are not completed or are changed.

3.24. Motor Racing (Cars)

3.24.1. F1/Formula One Racing

All race bets are settled on the official classification from the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), the sport's governing body, at the time of the podium presentation.

3.24.2. Drivers/Constructors Championship

Each participant is priced to be the top driver over the Formula 1 season in accordance with Drivers/Constructors Championship standings, and rules as specified by the FIA. Each-way terms may apply.

3.24.3. Match Betting/Group Betting

Two drivers or constructors may be paired/put in a group for betting purposes and prices offered on which of them will finish in a higher position in the Drivers/Constructors Championship standings, as specified by the FIA, and in accordance with their official rules. Minimum 16 races must take place for bets to stand.

3.24.4. Individual Grand Prix Betting

All drivers who start the formation lap are deemed as runners. The podium positions will be used to determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd for betting purposes.

3.24.5. Qualification Markets

Official qualifying times as recorded by the FIA will be used for settlement. For Fastest Qualifier, times recorded in the third phase count. If for some reason the third phase does not take place we will settle on the official grid as formed by the FIA. Grid position penalties / subsequent disqualifications do not apply for settlement purposes. However, qualifying time penalties (as specified by the FIA) will. Drivers must start the first phase of qualifying for bets to stand. For fastest in qualifying session 1 and 2, drivers must start the specified phase of qualifying for bets to stand.

3.24.6. Start of the Race

The start of any race is defined as the signal to start the formation lap.

3.24.7. Number of Classified Drivers/Groups to Finish/To Finish Last/To Be Classified/Not to Finish the Race/Both Cars To Be Classified

Drivers that have completed 90% or more of the number of laps completed by the winner (rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps) are regarded as finishers in line with the official FIA classification at the time of the podium presentation.

3.24.8. Finish in the Points/Podium Finish

The result for settlement is at the time of the podium presentation. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.24.9. Highest Finishing Position/Race Match Up

If both drivers fail to complete the race, then the driver completing the most laps will be deemed the winner. If both drivers retire on the same lap, then bets will be settled on the official classification at the time of podium presentation.

3.24.10. Finishing Position Markets

If both drivers fail to complete the race, then the driver completing the most laps will be deemed the winner. If both drivers retire on the same lap, then bets will be settled on the official classification at the time of podium presentation.

3.24.11. Race Match Betting

Bets will be settled on the official classification at the time of podium presentation.

3.24.12. Winning Car

All cars will be deemed as runners. The podium positions will be used to determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd for betting purposes.

3.24.13. Winning Margin/Qualifying Winning Margin

Bets will be settled on the official FIA result at the time of the podium presentation.

3.24.14. Fastest Lap

The official FIA result at the time of the podium presentation for the race will be used.

3.24.15. Will There Be a Safety Car Period During the Race?

A Safety Car Period is defined as the need for the Safety Car to run in front of the leading car during a specified race. Should the race start under the Safety Car, then all bets concerning the Safety Car market will be settled as Yes. If the race finishes under Safety Car conditions but the safety car has not had time to get to the front of the leading car this market will be settled as Yes. Virtual Safety Car periods do not count.

3.24.16. Virtual Safety Car During the Race

A Virtual Safety Car Period is defined as the need for all cars to be slowed down to a set speed limit in order to make the track safe to continue racing. Unlike the normal Safety Car procedure, no actual car will lead the cars around but instead drivers will see VSC messages around the track and will slow down to the required speed.

Should the race start or end under a Virtual Safety Car condition the market will be settled as Yes. Normal Safety Car periods do not count for the purposes of this market.

3.24.17. Race Group Betting

The winner is the driver achieving the highest placing at the time of the podium presentation. If all drivers in the group fail to be classified, then the driver completing the most laps will be deemed the winner. If all drivers in the group fail to be classified and two or more drivers retired on the same lap, then dead-heat rules apply. Drivers are grouped together for betting purposes only. Non-runner no-bet deductions in line with Rule 4 (Deductions) will apply. Bets will be settled on the official FIA result at the time of the podium presentation.

3.24.18. First Driver/Car to Retire (Formation Lap Counts)

Driver must start 1st formation lap. Bet settlement will be determined by which lap number a car retires on. Should more than one car retire on the same lap then dead-heat rules apply.

3.24.19. First Constructor Retirement (Formation Lap Counts)

Bets will have action once the 1st formation lap starts. The winner is the constructor of the first car to retire. Should more than one car retire on the same lap then dead-heat rules apply.

3.24.20. First Lap Markets

Bets are settled on the first completed lap of the original race start. Any official restarts are disregarded, unless in the original race the first lap is not completed fully. In this case bets will be settled on the first fully completed lap.

3.24.21. Leader After 1 Lap

For settlement purposes the winner is deemed to be the driver leading the race as they cross the start/finish line after one classified race lap (formation lap not included). In the event of one lap not being fully completed all bets will be void.

3.24.22. Leader After Specified Laps

For settlement purposes the winner is deemed to be the driver leading the race as they cross the start/finish line after the specified race lap in accordance with the FIA's official Race Lap Chart. In the event of the specified number of laps not being fully completed all bets will be void.


3.25.1. Outright Race Betting

The Field includes any driver who is not listed. Any drivers who do not qualify for the race will be deemed no action/void. The race must be run within one week of the scheduled off time for there to be action. The official NASCAR winner of the race shall be the winner of the race for wagering purposes (this includes all races which are halted prematurely for any reason).

3.25.2. Race Driver Match-Ups All match-ups will be settled as per the official NASCAR result. If one driver fails to complete the race, then the other driver will be declared the winner. Where both drivers fail to complete the race then the number of full laps completed will determine the result. If both drivers fail to complete on the same lap, then the official placing as assigned by the controlling authority will determine the result. Both named drivers must start the race (e.g. cross the start line) for bets to be action. If any driver is replaced before the start of the race, then all match-ups will be void. If a driver is replaced during the race, then bets will stand on his replacement.

3.25.3. Race Props

Race props will be settled on official NASCAR results.


3.26.1. Outright Race Betting

The Field includes any driver who is not listed. Any drivers who do not qualify for the race will be deemed no action/void. The race must be run within one week of the scheduled off time for there to be action/bets to count. The winner, as deemed by the official ruling body of the race, shall be the winner of the race for betting/wagering purposes. This includes all races which are halted prematurely for any reason.


3.27.1. All race bets are settled on the official classification from the relevant governing body, at the time of the podium presentation. This will not be affected by any subsequent enquiries. Please refer to Formula One rules above regarding bet settlement on specific markets.

3.27.2. Driver Championship

Each participant is priced to be the top driver over the relevant Touring Car season in accordance with the Driver Championship standings, and rules as specified by the governing body.

3.27.3. Individual Race Betting

All drivers who start the warm-up lap are deemed as runners. The podium positions will be used to determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd for betting purposes.

3.28. A1

3.28.1. All race bets are settled on the official classification from the A1GP organisation, the sport's governing body, at the time of the podium presentation. This will not be affected by any subsequent enquiries. Please refer to Formula One rules above regarding bet settlement on specific markets.

3.29. RALLY

3.29.1. All race bets are settled on the official classification as defined by the official race organisers and will not be affected by any subsequent enquiries.


3.30.1. For all results the official podium result immediately following the race is final. Subsequent alterations and disqualifications do not count for betting purposes.

3.30.2. Individual Race Betting

All riders in place to start the warm up lap count as participants.

3.30.3. Match Betting

Both must start for bets to stand. If both fail to complete on the same lap, bets are void. The rider completing the most laps is deemed the match winner.

3.30.4. First Lap Betting

Bets are settled on the first completed lap of the original race. Any official restarts are ignored unless the original first lap is not completed fully. In this instance bets will be settled on the first fully completed lap.

3.30.5. Group Betting

All named riders must start for bets to stand or all bets are void.


3.31.1. Game Betting If a match venue is changed, bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match are reversed, then bets placed based on the original listing will be void. A game must be completed in full for bets to stand, unless settlement of bets is already determined. In 2-Way markets Push/void rules apply unless otherwise stated below. Stakes on single bets are returned, and in multiples/parlays the selection is treated as a non-runner.

3.31.2. Pre-Game Bets

All pre-game bets exclude overtime, if played unless otherwise stated.

3.31.3. In-Play/Live Game Bets

EXCLUDE Overtime Unless Stated Otherwise. In-Play/Live Quarter/Half Bets EXCLUDE Overtime The designated quarter/half must be completed for bets to stand, unless settlement of bets is already determined.

3.31.4. OLYMPICS

Any betting relating to the podium/medal betting will be based on the official podium finishing order. Any subsequent disqualifications will not count for betting purposes. For general rules betting on a sport by sport basis, normal sports betting rules for that sport will apply where applicable.

3.32. POKER

3.32.1. Outright Betting

Non-runner no-bet. Markets may be subject to a Rule 4 (Deductions). All other bets settled according to official tournament result where available.

3.33. POOL

3.33.1. Outright Betting

All participants in a tournament will be priced to win the tournament outright. Non-runner no-bet. Outright markets may be subject to a Rule 4 (Deduction).

3.33.2. Match Betting

In the event of a match starting but not being completed then the player progressing to the next round, or the player awarded the victory (points) in a team competition, will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes.

3.33.3. Handicap / Total Rack Betting

If the statutory number of racks in a match are not completed, then all bets will be void. In the event of a match starting but not being completed, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined.

3.34. Rugby League

3.34.1. Unless otherwise stated all Rugby bets are settled on 80 minutes play. The term 80 minutes play includes any stoppage time. In the event of a change of opponent from the one advertised then all bets for that match are void.

3.34.2. If a match venue is changed then bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match are reversed, then bets placed based on the original listing will be void.

3.34.3. Abandoned Matches

All bets are void apart from markets where the outcome is already determined.

3.34.4. Outright Betting

3.34.1.\ Regular season only unless otherwise stated. The finishing position of teams at the end of the scheduled programme of matches will determine placings with no allowance for playoffs or subsequent enquiries (and potential point deductions) by the respective leagues.

3.34.2. To Finish Bottom - Will be settled on the team who finish in the bottom position of the stipulated league upon the completion of the regular season. To Be Relegated - Where a market is offered, settlement is based upon the rules of the specified league.

3.34.5. Match Betting Handicap Betting/Alternative Handicap Betting (Including In-Play/Live)

In 2-Way markets bets are void in the event of a tie. Total Points 2-Way/Alternative Total Points 2-Way/Team Total Points 2-Way

Where scores are level with the total points taken then bets will be void. Match and Team Totals/Alternative Totals (Including In-Play/Live)

In 2-Way markets, where scores are level with the total points taken then bets will be void. Draw-No-Bet

If the game finishes in a draw then bets will be settled as void/ a push/returned. 1st/2nd Half Draw-No-Bet

If the 1st/2nd half of a specified match finishes in a draw then bets will be settled as void/a push/returned. Next Try 2-Way

Where there is no next try scored then bets will be void. Total Tries/Team Total Tries/Most Tries Markets (including alternatives)

In 2-Way markets where scores are level with the quote taken then bets will be void. For these markets, tries includes penalty try. First Scoring Play/Team First Scoring Play/First Scoring Play 2nd Half/Score First (2nd Half)/Team to Score First/Team to Score 1st Try/Last Scoring Play of 1st Half/Last Scoring Play of Match/Team to Score Last/Team to Score Last Try/Time of 1st Try/Team Time of 1st Try

For all these markets, try includes penalty try. For all scoring play markets conversions do not count. Team Scoring First Wins Game

Includes extra-time if played. Double Result

Predict the outcome of the specified match at half-time and full-time. Winning Margin Including Exact and Alternative

For settlement purposes the margin at full-time is used (Tie option is available). Race to Markets

Predict the team to reach a specified points total first (Neither is an available option). Half Betting

1st half markets are settled at the end of the 1st half. 2nd half markets are settled at the end of regulation time and exclude extra-time if played.

3.34.6. Other Markets In-Play Live To Win in Overtime/To Qualify/To Lift Trophy

Where offered, all markets will be settled including all periods of Overtime if played. In-Play Live Half Betting

For In-Play/Live half betting, the designated half must be completed for bets to stand (unless the outcome of the specific market is already determined). In-Play/Live half bets exclude overtime if played, and in the event of 2-Way half markets finishing in a draw then bets will be settled as void/a push/returned. Total Team Tries

Penalty tries count. Bets stand on regulation time only. Team to Win Both Halves/To Win Both Halves/Team to Win Either Half

Both halves must be completed for bets to stand. Will Either/Any Team Score 3 Unanswered Tries? Either/Any team must score 3 tries in the game without the opposition scoring a try in between. Penalty tries count. Any other markets that are affected by incomplete tournament schedules will be void. The exceptions will be on markets which are already determined. Lance Todd Trophy - Applies to the Rugby League Challenge Cup Final. The Man of the Match is decided at the end of the game and awarded the Lance Todd Trophy. Prices are offered for each player participating in the match.

3.34.7. Rugby League Nines

Unless otherwise stated Rugby League nines match bets are settled on the specific tournament regulation play and exclude extra-time if played.


3.35.1. General Rules

Unless otherwise stated all Rugby, bets are settled on 80 minutes play. The term 80 minutes play includes any stoppage time. Unless otherwise stated Rugby sevens and tens match bets are settled on the specific tournament regulation play and exclude extra-time if played. In the event of a change of opponent from the one advertised then all bets for that match are void.

3.35.2. Abandoned Matches

All bets are void apart from markets where the outcome is already determined.

3.35.3. Match Betting Handicap Betting/Alternative/Additional Handicap Betting (Including In-Play/Live)/Match and Team Totals/Alternative Totals (Including In-Play/Live)

For 2-Way markets void/a push/returned rules apply. For 3 way markets with a tie involved one option will be calculated as a winner. Total Points Odd/Even and Team Total Points Odd Even

Zero counts as Even for settlement purposes. Draw-No-Bet

If the game finishes in a draw then bets will be settled as void/a push/returned. 1st/2nd Half Draw-No-Bet

If the 1st/2nd half of a specified match finishes in a draw then bets will be settled as void/a push/returned. Next Try 2-Way

Where there is no next try scored then bets will be void. Total Tries/Team Total Tries/Most Tries markets (including alternatives)

In 2-Way markets where scores are level with the quote taken then bets will be void. For these markets try includes penalty try. Team Totals Odd/Even 2-Way

Zero counts as Even for settlement purposes. First Scoring Play/Team First Scoring Play/First Scoring Play 2nd Half/Score First (2nd Half)/Team to Score First/Team to Score First Try/Last Scoring Play of First Half/Last Scoring Play of Match/Team to Score Last/Team to Score Last Try

For all these markets try includes penalty try. For all scoring play markets conversions do not count. Score 1st Try/1st Half Result

Predict the Team to score 1st try, combined with the 1st Half Result. A price may be quoted for No Tryscorer. For this market try includes penalty try. Team to Score 1st and Match Result

Predict the team to score 1st combined with the match result, excluding extra-time if played. Highest Scoring Half/Team with Highest Scoring Half

The second half total excludes extra-time if played. The Tie is an option. Double Result

Predict the outcome of the specified match at half-time and full-time. Winning Margin inc. Exact and Alternative

For settlement purposes the margin at full-time is used (Tie option is available). Race to Markets

Predict the team to reach a specified point total first (Neither option is available).

3.35.4. Half Betting

1st half markets are settled at the end of the 1st half. 2nd half markets are settled at the end of regulation time and exclude extra-time if played. The relevant half must be completed for bets to have action, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.35.5. Match Outcome (4-Way)/Win in Extra-Time/To Lift Trophy/To Qualify/Match to Go to Overtime

Settlement will include extra-time/sudden death and kicking competition if played.

3.35.6. In-Play/Live Half Betting

For In-Play/Live half betting, the designated half must be completed for bets to stand (unless the outcome of the specific market is already determined). In-Play/Live half bets exclude overtime if played. Team to Score First/Last Try

Market includes No Try Scored option. Team to Score First/Last

Includes extra-time if played. Team to Win Both Halves/To Win Both Halves/Team to Win Either Half

Both halves must be completed for bets to stand.

3.35.7. First/Last/Anytime Tryscorer Markets

Bets on players taking no part in the match will be void/returned. First Tryscorer

If your player takes the field after a try has been scored your bet will be void/returned. If your player has taken to the field at any time prior to the first try being scored your bet stands. Penalty try does not count for this market. If the first try is a penalty try, the scorer of the second try will be deemed the winner for settlement/calculation purposes. Last Tryscorer

Bets will stand on players that take any part in the match for last tryscorer purposes. If the last try is a penalty try, bets will be settled on the previous tryscorer. Anytime Tryscorer (including two or more, three or more)

Bets will stand on players that take ANY part in the match. Bets on players in a match that is not completed will be void/returned except for those where the outcome is already determined (i.e., have scored a try already).

3.35.8. Outright Betting Regular season only unless otherwise stated. The finishing position of teams at the end of the scheduled programme of matches will determine placings with no allowance for playoffs or subsequent enquiries (and potential point deductions) by the respective leagues. To Finish Bottom - Will be settled on the team who finish in the bottom position of the stipulated league upon the completion of the regular season. To Be Relegated - Where this market is offered settlement is based upon the rules of the specified league.

3.35.9. Season Betting

Top Tryscorer - Settled on regular season only (playoffs do not count). To Finish Bottom - Settled on team finishing bottom of table (regardless of whether they are relegated or not). Any other markets that are affected by incomplete tournament schedules will be void. The exceptions will be on markets which are already determined.

3.35.10. Rugby Specials In the event of two or more teams reaching the same stage of the competition then dead-heat rules will apply. For ‘total/match/team try’ related markets, penalty tries count for settlement purposes. If two teams finish joint top of any given league/group where applicable, then official competition rules will determine the winner for settlement purposes. Any other markets that are affected by incomplete tournament schedules will be void. The exceptions will be on markets which are already determined.

3.36. Snooker

3.36.1. Outright Betting

Non-runner no-bet - With the exception of Ante-Post bets placed on any player who takes part in a given tournament's qualifying but fails to qualify for the main tournament. Such bets will be deemed losers for settlement purposes. All participants in a given tournament will be priced to win the tournament outright. Outright markets may be subject to a Rule 4 (Deductions).

3.36.2. Match Betting

In the event of a match starting but not being completed, the player progressing to the next round or being awarded the victory will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes. First Legally Potted Colour/To Pot First Ball/To Pot Last Ball (Excluding Free Ball)

In the event of a re-rack the original frame will count for settlement purposes providing a colour/ball has been potted. Betting does not include foul shots. First Frame Player Total Points Odd/Even

For settlement purposes zero counts as Even. Leader After First 4 Frames/Score After First 4 Frames

The first 4 frames must be completed for bets to stand. Highest Break in Match

In the case of a re-rack only the highest break in the officially counting frame will determine settlement. Dead-heat rules apply. If the statutory number of frames in a match are not completed, changed, or different from those offered for betting purposes, bets will be void. Match Total Frames Odd/Even

If the statutory number of frames in a match are not completed, changed, or different from those offered for betting purposes, bets will be void. Session Betting (Pre-match and in-Play/Live) All session betting refers to a specified number of frames - as designated on each market e.g. Frames 1-4; 5-9; 10-13; 14-19 etc, and will be settled on results relating to the specified frame band quoted. The first frame of the specified mini session must be played for bets to stand. If the match ends naturally during the session then bets will stand (e.g. a player wins 10-2; bets on frames 10-13 will be settled based on the results of frames 10-12). For the following mini-session markets; in the event of abandonment, retirement or disqualification, bets will be void unless there is no conceivable way the frame(s) and/or match could be played to its natural conclusion without unconditionally determining the result of that market. Highest Break in a Tournament

Dead-heat rules apply. 147 Break in a Match/Total 50+ Breaks in Match

In the event of a match starting but not being completed bets will be voiScore Next Penaltyd, unless the outcome of the specific market is already determined. A Break of 50 or More in Frame 1/A Century Break in Frame 1

In the event of the first frame not being completed bets will be void, unless the outcome of the specific market is already determined. Race to 3,4,5 Frames

The respective frame must be completed for bets to stand. Individual Highest Break (Match/Tournament)

Player must complete at least one frame/match for bets to stand. Number of Frames in the Match

If the statutory number of frames in a match are not completed, then bets will be void unless there is no conceivable way the match could be played to its natural conclusion without unconditionally determining the result of this market.

3.36.3. Revised Match Betting

Where revised match betting is offered (between sessions) one frame of the following session must be completed for bets to stand.

3.36.4. Nationality of Winner

Bets stand irrespective of withdrawals.

3.36.5. Stage of Elimination

Player must play one shot in the tournament for bets to stand.

3.36.6. In-Play/Live First Legally Potted Colour in the Frame/Next Frame First Colour Potted (Excluding Free Ball)

In the event of a re-rack the original frame will count for settlement purposes providing a colour has been potted. Betting does not include foul shots. Player to Pot the First Ball/Next Frame to Pot First Ball

In the event of a re-rack the original frame will count for settlement purposes providing a ball has been potted. Betting does not include foul shots. Next Frame Markets

If the nominated frame is not played bets will be void. Next Frame/Next Frame Handicap (Points)/Current Frame Winner/Next Frame Winning Margin

In the event of a frame starting but not being completed then all bets will be void. Bets stand in the event of a re-rack. Next Frame Total Points/Next Frame Highest Break

In the event of a frame starting but not being completed then all bets will be void, unless the outcome has already been determined. Bets stand in the event of a re-rack.

3.36.7. In-Play/Live Mini Session

Winner - Predict the result of the specified mini session Handicap - Predict the result of the specified mini session after a handicap has been applied Score - Predict the match score after the specified mini session.

3.37. Speedway

3.37.1. Team/Club Speedway

Pre-Game - If match is abandoned before full completion of meeting then all bets stand assuming the running of the match would not have affected the result, or the event is rescheduled/resumes within 24 hours, otherwise bets are void. All markets will be settled based on the result after the completion of the final heat (league fixtures) or podium presentation (Individual/Grand Prix competitions). Subsequent appeals, disqualifications and point deductions do not count.

3.38. Squash

3.38.1. Match Betting

In the event of a match starting but not being completed then all bets will be void unless after the start of the match a player is disqualified in which case the player/team progressing to the next round or being awarded the victory will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes. In the event of the statutory number of games being changed or differing from those offered for betting purposes then the player/team progressing to the next round or being awarded the victory will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes.

3.38.2. Handicap Betting/Match Totals

In the event of retirement or disqualification, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined. In the event of the statutory number of games being changed or differing from those offered for betting purposes then all bets are void.

3.38.3. In-Play/Live Point Betting

Is offered for a player to win the nominated point. In the event of the point not being played, due to the game or match ending, all bets on that point will be void. If the nominated point is awarded as a penalty point, all bets on that point will be void.

3.38.4. Current and Next Game Odd or Even

In the event of a game starting but not being completed then all bets will be void.

3.38.5. Player Total Points/Match Total Points

In the event of retirement or disqualification, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined or there is no conceivable way the set and/or match could be played to its natural conclusion without unconditionally determining the result of that market.

3.38.6. Current and Next Game Winner/Current and Next Game/Winning Margin, Total Points/Current and Next Game Race(s) In the event of a game starting but not being completed then all bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined. The below markets are based on a statutory number of games being played. In the event of the statutory number of games being changed or differing from those offered for betting purposes then all bets are void. Correct Game Score/Player Total Points/Match Total Points/Current and Next Game Winner/Current and Next Game Total Points/Current and Next Game Race(s)/Current and Next Game Winning Margin.

3.39. Table Tennis

3.39.1. Where applicable the podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. In the event of any of the named players in a match changing before the match starts then all bets are void. In the event of a match starting but not being completed, all bets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined, or unless there is no conceivable way the game and/or match could be played to its natural conclusion without unconditionally determining the result of a specific market.

3.39.2. In-Play/Live Game Markets (Current and Next)

The specified game must be completed for bets to stand, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.39.3. In-Play/Live Race to Markets

Bets are settled based on the first player to reach the nominated number of points in the relevant game. In the event of neither player reaching the number of points required (because of abandonment) then bets on that market will be void. If the relevant game is not played, then all race markets for that game will be void.

3.39.4. In-Play/Live Point Betting

Bets are offered for a player to win the nominated point. In the event of the point not being played, due to the game or match ending, all bets on that point will be void.

3.39.5. Total Point Betting markets

Are based on the statutory number of games being played. In the event of the statutory number of games being changed or differing from those offered for betting purposes then all bets are void.

3.39.6. In-Play/Live Handicap Betting

Markets are based on the statutory number of games being played. In the event of the statutory number of games being changed or differing from those offered for betting purposes then all bets are void.

3.40. Tennis

3.40.1. In the event of any of the following circumstances all bets will stand:

A change of schedule and/or day of match

A change of venue

A change from indoor court to outdoor court or vice versa

A change of surface (either before or during a match)

3.40.2. Match Betting Including In-Play/Live In the event of a match starting but not being completed then all bets will be void unless after the start of the match a player is disqualified in which case the player/team progressing to the next round or being awarded the victory will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes. A delayed, unplayed or postponed match will only be treated as a non-runner and cancelled/returned for settling purposes when the match or event/competition is cancelled.

3.40.3. Outright Betting/Without Favourite Betting/Quarter Betting/Half Betting

Non-runner no-bet. Markets may be subject to a Rule 4 (Deductions).

3.40.4. Winning Quarter/Winning Half

Name the tournament quarter the winner will come from (1st/2nd/3rd/4th). Name the tournament half, the winner will come from (Top/Bottom). The specified tournament must be completed in full for bets to stand.

3.40.5. Name The Finalists/Final Forecast/Reach The Final

Non-runner no-bet. The specified tournament must be completed in full for bets to stand.

3.40.6. Tournament Match Betting

Both players in a specified match-up must play 1 point in the tournament for bets to stand. If players progress to the same round of the tournament bets will be void. Set Betting

Bets are void if the statutory number of sets are not completed or are changed. First Set Winner

In the event of the first set not being completed bets will be void. Tie-Break in First Set

In the event of the first set not being completed bets will be void, unless tie-break has begun, in which case bets will be calculated as “Yes”. Tie-Break in Match

In the event of the match starting but not being completed all bets are void unless a tie-break has already occurred, or it is impossible for a tie-break to occur. Double Result

Prices may be offered on a named player to Win or Lose the 1st set and then go on to Win or Lose the match. In the event of match starting but not being completed all bets are void. Total Sets

Both 2-Way and 3-Way markets may be offered. 3-Way has ‘Exactly’ as an option. Bets are void if the statutory number of sets are not completed or are changed. Most Aces

In the event of a disqualification or retirement all bets will be void, unless settlement of the bet has already been determined. Bets settled from official tournament statistics. 1st Service Game

2-Way market offered for a named player to hold or break on the 1st Service Game of the match. The 1st Service Game must be completed in full for bets to stand. 1st Break Of Serve

Name the first player to break serve in the match. If there is no break of serve in the match, bets will be settled as a push/void. Number of Sets Including In-Play/Live

In the event of a disqualification or retirement all bets will be void unless the final set has begun or settlement of the bet has already been determined. Markets Based on Total Games/Handicap Games Including In-Play/Live

These general rules apply to Games in Individual Sets, Games in Match, Player Games, and Handicap Betting (based on games won). In the event of forfeited points/games, these will count for final settlement. For the purposes of all such markets a tie-break or Match tie-break is counted as one game. The Handicap, Total Games In Match and Player Games markets are based on a statutory number of sets (see related Set Betting). In the event of the statutory number of sets being changed or differing from those offered for betting purposes then all bets are void. At the end of the match all of the games each individual player wins are totalled, and the handicap applied to determine the handicap winner. Nationality of Winner

Nationality as displayed by the sport's governing body. Bets stand irrespective of withdrawals. Fastest Serve Tournament

Player must serve 1 ball for bets to stand. Bets will be settled on official tournament results. Number of Aces/Double Faults

In the event of a disqualification or retirement all bets will be void, unless settlement of the bet has already been determined. Bets settled from official tournament statistics. How Many Sets Will Player Drop During Tournament

In the event of the player retiring from the match/not starting a match (forfeit) it will count as a loss of 2 sets for best-of-3 matches and 3 sets for best-of-5 matches. Stage of Elimination

Player must play 1 point in the tournament for bets to stand. Match Tie Breaks

In some competitions, matches that reach one set all are decided by a Match tie-break. If a match is decided by a Match tie-break then the Match tie-break will be considered to be the 3rd set. Set Betting will be settled as 2-1 to the winner of the Match tie-break. Any bets taken in error for the Correct Score or Number of Games in the 3rd set will be void. International Premier Tennis League

Match Tie Betting - Settlement will be based on the official result. Single-Set Match betting - Specifically for the final single-set match of a Match Tie, settlement of markets will be based on the first player(s) to reach 6 games (and the score at that point), and will ignore any subsequent ‘catch up’ games played in the set. If during a set a player is substituted, all bets will stand. In-Play/Live Game Markets (Current and Next) The player who serving in the relevant game is denoted by (Server/Svr/•). If the wrong player is indicated as (Server/Svr/•), then any bets taken on Current or Next Game, Current or Next Game Score, Current or Next Game to Deuce, Point Betting or Next Game First Point will be void, regardless of the result. In the event of the next scheduled game being a tie-break or Match tie-break all bets on that game will be void, with the exception of Next Game First Point. Game to Deuce will be settled as Yes if either player/team wins the game to 40 or the score reaches 40-40 at any stage. If any game includes the awarding of a penalty point(s) by the umpire, all bets on that game will stand. If the umpire awards a penalty game, or in the event of a game not being completed through player injury, all bets on that game will be void, with the exception of Game to Deuce if settlement has already been determined. In the event of forfeited points/games, these will count for final settlement. In-Play/Live Set Betting

Match must be completed for bets to stand. In the event of a disqualification or retirement all bets will be void. In-Play/Live Set Winner (Current and Next)

In the event of a set starting but not being completed then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined. In-Play/Live 3rd/4th/5th Set Yes/No

In the event of a set starting but not being completed then all bets stand as long as one point of the specified set is played. In-Play/Live Set Score (Current and Next) If no next set played, then bets on that set will be void. The nominated set must be completed for bets to stand. In the event of forfeited points/games, these will count for final settlement. In some competitions, matches that reach one set are decided by a Match tie-break. If a match is decided by a Match tie-break then the Match tie-break will be considered to be the 3rd set. Set Betting will be settled as 2-1 to the winner of the Match tie-break, and 3rd set winner will also be settled accordingly. Any bets taken on Next Game Winner or Next Game Score will be void if the next game turns out to be a Match tie-break, though any bets on Next Game First Point will stand. Any bets taken in error for the Correct Score or Number of Games in the 3rd set will be void. In-Play/Live Total Games in Next Set

If no next set played, then bets on that set will be void. See also the general rules on Total Games markets. In the event of forfeited points/games, these will count for final settlement. In-Play/Live Point Betting

Bets are offered for a player to win the nominated point. In the event of the point not being played, due to the game or match ending, all bets on that point will be void. In the event of forfeited points, these will count for final settlement. If the nominated point is awarded as a penalty point, all bets on that point will be void. Bets stand regardless of whether or not a point takes place in a tie-break. In-Play/Live Tie-Break Markets (Including Match Tie-Breaks) If a tie-break is not played in the nominated set, all bets on these markets are void. All bets stand irrespective of whether or not the tie-break includes the awarding of a penalty point. If the umpire awards the tie-break as a penalty game prior to the game starting, all bets on the tie-break will be void. If the tie-break is awarded as a penalty game whilst in progress, bets on tie-break winner will stand, but bets on tie-break score will be void. Bets on tie-break total points will only be settled if the tie-break has already exceeded the relevant line or would have to exceed the line in order to reach a natural conclusion. In the event of the tie-break not being completed through disqualification or retirement, all bets on the tie-break will be void, with the exception of tie-break total points as detailed above. If the official outcome of a tie-break is unspecified (e.g. either awarded as a penalty game or via disqualification) then all bets on the tie-break will be void, with the exception of tie-break total points as detailed above. In-Play/Live - Player to be Broken During Match

In the event of disqualification or retirement, bets will be void if the player has not yet been broken (unless there is no conceivable opportunity for them to serve again - in which case bets will be settled on the player having not been broken). In-Play/Live - Incorrect Server

If the wrong player is indicated as (Server/Svr/•), then any bets taken on Current or Next Game, Current or Next Game Score, Point Betting or Next Game First Point will be void, regardless of the result.

3.41. Volleyball

3.41.1. Pre-Match The following markets will be void if the match is not completed, unless the specific market outcome is already determined

To Win Match

Match Total Odd/Even

Correct Set Score

Double Result (Outcome of 1st Set and Match)

Match Handicap - Sets

Match Handicap - Points

Total Points

Team Total Points

For individual set markets, in the event of the set not being completed bets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined:

First Set Winner

First Set Total Odd/Even

First Set Handicap

First Set Total Points

First Set Winning Margin

First Set Correct Score

Score After 2/3 Sets In the event of referee enforced point deductions, official results will be used for settlement purposes, on all markets. If a match venue is changed then bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match play the fixture at the away team venue then bets will stand providing the home team is still officially designated as such, otherwise bets will be void. To qualify will be settled on the team progressing to the next round of the specified competition and includes the outcome of a Golden Set if played. For competitions where two legged ties do have a Golden Set to decide which team progresses, the Golden Set does not count towards settlement of regular match/set markets.

3.41.2. In-Play/Live The following markets will be void if the match is not completed, unless the specific market outcome is already determined: To Win Match/Set Betting/Total Match Points/Team Total Match Points/Handicap Set Betting. For individual set markets, in the event of the set not being completed bets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined. For In-Play/Live Point Betting, bets are offered for a team to win the nominated point. In the event of the point not being played, due to the game or set ending, all bets on that point will be void. Current/Next Set Leader After: If the quoted number of points is not reached in the specified set, then the team who wins the set will be settled as the winner. In the event of referee enforced point deductions, official results will be used for settlement purposes, with the exception of Race to Markets and Point Betting that have already been determined. Golden Set (where applicable and where offered) is calculated based only on what happens in that specific (golden) set.

3.42. Water Polo

3.42.1. Outright Betting is all-in compete or not. Where applicable the podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.42.2. All match markets will be settled on regulation time, unless stated otherwise.

3.42.3. Regulation time must be completed for bets to stand unless otherwise stated. In the event of a match starting but not being completed then bets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.42.4. Odd/Even Markets

Any score of zero is deemed to be even for settlement purposes.

3.42.5. In-Play/Live Markets Bets are settled on regulation time, unless stated otherwise. Regulation time must be completed for these bets to stand, unless the specific market outcome is already determined: Handicaps/Full-Time Result/Total Goals/Alternative Handicaps/Next Goal/Team Total Goals/Double Chance/Winning Margin/Double Result/Race to Markets/Total Goals Odd-Even/Team Total Goals Odd-Even/Draw-No-Bet. The following In-Play/Live markets will be settled at the end of overtime/shootout: Match Winner 2-Way/To go to Overtime/Overtime Total/To go to Penalties/To Win Shootout/Team Score Next Penalty. The following props may be offered for each half or quarter and will be settled at the end of the designated half/quarter. In the event of a specific half/quarter not being completed bets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.43. Winter Sports

3.43.1. Sports:

Alpine Skiing



Cross-Country Skiing

Freestyle Skiing


Nordic Combined



Ski Jumping

Snowboarding Event Markets (including Outright/Podium/Winning Continent/Winning Nationality) All bets are settled on the official results/rankings of the International Ski Federation (FIS), the International Skating Union (ISU), the International Biathlon Union (IBU), the Official Olympic Committee or any official body deemed to have such authority for competitions. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. If the conditions of a specific event are changed from those originally listed by the official governing body then bets will be void, unless settlement of the bet(s) is already determined, e.g. altered official distance (note: for Cross-Country and Biathlon bets will be void if the official (listed) distance is changed, but will stand if the actual course distance is changed)/fewer rounds or order of events, with the exception of Ski Jumping events, where results will stand for markets providing one round is completed in full (including if the event/round is subject to a re-start, but excluding Winning Margin - see below rule). Specifically, for In-Play/Live Ski Jumping, if an event is abandoned during the 2nd round, meaning that 1st round results become the official event result; then any bets placed after the completion of the 1st round will be void. Specifically, for Cross-Country Skiing, Tour de Ski and Ski Tour Canada Outright markets; settlement will be based on the official final ranking published by the governing body, irrespective of whether or not all scheduled events are held. If a specific event (determined as: after a final competitor list is known) is suspended or postponed bets remain valid until the event is completed. Participants must pass starting line/gate for bets to stand otherwise bets will be void and stakes returned. In the case of a competitor withdrawing/being disqualified prior to the specific event a Rule 4 (Deductions) may be applied to bets. Bets on any participant who takes parIn-Play/Livet in qualifying for a specified event but then fails to qualify for the main Round(s) will be classed as losers. For settlement purposes the result is at the time of the podium presentation. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. Specifically, for Nordic Combined betting, if the results of the provisional competition round are used for the start of the cross-country race, all event bets are void. Round/Jump 1 Markets In-Play/Live - If an event is abandoned prior to the completion of Round 1 then bets will be void, unless settlement of the bet(s) is already determined. If an event re-starts during the 1st Round/Jump, all bets placed on markets offered In-Play/Live prior to the re-start will be void, unless settlement of the bet(s) is already determined. Group Betting

If one or more participants fail to take part in a specified event, then bets will be void. Dead-heat rules apply. Qualification Markets

Where markets are offered (including match betting) specifically relating to qualifying stages/rounds the results of the official governing bodies are used. Qualification rankings are dependent on times/distances and/or points (FIS) where appropriate. (In the event of two participants getting the same time the winner will be deemed the participant with the least FIS points). Where FIS points are not applicable participants with the same time/distance will be settled as a Push. Match Betting Both participants must leave the start line/gate for bets to stand. If an event comprises of just one round, then official results from that round will be used for settlement purposes. If a player is disqualified or withdraws after starting that round the other player will be deemed the winner. Round 1 match betting (Run 1 or Jump 1); both participants must leave the start line/gate for bets to stand. If an event is abandoned prior to completion of the 1st round, then bets will be void. In-Play/Live Ski Jumping Overall match betting; if an event is abandoned during the 2nd round, meaning that 1st round results become the official event result; then any bets placed after the completion of the 1st round will be void. For multiple round events, if both participants fail to qualify for the next round then settlement will be based on official 1st round/run standings. If both participants fail to register a result in the official 1st round/run standings, either by failing to finish or being disqualified during the 1st round/run, then bets will be void. If both participants qualify for the next round but neither completes the event, then bets will be void. For Cross-Country sprint event match-ups the final official placing for the event will be used to determine settlement. If a player is disqualified or withdraws after starting either prior to the completion of the first round, or after both players have qualified for a further round, the other player is deemed the winner, assuming that player completes the respective round. If a player is disqualified during a subsequent round, when the other player in the match bet has already not qualified for that round, the disqualified player is deemed the winner. If the conditions of a specific event are changed from those originally listed by the official governing body then bets will be void, e.g. shorter course distances/fewer rounds or jumps/order of events; with the exception of ski-jumping events, where results will stand for match betting providing one round is completed in full (including if the event/round is subject to a re-start). Biathlon Time Match-Ups

Settlement will be based on course time only (not overall time including shooting penalties). Cross Country Leg Match-Ups

Settlement will be based on fastest specified leg time.

3.44. Other Sports

3.44.1. Air Hockey

Matches are played on a best of 5 or best of 7 basis. Each set is first to 7 points to determine the set winner (there is no two clear two points rule). In the event of a match starting but not being completed, markets will be void unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.44.2. ARCHERY Outright Betting is all-in compete or not. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. Match Betting - In the event of a match starting but not being completed markets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined. An arrow just touching a scoring boundary line, known as a Line Breaker or Line Cutter, is awarded the higher score. An arrow that rebounds or hangs from the target will still score based on the mark it makes on the target face. Arrows missing the target altogether score 0 (they count as missed).\ All other decisions are at the judge’s discretion. Individual Shooting (Archery Shooting) During this round, all archers shoot with 36 arrows (6 sets of 6 shots each). If archers get the same points, the tie-breaker will have the archer who scored more 10s (if equal then 9s, 8s etc). Head-to-Head (H2H) Shooting (Recurve) In these rounds, participants shoot 3 arrows in each set (possible 5 sets). Athletes receive two points for winning each set after three arrows have been shot. If both athletes earn the same score after shooting three arrows in a set, both get one point. first athlete to score six points wins the game. If the match ends in a draw, 5-5, the match is decided by one arrow; a Shoot Off/Overtime. Each athlete fires one arrow; highest score wins. If both shoot the same number, or miss, then a new arrow is required. Total and handicap markets do not include Shoot-Off/Overtime. Head-to-Head (H2H) Shooting (Compound) In these rounds, participants shoot 3 arrows in each set possible 5 sets). Athletes receive two points for winning each set after three arrows have been shot. There is cumulative score system in this variation. The athlete to have higher score after 15 shots wins the game. If the match ends in a draw (e.g. 145-145), the match is decided by one arrow; a Shoot Off/Overtime. Each athlete fires one arrow, highest score wins. If both shoot the same number, or miss, a new arrow is required. Total and handicap markets do not include Shoot-Off/Overtime.

3.44.3. Athletics

For all athletics’ events we use the result at the time of the podium presentation or medal ceremony. Any subsequent disqualifications, for whatever reason, do not count. We reserve the right to apply a Rule 4 deduction in the event of a withdrawal prior to the start of an event.

3.44.5. Basketball Shots

Is played between numerous players making 2 or 3 point throws in a number of rounds with elimination until a final winner. If points are level all players with the same score progress to next round. Each player in turn takes 10 two-point throws from the free throw line with two points if successful and zero if not. This is followed by players, in turn, taking 10 throws from the same three-point positions with three points if successful and zero if not.

3.44.6. Canoe/Kayak

All-in compete or not. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.44.7. Chess

All bets are based on the official game result. If a game is postponed or a player replaced, all bets are void. The game must be completed for bets to stand, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.44.8. Combat Sports

Outright Betting is all-in compete or not. Where applicable the podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. Prices are offered for each fighter to win the fight and in the event of a draw all bets will be void, and stakes returned. If either fighter is replaced with another fighter all bets will be void and stakes returned.

3.44.9. Curling

Outright Betting - All-in, compete or not. Match Betting - All matches will be settled on the final score. For betting purposes extra ends will count. End Betting - For end betting purposes, if a Blank End price is not offered for a specific end, all bets will be void if the end is blank (0-0).

3.44.10. Diving

Participants must make one dive for bets to have action otherwise bets will be void, and stakes returned. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.44.11. Equestrian

All-in compete or not. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. Bets stand regardless of riders changing named horses during an event.

3.44.12. Fencing

Outright Betting is all-in compete or not. Where applicable the podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. To Win Match - Prices are offered for each participant to win the duel and in the event of a draw all bets will be void, and stakes returned. If either participant is replaced with another fighter all bets will be void and stakes returned.

3.44.13. Gymnastics

Competitors must attempt one discipline/round for bets to stand. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.44.14. Judo

All bets will be settled according to the official result ay the time. Subsequent disqualifications/amendments will not count for betting purposes.

3.44.15. Kabaddi

The game must be completed for bets to stand, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.44.16. Lacrosse

Tournament Outright Betting - All bets will have action. Match Betting - Games must go full 60 minutes for bets to have action. Overtime is included for settlement purposes. All bets will be void if the match is not played on the scheduled date. Proposition Involving Players - Both players must take some part in the game for bets to have action. Player Markets - Both Player Points and Player Match-Ups are determined by the goals and assists for each player, as stated by the box score from the official Website of each league or tournament. In-Play/Live - Overtime is included for settlement purposes. The game must be completed for bets to stand, unless the specific market outcome is already determined.

3.44.17. Modern Pentathlon

Participants must pass the starting line for bets to have action otherwise bets will be void, and stakes returned. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.44.18. Pelota

For markets that are already determined, in the event of early abandonment, cancellation, suspension, etc. any bets accepted on these markets will stand.

3.44.19. Pesapallo

All games must start on the scheduled date for bets to have action. For settlement purposes extra innings do not count. If a game has been postponed or cancelled before its due start time, then all bets are deemed no action.

3.44.20. Pistol Shooting

In the event of a match starting but not being completed markets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined. Countback may apply in the case of a tie, from the final set in number of 10’s, then number of 10’s in previous sets and 9’s etc if required.

3.44.21. Rowing

All-in compete or not. Where applicable the podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. In the event of a race starting but not being completed (e.g. there is no deemed winner) then all bets will be void.

3.44.22. Sailing /Yachting

All-in compete or not. Where applicable the podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. To Win Match - In the event of a race starting but not being completed then the player/team progressing to the next round or being awarded the victory will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes.

3.44.23. Shooting/Pistol Shooting All-in compete or not. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. In the event of a match starting but not being completed markets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined. Countback may apply in the case of a tie; from the final set number of 10’s, then number of 10’s in previous sets and 9’s etc if required. Pistol Shooting Individual

Ten shots for each Set

The target consists of points 1-10 (minimum 1 maximum 10)

The target has 2 colors (1-6 White) and (7-10 Black)

For Each set, player can earn a maximum of 100 points, for a game maximum of 300 points.

Miss scores 0. Pistol Shooting H2H

The game consists of 1 set

Ten shots are fired by each player

The target consists of points 1-10.9 (minimum 1, maximum 10.9)

The target has 2 colors (1-6.9 White) and (7-10.9 Black)

Player can earn a maximum of 109 points.

Miss scores 0. At the end of the game, if the points are equal, players will shoot one more time. (Shoot-Off) Winner is the player who earns more points. If the points are equal, players will shoot again. Total and handicap markets do not include Shoot Off/Overtime.

3.44.24. Sumo

Bout/Fight winner will be determined at the end of the bout/fight by the chief judge/referee. Any subsequent disqualifications or changes will not count for betting purposes. If any bout/fight does not take place within 24 hrs of the scheduled start time, bets will be void.

3.44.25. Surfing

Outright Betting - May be subject to a Rule 4 (Deduction). Participants must start Round 1 of a specified competition for bets to stand. Otherwise, bets will be void, and stakes returned. The classification at the time of the podium presentation (as per official ASP result) will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. If a specified event is not fully completed, then bets will be void, and stakes returned. Match-Ups - Will be settled upon the surfer progressing furthest in a specified competition. If both quoted participants are knocked out in the same round of a specified tournament, then the winner, for betting purposes, is deemed the surfer with the highest score. In the event of scores being tied bets will be void. Both quoted surfers in a match-up must compete in Round 1 for bets to stand. Heat Betting - All surfers must enter the Water for the specified Heat for bets to stand, otherwise bets will be void, and stakes returned.

3.44.26. Swimming (and Artistic Swimming)

All-in compete or not. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.44.27. Taekwondo

All bets will be settled according to the official result at the time. Subsequent disqualifications/amendments will not count for betting purposes.

3.44.28. Triathlon

Participants must pass the starting line for bets to stand otherwise bets will be void and stakes returned. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.44.29. Ultimate Frisbee

For markets that are already determined, in the event of early abandonment, cancellation, suspension, etc. any bets accepted on these markets will stand.

3.44.30. Weightlifting

All-in compete or not. The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

3.44.31. Wrestling (Greco-Roman, FreeStyle and Olympic)

The podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets. To Win Match - In the event of a draw all bets will be void, and stakes returned. If either fighter is replaced with another fighter all bets will be void and stakes returned.

3.44.32. WWE Wrestling

Matches are settled on the final ruling given during the broadcast. Any subsequent changing after the broadcast do not count for betting purposes. Any bets on non-tag team events with five or more entrants (for example The Royal Rumble) are All in Run or Not, Stakes on any non-participants are lost and any unquoted competitor will count for betting purposes.

3.45. E-Sports

3.45.1. General Esports Rules Settlement will be based on the official result as declared by the relevant governing body of the specified competition, broadcast or game API. An un-played or postponed match will be treated as a non-runner for settlement purposes unless it is played within 24 hours of the originally scheduled start time. Bets will be void if the fixture is listed incorrectly. In the event of a team name change occurring as a result of a team leaving an organisation, joining another organisation or officially changing their name, all bets will stand. If a match is played before the scheduled start date/time, then all bets placed after the actual starting time will be void. All bets placed before the actual starting time will stand. To Win Match / To Win Map (including Current and Next) / Double Chance If a match or map is replayed due to a draw, the replayed match or map will be treated as a separate entity. In the event of a match or map starting but not being completed, then all bets will be void unless after the start of the match a player is disqualified, in which case the player/team progressing to the next round or being awarded the victory by the governing body of the specified competition, broadcast or game API will be deemed the winner for settlement purposes. If a match or map is replayed due to a disconnection/interruption in service, all bets on the specified market will be void unless the outcome is already determined. The replayed match or map will be treated as a separate entity. If a player/team is given a walkover on at least one map before the match starts, all bets will be void. If a map is replayed due to a non-player related technical problem, pre-game bets will stand on the replayed map in accordance with the official result. All in-play/live bets on the affected map will be void unless the outcome is already determined. Handicap Betting / Total Map Betting / Correct Score Betting / ‘Race to’ Maps

Bets are void if the statutory number of maps are changed or differ from those offered for betting purposes. In the event of a fixture starting but not being completed, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined. To Win At Least One Map

In the event of a fixture starting but not being completed, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined.

3.45.2. StarCraft II Map Betting

In the event of a draw, To Win Map market will be voided. Winning Race / Winning Player Nation

In the event of a fixture starting but not being completed, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined.

3.45.3. CS:GO Where Overtime can be played, this will be included in the settlement of markets; unless the Draw participant is quoted for a specific market, in which case settlement will be based on regulation time only. Round Betting

Bets are void if the statutory number of rounds are changed or differ from those offered for betting purposes. In the event of a fixture, map or round starting but not being completed, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined. Round Victory

Victory is achieved by killing all opponents on the map, detonating / disarming a bomb (spike), or by ending the time on the round timer. Map Betting Victory is achieved by winning at least 16 rounds (or in accordance with the tournament regulations). In a situation with a draw on the map, when the rounds are 15-15, the organizers can appoint 6 additional rounds, so-called "overtime" (OT). The victory in overtime is awarded to the team that achieves an advantage with a gap of two clear rounds after the full 6 rounds (can end 19:15, 19:16, 19:17). In case of a draw (18-18), 6 additional rounds are assigned. If an event starts with an advantage in the score of one of the teams, according to the regulations or the decision of the judges, all bets are voided/returned except for cases when this information was indicated in the line and prices. In case of a change in the format of the match (the number of cards, rounds or other regulated norms), bets are voided/returned except for bets on outcomes that have already been determined. Bets on handicaps and totals are given both for rounds, cards and kills in a specific period of time. Bets on outcomes that are actually determined at the time of the interruption of the game / refusal of teams or technical defeat are calculated based on the results. Bets which are not determined at the time of the interruption, are voided/returned. Bets are accepted on both standard wins / draws and handicaps (kills, cards, rounds), as well as specific outcomes; for example, "Winner in the N round on the Nth map" or "Winner of the Tournament". Map Correct Score

This is the correct score applying to either team Bomb markets

Will be settled based on bomb events in official round time. Bomb Plants or Detonations after the round has ended do not count for settlement purposes. Pistol Rounds

Specifically for any Pistol Round market, a Pistol Round is defined as the first round of either half, for settlement purposes. Kill markets:

Will be settled based on the official scoreboard, broadcast or game API.

3.45.4. League of Legends (LOL) Map Betting

In the event of a draw, To Win Map market will be voided. First Blood markets

Only kills by the opposition team / player will count. Kill markets

Will be settled based on the official scoreboard, broadcast or game API. Monster markets

Will be settled based on the official scoreboard, broadcast or game API. Next Dragon to Spawn will be settled as it is determined in game regardless of whether it spawns or not. Building markets For settlement purposes all buildings destroyed count as being destroyed by the opposing team, regardless of whether the last hit was from a Champion or Minion or whether or not they are respawned buildings. In the event of a surrender, the final number of Towers and Inhibitors destroyed will be settled on the minimum number of Towers and Inhibitors necessary to win the game at the point of surrender. These additional buildings will be treated as though destroyed by the winning team and are restricted to five Towers and one Inhibitor. In the event of a surrender, bets on Next Building Destroyed markets will be void. All time-based bets are settled on the in-game clock, and do not include the period before minions spawn. In the event of a fixture starting but not being completed, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined. If ‘Chronobreak’ is used to return a map to an earlier state, all markets will be settled based on events after the point at which the map clock was reverted back to. If ‘Chronobreak’ is used to disregard in-game events e.g. Towers destroyed, Dragons slain; they will not count for settlement purposes. All time based bets are settled on the in-game clock. In the event of a fixture starting but not being completed, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined. Events occurring prior to creeps spawning are included for settlement purposes. For objective based markets, in the event of the named objective not being taken at all during the map, bets on 'Time of First' will be settled as ‘Not Before’.

3.45.5. DOTA2 Map Betting

In the event of a draw, To Win Map market will be voided. First Blood markets

Only kills by the opposition team / player will count. Kill markets

Will be settled based on the official scoreboard, broadcast or game API. Creep markets

Will be settled based on the official scoreboard, broadcast or game API. Settlement is determined by the team to slay Roshan, and not who picks up the Aegis of the Immortal. Building markets

For settlement purposes all buildings destroyed count as being destroyed by the opposing team, regardless of whether the last hit was from a Hero or a Creep. The number of barracks will be determined by individual ranged and melee barracks destroyed. In the event of a surrender, the final number of Towers and Barracks destroyed will be settled on the minimum number of Towers and Barracks necessary to win the game at the point of surrender. These additional buildings will be treated as though destroyed by the winning team and are restricted to five Towers and one Barrack. In the event of a surrender, bets on Next Building Destroyed markets will be void. All time-based bets are settled on the in-game clock. In the event of a fixture starting but not being completed, bets will be void unless the outcome is already determined. Events occurring prior to creeps spawning are included for settlement purposes. For objective based markets, in the event of the named objective not being taken at all during the map, bets on ‘Time of First’ will be settled as ‘Not Before’. If a player leaves the game during the first 10 minutes due to a connection failure or refuses to participate and cannot continue participating and has not been replaced by another player until the end of the game on the map, all bets on that map are cancelled. If a player leaves the game due to a connection failure or refuses to participate after the 10th minute of the game on the map, bets are considered valid and are calculated based on the official results of the game.

3.45.6. HearthStone Match Up Winner

Winner will be a team who wins more Maps in “Best of N” series. Match Up Handicap

Map/Maps advantage for one of the teams. Map Winner

Map is won by eliminating the entire army of the opposing team.

3.45.7. Call of Duty Match Up Winner

Team to win more maps out of Best of # series is the match up winner. Match Up Handicap

Map/Maps advantage for one of the teams. Map Winner

Map is won by eliminating the entire army of the opposing team. Hardpoint

Settlement of the handicap market is based on the final points score at the end of the specified map. Settlement of, Leader after Hardpoint ‘x’ is based on the team with the higher points score after the specified Hardpoint number. Search and Destroy

Settlement of the handicap is based on the final round score of the specified map. Capture the Flag

Settlement of the handicap market is based on the total flags captured at the end of the specified map. Gridiron/Uplink/Blitz

Settlement of the handicap market is based on the score at the end of the specified map. Domination

Settlement of 1st Half markets is based on the 1st half/round of the map. Settlement of the handicap market is based on the final points score at the end of the specified map. Correct Map Score

The Final outcome (Map) of a match. Total Maps (O/U)

The number of Maps that a match produces is higher or lower than the actual number. To Win at Least 1 Map

Chosen team to win at least 1 Map in the match.

3.45.8. Rocket League Rocket League is a video game featuring all the characteristics of a football match, where players control a rocket-powered car to compete with the opposing individual or team. Each match lasts for 5 minutes, with a sudden death overtime if the match is tied at that point. The format of most tournaments is either best-of-five (BO5) or best-of-seven (BO7). Match up winner 2-way

Settled after the end of the game (OT included). Match up handicaps

Goal/goals advantage to one of the teams. Total Goals (O/U)

The number of goals scored by both teams combined.

3.45.9. King of Glory

General rules apply.

3.45.10. Overwatch 2 Map Winner Overwatch features several different maps, each supports a particular game mode. A map will end when one team has completed the map specific objective. - Assault - Attackers need to take control of two subsequent points on the map, while defenders must stop them. Teams swap sides after time runs out or both points have been taken by the attackers. Each objective taken gives 1 point. If teams have the same amount of points, overtime will be played. If the results is a draw, a best of series tiebreaker will be played on a control map. Winner of the tiebreaker is considered the Map Winner. - Escort - The attacking team aims to escort a payload across the map to the objective, while the defending team aims to stop them. A map is finished when both teams have attacked and defended and there is no time left in the time bank. The team who pushes the objective further is considered the Map Winner. If both teams finish the map by pushing the objective over the finish line an overtime will be played. If the results is a draw, a best of series tiebreaker will be played on a control map. Winner of the tiebreaker is considered the Map Winner. - Hybrid - Is the combination of Assault and Escort, where the attacking team has to first take control of control point and then escort the payload to the finish line. Same rules apply as before. If both teams finish the map with time left over an overtime will be played. If the results is a draw, a best of series tiebreaker will be played on a control map. Winner of the tiebreaker is considered the Map Winner. - Control - A best of rounds series (usually best of five), where teams fight over the control of a capture point, a round is won once one team reaches 100%. Each map has multiple sections, one round is played on a section. Sections cycle after each round. After winning three out of five rounds a team is considered to be the Map Winner. - Push - two teams fight for control of a robot, which can move a barricade for each team. When controlled by one team, the robot will move in the direction of the enemy spawn along a set track. If the robot reaches the location of the controlling team's barricade, it will slowly push it along the track. The objective is to push the robot and barricade as far as possible, and pushing it all the way to the end grants an instant victory. If time runs out, the team with the best maximum distance pushed wins. (In other words, the team that got their barricade closest to the enemy spawn.) Team to Win the Next Round

Is offered only for Control Maps, where the team who wins a Round (Section of a Control Map), is considered to be the winner. Match Up Winner

Team to win more maps out of Best of # series is the match up winner. Match Up Handicap

Map/Maps advantage for one of the teams. To Win at Least 1 Map

Chosen team to win at least 1 Map in the match. Outright

The winner of an entire league or tournament.

3.45.11. Rainbow 6 Victory is achieved by winning at least 7 rounds (or in accordance with the tournament regulations). In a situation with a draw on the map, when the rounds are 6-6, the organizers can appoint additional rounds, so-called "overtime" (OT). The victory in overtime is awarded to the team that achieves an advantage with a gap of two clear rounds (8-6 9-7 10-8 11-9 etc.). Match Up Winner

Winner will be a team who wins more Maps in Best of # series.

3.45.12. Valorant Round Victory

Victory is achieved by killing all opponents on the map, detonating / disarming a bomb (spike), or by ending the time on the round timer. Map Betting Victory is achieved by winning at least 13 rounds (or in accordance with the tournament regulations). In a situation with a draw on the map, when the rounds are 12-12, the organizers can appoint 4 additional rounds, so-called "overtime" (OT). The victory in overtime is awarded to the team that achieves an advantage with a gap of two clear rounds (14:12, 15:13, 16:14 etc). In case of a draw (14-14), 4 additional rounds are assigned. If an event starts with an advantage in the score of one of the teams, according to the regulations or the decision of the judges, all bets are voided/returned except for cases when this information was indicated in the line and prices. In case of a change in the format of the match (the number of cards, rounds or other regulated norms), bets are voided/returned except for bets on outcomes that have already been determined. Bets on handicaps and totals are given both for rounds, cards and kills in a specific period of time. Bets on outcomes that are actually determined at the time of the interruption of the game / refusal of teams or technical defeat are calculated based on the results. Bets which are not determined at the time of the interruption, are voided/returned. Bets are accepted on both standard wins / draws and handicaps (kills, cards, rounds), as well as specific outcomes; for example, "Winner in the N round on the Nth map" or "Winner of the Tournament".